Paula Deen represents everything that is wrong with America



  • Whodatgirl77
    Whodatgirl77 Posts: 238 Member
    Exactly! If I were going to create a list of individuals who represented all that was wrong with America, Paula Deen would be nowhere near the top. She got what she hoped for...a lot of hype. No such thing as bad press in this case for her I suppose.
  • Let's all blame Paula Deen for obesity in America. Of course they are unhealthy meals, but if we cook those meals and eat them why does that makes it her fault when we become overweight? I personally think it's a problem when we as a society are negatively affected by our own actions and decide to shift the blame on somebody else.
  • Paula Deen is not to blame for the obesity in this country. She is simply showing America old-fashioned classic American farm recipes that have been handed down for generations!! Anybody who grew up on a farm or in a rural area would remember that. Our ancestors did not have too much of an obesity problem...Why??? They actually worked in the farms and did manual labor!!!! They got up before sunrise to tend to the chores of farm life, whether it be gathering chicken eggs, milking the cows, shoveling the *kitten* out of the barn, raising crops. They chopped wood if they did not have electric or gas heat. And, they worked all day until sunset, barely taking a break for lunch sometimes. And that was seven days a week!! SOME people nowadays complain about working five days a week, 40 hours...and what do some of these complainers do??? Sit at a desk all day staring at a computer screen! The most exercise some people get is walking from their car in the parking lot to their office.

    I am only saying that in these times, we do not get the exercise our ancestors did back in their day. To even come close to what these people did back then, we have to go to the gym, do aerobics or find some other way to stay active.

    I am sorry that Ms. Deen has Type-2 diabetes, unfortunately it can be inherited. Both of my grandmothers had it. One had a lot of complications with it as she did not control it; but the other grandmother was able to control hers through diet and exercise, and lived to be 95!!
  • CoCoFluff
    CoCoFluff Posts: 36 Member
    This Video Below is hilarious - but also a must see. Just an example of why people are upset about this Paula Deen issue. For three years she knew she had this disease yet promoted "bad habits" like this. She was doing herself an injustice by eating this type of food. Its sad, because diabetes is a very serious issue. When you can take a big bite out of a doughnut egg bacon burger its like your saying "F" my life....


    (didn't read the article, this maybe included already)
  • OfficerFuzzy
    OfficerFuzzy Posts: 222 Member
    There is nothing wrong with this cook and how she represents everything that is wrong with American I do not understand.

    This woman is showing how this food is made, it's not like she's sneaking in the oil, cheese and carbs.
    She's not calling pizza a vegetable, is she?

    People can take the time to learn the recipe they can take the time to learn some stuff about nutrition themselves, or read the information on a back of a package before cooking the food.

    The attitude that this article shows is what is truly wrong.
    That is the attitude that our health is in anyone's hands that our not our own.
  • nanodot
    nanodot Posts: 154 Member
    Shocked or whatever? .... because she is now taking money to become a spokesperson for treatment of a devastating disease that is caused by behaviors she's been promoting. Shocked or whatever? .... because she has led people over a cliff for years and now she gets to get paid for what? Shocked or whatever? .... because "moderation" when it comes to her style of cooking is a cynical joke.

    I have been especially amazed by the lengths that news outlets have gone to, to blither that her cooking *was not* an important part of her diabetes. Doughnut cheeseburgers, for f**ks sake. Yes, the years of doughnut-based cooking contributed to her diabetes. Let's just all be reasonably intelligent grown-ups and own up to that simple and obvious fact, ok?

    I certainly don't blame her for all obesity in America, but yeah, she helped.
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    it's unmoral that while she knew she had diabetes, she continued her show-for profits-and now is hawking meds for the pharma companies while she uses their diabetes drugs. Does it get any lower? No. She should leave her fat/death causing recipes and save her audiences by taking a bow out of the spotlight while she gets healthy and comes back 80 lbs lighter. Without that blue wig:-)

  • rdzilla
    rdzilla Posts: 113 Member
    I think people who sit on unemployment checks for two years are more of a problem to America than Paula Deen.
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    Gag. soggy canned peas and butter, right from 1960 american housewives!
    this is my favourite recipe of hers.. it is literally just canned peas and half a stick of butter!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    try saying ' No thankyou ' once in a while, no-one forces you to overeat
  • @ papastu...Couldnt agree more

    Never seen her show, however I did stumble across a show recently w/ her son taking her meals and cutting all the calories down. Pretty cool way to bring the food into a healthier light while keeping the flavor true to what she expected. And seeing how the light 'clicked' when he showed her original calorie/fat count vs his. Makes you kinda hope she takes something away from it to help herself.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I'm not sure why people care so much about any recent news about Paula Deen. The woman cooks food...that's it. She's not pretended to be a health and diet guru. I'm not sure why people feel she has any real impact on anything. Didn't read the link...I'm mostly just commenting on how much conversation has been generated by her diabetes announcement. I'm just wondering why people are shocked or whatever.

  • Shocked or whatever? .... because she is now taking money to become a spokesperson for treatment of a devastating disease that is caused by behaviors she's been promoting. Shocked or whatever? .... because she has led people over a cliff for years and now she gets to get paid for what? Shocked or whatever? .... because "moderation" when it comes to her style of cooking is a cynical joke.

    I have been especially amazed by the lengths that news outlets have gone to, to blither that her cooking *was not* an important part of her diabetes. Doughnut cheeseburgers, for f**ks sake. Yes, the years of doughnut-based cooking contributed to her diabetes. Let's just all be reasonably intelligent grown-ups and own up to that simple and obvious fact, ok?

    I certainly don't blame her for all obesity in America, but yeah, she helped.

    I totally agree. I'm actually more surprised that so many people on a fitness/health-oriented web site are defending her cooking... No, she is not a bad person and she did not force food into everyone's mouths, but a lot of her recipes really take a certain style of cooking to its unhealthiest extreme.

    I don't think farm workers ate cheeseburgers sandwiched in donuts, either. :) A good chunk of one side of my family runs small farms and they definitely get to eat more and not "dietetic" foods per se, because of the increased physical activity, but it's not crazy stuff like that.

    I don't know, I have diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and cancer in my immediate family, and so do so many others, so this kind of thing strikes a chord. Far better to fight and do all you can to prevent these diseases as best as you can, than try to cure them later.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    This Video Below is hilarious - but also a must see. Just an example of why people are upset about this Paula Deen issue. For three years she knew she had this disease yet promoted "bad habits" like this. She was doing herself an injustice by eating this type of food. Its sad, because diabetes is a very serious issue. When you can take a big bite out of a doughnut egg bacon burger its like your saying "F" my life....


    (didn't read the article, this maybe included already)

    i work in the health care field. I see people ALL THE TIME who know they have health issues but yet do not take the steps to fix it. I see people admitted for diabetes problems or heart problems up in their rooms eating mcdonalds or kfc. People come in with chest pain or shortness of breath, then soon as they leave light up a cig. i see people with crohns disease who refuse to change their eating habits. etc etc. despite the doctors telling them what they can do to be healthy, they just dont seem to care. is paula deen any different? just another american who refuses to take responsiblity for their own health.
    there are tons of celebrities out there who have bad habits. are we going to blame them for people who drink to much, or do drugs or commit crimes?

    "Every man is the architect of his own life. He builds it just the way he wants it. However, after he has built what he wants, he sometimes decides that he doesn't like what he has built and looks for someone or something to blame instead of changing himself. "
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    All of you that want to lose weight here on this site, blame the likes of Paula Deen for your condition? Good luck with that attitude.

    If one can't see Paula's show for what is really is vs what blame you want to assign, then you have already lost your battle with weight.
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    WOW. I read the first post, clicked on the link, went through recipes and thought
    "what to discuss this food is disgusting, who would even eat that..."

    And then I saw the answers.

    Seriously for me (I'm not from US haven't heard about her before) It's hard to believe one would even consider eating this, even PREPARING this. I couldn't without gaging. Donut with bacon? Really?

    You say everything in moderation? Sorry but NO. NOT everything. NOT deep fried cake, NOT deep fried lasagna...
  • WOW. I read the first post, clicked on the link, went through recipes and thought
    "what to discuss this food is disgusting, who would even eat that..."

    And then I saw the answers.

    Seriously for me (I'm not from US haven't heard about her before) It's hard to believe one would even consider eating this, even PREPARING this. I couldn't without gaging. Donut with bacon? Really?

    You say everything in moderation? Sorry but NO. NOT everything. NOT deep fried cake, NOT deep fried lasagna...

    Many of us in the U.S. think they are super gross too, so don't worry ;)
  • msclairvoyant
    msclairvoyant Posts: 15 Member
    There is nothing wrong with this cook and how she represents everything that is wrong with American I do not understand.

    This woman is showing how this food is made, it's not like she's sneaking in the oil, cheese and carbs.
    She's not calling pizza a vegetable, is she?

    People can take the time to learn the recipe they can take the time to learn some stuff about nutrition themselves, or read the information on a back of a package before cooking the food.

    The attitude that this article shows is what is truly wrong.
    That is the attitude that our health is in anyone's hands that our not our own.

    Bingo. Take responsibility for yourself.
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    So many people so desperately seek gurus and gods. Then they're so disappointed when their gods let them down or turn out to have human failings, or, worse, are exposed as "frauds" or their gospel is trumped by that of the next rising deity. Hasn't anyone watched the Wizard of Oz? Knowledge is power, and these wacky(and non-wacky) chefs, diet docs, fitness gurus and backlash-hedonists all offer some knowledge or another. Empower yourself and act accordingly.

    That said, in terms of health and nutrition (with exception of extreme excess) it's more about what you SHOULD do that is good than what you SHOULDN'T do. People talk about cutting out caffeine and alcohol, how bad x or y is for you, and vow to "cleanse" themselves of all the harm they've done with some or other guru's $nake oil. But the reality is that if you do eat cartloads of broccoli, kale and other cruciferous green veggies, blueberries, almonds, walnuts, lean protein, some whole grains etc. basically every day, and get a half hour of strenuous exercise 6 days a week and do enough strength training to keep your body in good shape. You can keep your morning coffee and your evening wine and have a bacon doughnut butter paula deen special every so often (though the truth is you probably won't want to) and it aint gonna do a damn thing to ya.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Why not? Sure it's the epidomy of sin eating but that's why I work out, why I eat clean 90% of the time, So if I want something like this, I can have it.

    I don't let my diet rule my life. I work out and eat better so I can rule food.

    She doesn't eat like that all the time. She said her foods are the exception to how she actually eats.

    If I'm having a get together or a party, I don't freakin' raw carrots and diet rocks for dinner. I want feel good foods that taste like heaven.
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