i haven't lost weight!

I went down from 163lbs to 158lbs between Jan 3rd to 14th but now it's back up to 159.6? I've been eating the right food, the right calories, and exercising everyday except one or two sundays - if I keep going doing what I'm doing will weight loss continue or do I need to change something?? :(


  • TamekaBohorquez
    TamekaBohorquez Posts: 36 Member
    Sounds a bit like salt retention. I would look over what I ate during that time period to see if any altering needs to be done. Also make sure you are drinking at least 64 to half your body weight in water. Whatever you do don't give up. Your body may have hit a plateau but this too shall pass. Hang in there.
  • ramseyrose
    ramseyrose Posts: 421 Member
    Weight can fluctuate so much for a number of reasons; especially for women. Hormones, water retention etc. Try not to weigh each day, (some docs recommend once a month, but not many of us can do that!) take your measurements if you havent already and dont worry about the 'weight' numbers otherwise you will just give up. Drink lots of water too. If your clothes are feeling better, dont worry; it will go in the right direction eventually.
  • ceejay3101
    ceejay3101 Posts: 36 Member
    I would also check your fat content, when working it out you need to have no more than 5grms of fat per 100 grms of food, often even though the calories are right the fat content is wrong
  • lublue
    lublue Posts: 123 Member
    Thankyou guys :) i think the fat content is ok because i'm eating mainly veg, fish, whole wheats... I think my clothes feel better but i measured my waist and it hadn't changed. I might take see if my other measurements have! hopefully i can keep losing weight!