Paula Deen represents everything that is wrong with America



  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    ... except that she seems like a lovely person.

    She loves fats, creams, salt... she's diabetic. Her choice. She makes enough to pay for her own healthcare. By being honest about her diagnosis, hopefully she'll actually raise awareness that eating that type of food consistently is bad for your health.

    Now I just wish folks would leave her alone.
  • My 2 cents is that "you" can continue "eat everything in moderation" and get the same results as the rest of America: Heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and more, or you can take charge of your life and eat the most nutritious food out there: Plants. I am not a doctor, just a student of life. Learning at a late age and SO blessed that I did not give myself Type 2 Diabetes before I got to where I am today. It is a nasty, nasty, NASTY disease of which I watched my mom die (From Type 1 Diabetes) of after 6 months in the hospital when she was just 68. She had every complication promised in the word "diabetes". If you think you can "control" your Type 2 diabetes with medication and skate by, I wish you luck. You'll need it. My 26 years of experience as a Nurse on a Medical Floor in a hospital was quite an eye opener. The drugs you take today will cause you grief tomorrow and you'll need more pills for that problem, too. Now I watch tv years later seeing all the drugs that we routinely gave out like candy being the cause of medical disasters that some law firm wants to help you sue the drug company for. Medicine is NOT the answer. Proper diet and food is. Check out . Your choice.

    i agree with this.. My g-ma has type 2 and she thought she could just use the insulin and it would make it better (in fact it made it worse) because she didnt do anything but just sit on her *kitten* all day. my dad was recently diagnosed with type 2 and he changed his lifestyle ate different and exercises regularly and he doesnt have to take the inuslin everyday anymore because he fought it by just changing the way he ate. If people would quit being so lazy and being dependent on drugs to make everything all better im sure america wouldnt be the fattest and the worst off in the world.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    Does anyone watch Paula Deen and seriously think, "If I eat her cooking I'm going to look like Jillian Michaels?"

    She's an overweight woman cooking delicious food and has never made any claims that those foods are healthy.

    I love foods with butter and cream and cheese. But food like that isn't for every day and ever meal and no one ever said it was. Are we going to get on Cake Boss's *kitten* for promoting sugar?

    ^Totally this! :flowerforyou:
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    My 2 cents is that "you" can continue "eat everything in moderation" and get the same results as the rest of America: Heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and more, or you can take charge of your life and eat the most nutritious food out there: Plants. I am not a doctor, just a student of life. Learning at a late age and SO blessed that I did not give myself Type 2 Diabetes before I got to where I am today. It is a nasty, nasty, NASTY disease of which I watched my mom die (From Type 1 Diabetes) of after 6 months in the hospital when she was just 68. She had every complication promised in the word "diabetes". If you think you can "control" your Type 2 diabetes with medication and skate by, I wish you luck. You'll need it. My 26 years of experience as a Nurse on a Medical Floor in a hospital was quite an eye opener. The drugs you take today will cause you grief tomorrow and you'll need more pills for that problem, too. Now I watch tv years later seeing all the drugs that we routinely gave out like candy being the cause of medical disasters that some law firm wants to help you sue the drug company for. Medicine is NOT the answer. Proper diet and food is. Check out . Your choice.

    Love this reply and I 2nd that. People need to wise up Moderation yeah right My mum got type 2, I don't intend to get it. I'm also in the medical field seen too much.

    Do you realize that Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are two completely different diseases?

    2 different same results
  • MattGetsMad
    MattGetsMad Posts: 429 Member
    Paula Dean perpetuated a fraud and now intends to be a paid spokesperson for some pharma company with no repercussion from the american public whatsoever! Personal choice is an entirely separate issue from a promoting a food lifestyle that you personally know to be one of the main contributing factors to very disease that you suffer with. This whole thing is really lame. Anyone who thinks Paula is some type of "victim of circumstance" or without fault in this matter should really take a closer look at the timeline involved and the facts as they have been released. I think most reasonable people can smell a racket when they see it from all sides.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Paula Deen will die of a heart attack within the next 3 years, mark my words.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    ... except that she seems like a lovely person.

    She loves fats, creams, salt... she's diabetic. Her choice. She makes enough to pay for her own healthcare. By being honest about her diagnosis, hopefully she'll actually raise awareness that eating that type of food consistently is bad for your health.

    Now I just wish folks would leave her alone.

    Well said. There is a shocking level of criticism for someone that eats unhealthy, is overweight and has now developed an obesity related disease considering many of the members of this site are or were guilty of some or all of those same "sins".

    Perhaps it is just jealously and anger that she got rich and famous from it and all they got was fat and unhealthy??
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Paula Dean perpetuated a fraud and now intends to be a paid spokesperson for some pharma company with no repercussion from the american public whatsoever!

    What fraud did she perpetuate?
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121
    I agree that Paula shouldnt be blamed for America's obesity, but she is more than just an average person. paula is a brand with food sold in stores, cookware, books, tv show etc.

    If she has diabetes and probably didnt come out cause she was afraid it would effect her brand and not for some noble purpose or privacy IMO. She is guilty of being a hypocrite. I'm not a fan of hers so it doesnt matter to me, but she has the opportunity to do so much good.

    Portion control is crazy here, but what are restaurants to do? If one place cuts the portions then they may lose customers. I do have a problem with fast food places and I wish there were more healthy choices instead of just a salad. What about low carb tortillas instead of regular ones? There are companies that sell them in the grocery stores. Why not serve them with Tacos? There are plenty of low cost healthy, low calorie, low carb breads too. Even sugar free sweets are easy to make. Heck they sell the cake mixes too from Pillsbury!! I am a busy, temporary single mom, I dream of a place where I can get healthy fast food. I live in Dallas and there is nothing. So for now i'll stick with my home cooking.

    If you think the food companies want you eating less and cooking more then I gotta bridge to sell you. Its not some grand conspiracy but fact. High fat, high calorie foods are cheap for a reason.
  • Come on people. Paula Deen or any other "cook" on TV didn't make you fat or give you diabetes. Your elbow bending to put food in your mouth did. As far as I know, I've never gained an ounce WATCHING something on TV. I like her & her sons.

    Oh...she smokes too! She admitted that on Dr. Oz the other day. So, if blaming Paula Deen for making us fat, would be like her blaming cowboys for making her smoke because of the Marlboro man image.

    Let's get back on topic...who is going for a run in a few??
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Paula Deen will die of a heart attack within the next 3 years, mark my words.

    wow....hope poor Paula isnt reading this
  • Bella3119
    Bella3119 Posts: 104

    But instead, she is choosing to make a wad of cash off drugs, and the implicit message to her fans is, "Don't worry about making yourself sick through your lifestyle; here's some pricey medicine to deal with it." It's terribly sad she's skipped what could have been a great public education opportunity and instead opted for even more profit.

    Totally agree with you. She is not the demon everyone is making her out to be bc we each have our own free will. Her recipes were too much even for me to handle and I was 250lbs! I am dissapoointed she didn't take this opportunity to lead the way to a healthier lifestyle. She has such a large fan/audience base that honestly, I think she could help provide that lifestyle shift towards healthier eating.
  • Aegelis
    Aegelis Posts: 237 Member
    "Paula Deen represents everything that is wrong with America"

    Paula Deen racked up our country's 15 trillion dollar debt? Destroyed the twin towers? Failed to deliver on international promises to support our allies? Is the reason why jobs are being outsourced overseas and 10% unemployment? Lynch mob unite!
  • ldmac1
    ldmac1 Posts: 2
    I really wish people would get off of the whole Paula Deen thing & leave the woman alone.

    Obviously, the majority of the food she prepares is NOT HEALTHY and she never claimed it was. If you're a follower of her show & cook the way she does, you will eventually have health/weight issues, too. Don't pretend that you didn't know that those foods were bad for you! People tend to blame everyone else for their health concerns -- I personally think the people at the Hershey Company are little satanic minions who invent ways to tantalize me with hundreds of chocolatey-morsels of ooey-gooey-goodness. However, I CHOOSE what goes in my mouth -- not the satanic minions (even though they make it tough ;). Paula Deen is going to have to face her own demons & the only person she's hurt is herself. Let's not judge her.
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    Paula Deen is Amazing! I love her! I'm doing low carb, and a lot of her recipes are not, but some are, like her Green Chili Squares! YUMMMY!!!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I don't care what Paula Deen eats or cooks, and I don't care what she represents. I don't watch her, but I do have a Paula Deen 12" skillet that I absolutely love! It's the best skillet I've ever owned. Live and let live!
  • jedi9393
    jedi9393 Posts: 121

    But instead, she is choosing to make a wad of cash off drugs, and the implicit message to her fans is, "Don't worry about making yourself sick through your lifestyle; here's some pricey medicine to deal with it." It's terribly sad she's skipped what could have been a great public education opportunity and instead opted for even more profit.

    Totally agree with you. She is not the demon everyone is making her out to be bc we each have our own free will. Her recipes were too much even for me to handle and I was 250lbs! I am dissapoointed she didn't take this opportunity to lead the way to a healthier lifestyle. She has such a large fan/audience base that honestly, I think she could help provide that lifestyle shift towards healthier eating.

    Exactly, but she doesnt want to disappoint the stockholders in her empire. If it aint broke dont fix it Pauia. Just take the medicine and you'll be ok. Keep up with the fried cheesecake and the masses will eat it up! bwaaaa!!! Is she planning to change her eating habits now???
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Celebrity chef Paula Deen on Wednesday pledged a portion of her earnings from a lucrative endorsement deal with a diabetes drugmaker to the nonprofit American Diabetes Association.
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    Again with this topic?

    First of all, people posting recipe examples, if you really think Paula Deen invented Doughnut Cheeseburgers or Fried Cheesecake, then you have absolutely nothing to add to this conversation, as both of those have been restaurant fare for decades in this country.

    Paula Deen does not eat like she cooks on her show on a daily basis. She never claimed she did. It's special occasion southern food. Also, I watched her on The Chew, and she didn't say anything that wasn't true about Diabetes, nor did she even mention drugs. She talked about giving up sweet tea as the first change she made, and they spent the entire show talking about diabetes friendly food choices.

    And, she didn't say anything publicly when she was diagnosed because she didn't know anything about Diabetes to tell. She needed time to teach herself and assimilate it into her life. And frankly, her private life is nobody's business but her own. It's not her responsibility to tell anybody who watches her about her medical history.

    I agree with this x10.
  • heartshines
    heartshines Posts: 53 Member
    NOBODY can fight genetics. A perfect picture of health of someone can drop dead tomorrow of a heart attack because of genetics.

    My mom has severe Type I diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. Neither of these are from what she ate...we're Kentucky women. This is from genetics!
    I could inherit this. I take care of myself for preventative measures with my diet and exercise.

    Who are we to judge others? Human nature...sure! But in the end, it is our choice to eat what we eat! So be it!
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