6-pack abs, possible ?

Ok who here was fat and now has a six-pack abs? I never ever had a six pack even when I was thin and younger, always had flab around belly. My first goal of course is lose about 25-30 lbs. Then from there I want to strive getting 6 pack.. Not sure if possible but for once in my life I wish I can have them!


  • eayal002
    eayal002 Posts: 186
    Had it and then I hid them :) I think of it I always have had them it just kept it hidden for a while. I was up at my heaviest at 210lbs (5'7") was not muscle at all it was a fat. was laid up on a bed for 3 months after a back surgery.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Anything is possible, it's a question of how committed you are and how much you're willing to give up. I've seen myself get really close to having them, but in the end I decided I didn't want to give up all the things that make me happy just to have them.
  • jdaddy615
    i had them several years ago...but no longer. add 20 minutes of core work to every day's excercise. balance ball crunches with a plate or medicine ball will burn them up quick...diet is the key part though. Like someone else said...if you don't lose the fat, you will just be hiding them