Clothes still not fitting better after almost a month :-(



  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    Water retention? The Nutrisystem foods I looked at in your diary have a lot of sodium. Maybe try some alternative foods to mix things up a bit - salads, veggies, etc.
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    Healthy or not, calories are calories, and calories are energy. If you take in more than you burn, you don't lose weight.
  • madubil
    madubil Posts: 131 Member
    Hang in there darling- and keep at it- I am down 17 pounds, and 11 inches- and I am still in the same size- which has me wondering just how tight were these pants to begin with.. lol.. but we all lose weight in our own way- and at our own rate. Enjoy your success every day and know the rest WILL follow.

    ALSO- make sure you use the measurements tracking tool- one of the things I notice is when my scale doesnt move- the inches do- and that has really helped me keep motivated.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    A popular quote around here goes something like this:

    "It takes 4 weeks for you to notice the change in your body.
    It takes 8 weeks for your friends/family to notice the change in your body.
    It takes 12 weeks for the rest of the world to notice the change in your body.
    Give yourself 12 weeks but don't give up!"
  • cakeums
    cakeums Posts: 231 Member
    What do you have your weight loss goal set at? If you have it at 1.5 or 2lbs per week, maybe set it to 1lb per week - or even 1/2lb - and see if that helps. MFP will increase your calorie allowance. I have mine set for a lightly active lifestyle, and my goal is 1lb/week. I get 1830 net calories a day right now. It was 1850 before my 2.5lbs loss last week. (The 11lbs in my ticker is my overall loss from when I joined at my HW, but I was around 205ish when I started tracking again.) When I had metabolic testing done a couple of years ago, my BMR was around 1800, and that was before I was working 36 hours a week waitressing, so I think the 1830 is a pretty accurate number for me. If I change to lose 2lbs/week, I only net 1330 a day, and for me that is just not realistic. As I've been settling into a groove, I've been netting around 1600-1800/day, and I would say 1600 is the lowest I'm comfortable with for me. If I weren't active at all I would probably be aiming to net more like 1400-1600/day.
  • staceykoz
    staceykoz Posts: 31 Member
    So it has been a week since I posted this and while my pants STILL aren't fitting better, I did take my measurements yesterday and found that since January 4th, EVERY single thing EXCEPT my waste has dropped at least a half inch or more. So something is definitely happening. I actually lost a whole inch in each calf which seems unreal to me. Still can't believe my waste hasn't budged, but this is very encouraging. :-)
  • katscoots
    katscoots Posts: 255 Member
    i've been feeling the same way - almost a month and not seeing results. i was wondering if I was eating too fee calories too as I let the myfitnesspal site do the calculations and mine is a 1200 net as well. I am so hungry sometimes. I wonder if it would be smarter to talk to my doctor to figure out what caloric intake is appropriate for ME. because certainly, not everyone is the same.
  • fitzonegirl
    fitzonegirl Posts: 26 Member
    I understand how you feel! dont give up!! I was having trouble taking the weight off and was walking and jogging 4 miles in the morning and another 4 miles in the evening. I joined a small exercise club and signed up for all the classes, after a year I had only lost 5 lbs but because the classes I was doing were all different I think that is what body never gets used to the exercises because they are different each day...not much weight came off but I gained muscle and lost fat and felt great! So maybe try mixing up your exercises ...weights one day, cardio another, etc...make it fun, because being healthy is hard work but oh so worth it!! I know you can do it!