let's all be honest here...



  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    No profile info = not serious??
  • Hyoderrn
    Hyoderrn Posts: 54 Member
    I didn't even realize all the extra stuff existed for awhile...I downloaded the app on my phone solely to track calories and exercise. I just got on the website last month and added my pic and filled some stuff in. I have 1 friend and she is someone that I have known for years, really I didn't realize that there was so much more to this site! So glad to have found it and excited for the journey ahead of me! :heart:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    Yep! Agreed! Pet peeve of mine too... :smile:
  • justle
    justle Posts: 275 Member
    I didnt fill mine in until recently, maybe last month, i really didnt know what to say about myself.

    i've been serious as you can see from my ticker and i've been logging now 100+ days

    so i suppose its personal choice.

    maybe people start up and think "i'll fill it in later" then forget all about it
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Honestly, when I first signed up I didn't even realize that those sections existed on the profile. Guess I wasn't paying any attention - I imagine I'm not alone.

    Same for me!
    I was using the app for about 4 months before i realised it even had like a forum section lol..
  • I just joined, Havent had a chance to fill info out. I may not even do it. That doesnt mean I am not serious about losing weight. I have already lost 14 pounds and I'm not stopping now.
  • Maredip
    Maredip Posts: 18 Member
    I did fill mine out. But I get why some may not want to. Maybe they are shy, not ready to. if you don't want to friend them, don't. But accept that maybe some are looking for encouragement and getting a bit aggravated by their lack of courage, or ambition to fill in the blanks for you isn't going to give people the desire to do so anytime soon. In fact, you may end up doing just the total opposite without any intent to do so. So take it easy on 'em, maybe they just aren't ready, and they are looking for someone to follow and hold their hand because that's what they need and that's what it takes for them to get it done.Nothing wrong with that.

  • I literally didn't fill out those little boxes until a month ago...and I've lost 25 pounds in 4 mths. I don't think someone should judge if those boxes aren't filled out. I'm very serious about being here and if you are going to be rude on a fitness cite that is geared toward encouraging and motivating a healthy lifestyle, then maybe YOU aren't as serious about this as you think you are.
    Good luck! Don't friend me, please...
  • vman76nj
    vman76nj Posts: 3 Member
    i agree. An empty profile indicates that you're not serious about this. Same with lacking a profile picture. In this day and age, there's no reason not to have a profile picture.

    Disagree. Putting down clever or inspirational words on a webpage is easy. Anyone can write down some goals or repeat some mantra to themselves. My profile is empty. Filling it out won't make me more serious. Busting my *kitten* in the gym and sticking to my diet: that's what makes me serious.
  • Running from this thread.....hope i burn some calories :)

  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I like to add people who have their profiles filled out as well but I also understand that not everyone is quick to fill everything out. If you prefer the more outgoing type who want to be active in the MFP community then it's up to you to deny friend requests. No big deal. I also think it's good to go through your friends list once in a while and unfriend inactive users. Even if someone doesn't have their profile filled out that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't serious. Check out if they are logging in and losing weight. If they signed up and haven't updated in weeks/months then clear some room for others who are motivated.
  • Counting calories can't be everything!

    ahh but it is.. a single minded, determined focus to channel my anger at the fast food industry that has been trying to do me in for years. directing my wrath at those pounds that seek to weaken me, to destroy the natural harmony that I was born with. No distraction will deter me from this my goal to wrestle every dollar back that they have enticed out of my pocket, every pound that they have seduced onto my frame through my ignorance. I will take my vengence upon an uncaring society and industry that has no shame on how many lives, young or old, that they destroy with thier product...

    oh and I just haven't found anything worth putting in those fields too :D

    This post + your profile pic = me snort/laughing. I couldn't care less what people have on their profile. It's clever comments like this that make me want to interact with people on this site.
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    i agree. An empty profile indicates that you're not serious about this. Same with lacking a profile picture. In this day and age, there's no reason not to have a profile picture.

    OMG, how stupid is this. I'm taking this serious without a dumb picture. I don't have a smart phone or a phone with internet or a digital camera so I can care less getting a pic on here and looking around for a cutesy picture to fill up a blank just doesn't rank high on importance but I am watching my diet, exercising and willing to try to give encouragement to others who need support in the same situation, thats what's important to me. Results and being healthy is whats important, not trying to pretty up a webpage.
  • ken1994
    ken1994 Posts: 495 Member
    It sounds like this conversation has veered from the OP, I think what she meant (and I am paraphrasing) that it would be a good idea to fill in the information before going out and asking for people to support your goals. I think (uh-oh) that in defining that better you are setting up for success, goals are common place around here and if your goal is to be healthy and lose weight, I would assume you would want to surround yourself with people with like minded goals (if you were going to ask for help). We now return you to your regularly scheduled debate. :smile:
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member

    This post + your profile pic = me snort/laughing. I couldn't care less what people have on their profile. It's clever comments like this that make me want to interact with people on this site.

    :smile: thank you, very kind of you to say

    (and the pic, I like the cold weather, and Love the cartoon from when i was a kid...catchy tune... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPrbccEdI5o)
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    I filled out most of the information when I signed up for MFP. I didn't however put a personal picture out there for quite a while and most of the time I have something other than myself up. I don't have a lot of pictures of myself and that is the reason I am here. I don't like seeing what I look like in pictures. Someday I may, but right now I am a work in progress. The pic I have now is progress of 55 lbs and sitting at 200 lbs. I am proud of that so I finally posted a big of me. Until now it took a lot for me to put that out there.

    Serious people are here for all the right reasons. This isn't a dating site. No one is forced to tell people anything about themselves unless they want to. And when they get ready to reveil themselves they will, until then we need to respect their privacy and help them with out judging them.
  • Legally_Natural
    Legally_Natural Posts: 101 Member
    I first joined through the app so I didn't see the profile until I logged on the site from a web browser.
  • GiiaSoCrazii
    GiiaSoCrazii Posts: 66 Member
    I first joined through the app so I didn't see the profile until I logged on the site from a web browser.

    That is my situation..i didn't even know the actual site was here and i was trying the longest to try and figure out how to add a pic or to know what the friends section was for. Yesterday i logged on here just to add a picture and ended up hitting my profile and saw that i can add stuff about me and also found the forum. It is nice to get to know more about the people you are befriending but i cold never imagine getting the impression that they are not serious. Maybe meeting new people on here and seeing what great support they can receive will make them want to add info in the future....Also a lot of people value discretion.
  • It sounds like this conversation has veered from the OP, I think what she meant (and I am paraphrasing) that it would be a good idea to fill in the information before going out and asking for people to support your goals. I think (uh-oh) that in defining that better you are setting up for success, goals are common place around here and if your goal is to be healthy and lose weight, I would assume you would want to surround yourself with people with like minded goals (if you were going to ask for help). We now return you to your regularly scheduled debate. :smile:

    thank you! glad somebody understood what i was trying to say. i'm actually very shocked to see all the feedback. i wasn't expecting any replies.

    if you had read my post thoroughly (which it seems some of you may have not) you would see i was specifically talking about people who were in the forums, reaching out and asking for friends and support. people using MFP mobile and new members that haven't quite learned their way around the site just yet, and especially those who just use the site for tracking food and exercise only were not the target audience. i'm not saying that you're not serious if you have no information entered, but what motivation do i have for sending you a request? i've been burned so many times in the past by people who ask for friends, accept my request, and then just completely vanish after a few days, and, HUGE shocker, a lot of them never invested any time or energy in adding extra information.