want to cancel weight watchers so friend me!

I have used this site on and off for around 2 years now. but it was always inconsistent. then i recently joined weight watchers. the myfitnesspal app is so much more intuitive and user friendly than the weight watchers app. also weight watchers costs a lot of money! however, the one thing weight watchers has which i never had on this site were real people to clap when you lose some weight! so this time around i hope to add some friends on myfitnesspal which will hopefully keep me motivated. so feel free to friend me!


  • jaclyndanette
    I was a WW member for a few years off and on and did well with it, but this last time around was not having any success - and I was even making the meeting leaders scratch their head. I'm hoping this helps me as well - I don't want to go back to weight watchers OR pay so much $!
  • angelapolite
    I totally agree. I rejoined WW, thinking it might be better now with the Points program, but it really isn't. Their site isn't as good as MFP. The thing I love most about MFP is being able to scan bar codes, instead of typing and entering. WW doesn't have anything close to that, but they are working on it. But even still, when you try to find food on the WW site, half the time it isn't found...so annoying.

    Another thing I love about MFP, that WW doesn't track all nutrients, like carbs, sugars, fats, ect. It's just points...I like to know how much of what I'm eating, not just how many points I'm eating.

    So after spending $60 for 3 months, I tried cancelling it after week, basically they told me that I'd get a $7.95 credit....brother!!!
    I love MFP because of the awesome database, the technology and it's FREE!!
  • MGJ123
    MGJ123 Posts: 31 Member
    I too have been off and on this site for a couple years. I just signed up this week for weight watchers online and.....here I am already back to MFP. I think I will finish out the 3 months that I paid for with WW but in the meantime I will continue on MFP as well. I believe I needed the point system of WW to get me started but feel like after the 3 months i will just keep it up on here. Wishing you luck on your journey!! :smile:
  • dayjenn
    I totally agree. I rejoined WW, thinking it might be better now with the Points program, but it really isn't. Their site isn't as good as MFP. The thing I love most about MFP is being able to scan bar codes, instead of typing and entering. WW doesn't have anything close to that, but they are working on it. But even still, when you try to find food on the WW site, half the time it isn't found...so annoying.

    Another thing I love about MFP, that WW doesn't track all nutrients, like carbs, sugars, fats, ect. It's just points...I like to know how much of what I'm eating, not just how many points I'm eating.

    So after spending $60 for 3 months, I tried cancelling it after week, basically they told me that I'd get a $7.95 credit....brother!!!
    I love MFP because of the awesome database, the technology and it's FREE!!

    How do you scan bar codes? Sure I am missing it right in front of me. . .
  • elizconcepcion
    elizconcepcion Posts: 3 Member
    I've been using WW on and off since I was about 14 (23 now), and I just cancelled my membership today! I've been using MFP now for about a week, and I've been getting results that I've never had with WW. Could be a fluke, but it's also just a very nice change to do something different! Having the bar code scanner and online tools for WW was nice but I didn't really use much of anything else, and those two things definitely do not warrant the $18 a month.
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    One thing I have learned over the many years I have done the weight loss thing is to lose the weight you have to be the one to want to do it. I did weight watchers and every other diet known to man or woman. The only thing that is going to help you lose your weight and keep it off is changing your lifestyle. There is no need to pay money to do what you yourself can do for free.

    I found MFP 200 days ago. I have encouragement at my finger tips every day and every minute that I need it. I don't have to go to a meeting once a week to get someone to clap for me. I have friends that I have only met online that will tell me if I am doing good and they even tell me what I need to do to get back on track. This site is the best free thing that has happened to me. I never plan on having to pay to lose weight again. This is a lifestyle not a once a week meeting.
  • mprapps
    mprapps Posts: 7 Member
    there is a little icon on the right side of the search bar which looks like a bar code. when you press it you can scan a bar code and if it is in the system the values will be added automatically.
  • dayjenn
    Thanks for the info on scanning bar codes . . . awesome!
  • hermightychelle
    hermightychelle Posts: 25 Member
    I'll hang in there with ya. I was very successful with WW two summers ago but I've struggled since then. And I just can't swallow the weekly fee when I can do this for free. I find myself checking out the forums on a regular basis now. Love the database and scanner as well. My husband would always ask why I need to pay to have someone weigh me and I tell him it's all about accountability. Here's to hoping we can make ourselves (and each other) accountable. I just gotta make some friends... now exactly how do I do this??

    I'm learning! :-)