What's your "Ah, I get it" moments?

We all have the occasional “Ah, I get it!” moment in our lives but I thought it would be interesting to get people to post what their weight loss has done in regards to the “Ah, I get it!’ moments. I’m asking in part because I’m curious (aren’t we all? We’re here reading this. ;-)) if your experiences are the same or similar and I’d also like to think what we post will inspire those who are just starting out or having a bad day/slump.

For myself, I ”knew” losing weight would be better for me and yet, since it’s been so long since I weighed 218 (heading for 195) I didn’t have anything (in recent memory) to correlate the benefits to.
My “Ah, I get it” moments are as follows:

• Pants nearly falling down from weight loss. No longer needing to be unbuttoned while sitting for a little discreet relief is a much better experience.
• It is much easier to bend over and tie one’s shoes once you lose 3-4 inches off the waist than trying to pull your foot within reach (come here, damn it!).
• Eating half a large loaded pizza wasn’t necessary to satiate my hunger pains. I’ve now found just slowly eating 2 medium slices of THIN crust pizza gives me and my stomach the same satisfaction and eliminates all the heartburn/acid reflux issues and OTC remedies (lot cheaper as well as 1 medium now becomes 4 meals if I freeze the leftovers)!
• Performance issues (yes guys, I’ll admit to it!) were being blamed on age (54), libido issues , etc. so after some weight loss and daily cardio exercising I’m happy to see this issue is TOTALLY a thing of the past (sorry Pfizer, I’m spreading the word that there’s a much, much better and cheaper solution to your little blue pill!)(Wives & girlfriends, feel free to have you hubby or boyfriend read this if applicable).
• Fatty foods (cheese, ice cream, chocolate, etc.) increased my snoring, very little fatty foods significantly decrease the snoring and loving nudges from the spouse. Getting a good night’s sleep is no longer a wish, it’s a routine.

No doubt I could list more but I want to give everyone else a chance to share their “Ah, I get it” moments.

Any takers?


  • paigeifyouplease
    I've only lost a small amount of weight but I FEEL so much better! I bought a swim suit for the first time in years today. I might not look any different, but I feel different. It's wonderful to see how much better my skin is getting with all the water I'm drinking, and how much better I'm doing at running.

    I have my off days, but my friends and ESPECIALLY my boyfriend is very supportive. I know this is going to take awhile, but my 'ah, I get it' moments keep me going (:
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    You covered most of them but being able to breath and tie shoes at the same time....and I'll need to ask the wife if a snore related nudge could be instituted instead of the violent shaking/yelling
  • hhorncastle
    hhorncastle Posts: 84 Member
    I used to take melatonin almost every night to fall asleep. Now that I'm a little more active, I'm actually tired enough at the end of the day that I can fall asleep naturally.

    I've got a slightly torn medial meniscus in my right knee and the heavier I got, the more painful it was to climb stairs, bend at the knee, etc. Now that I've lost some weight and likely strengthened the muscles around my knee, no more knee pain. (It still sounds like Velcro, but I kind of like that. LOL) Ditto for some rotator cuff pain in my right shoulder. No longer an issue.

    Now that I'm taking the time to pack a lunch from home rather than eating fast food every day, my bank account is slightly happier, too!

    And I can sink down into the bathtub without any bits sticking up above the water!
  • Tybee_Duchess
    The moment when I realized that I had rather be out running than sitting on the couch eating ice cream (my favorite food in the whole world). Unfortunately, it took a major injury for my "Ah Ha" moment to occur. It's almost 6 months later, and I am so excited that I am going to be able to start back running in the near future. My attitude about exercise has completely changed. It is now something that I "get" to do instead of "have" to do.
  • Jazzyrose77
    Jazzyrose77 Posts: 153 Member
    "Ah, I get it" moment- getting my cholesterol down. I'm only 34 but my total cholesterol was at 246 and now it down to 181.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I'm wondering if getting my boyfriend to read this would help stop his snoring! Lol

    And my moment was today, putting on an outfit that hasn't fit me in 6 months and feeling HOT!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Somebody snapped a photo where I looked like a hippo with a pig face.

    I just stared at it, sad.
    Was that me?
    Further, when I asked my wife about this, it led to a discussion about our sex life, and she admitted I was fat and unattractive.

    I was so hurt.
    And I used that pain to motivate myself to success in reaching my goals.
    That very photo is my BEFORE pic in my MFP photo album.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    Cutting out sugar. Youll get it too.