4 Months in - I've lost 40lbs with virtually no exercise!



  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    thanks peeps... i hope to not be a professional on this but i can help everyone
  • vision2012
    vision2012 Posts: 33 Member
    Great post, very inspirational. Well done!
  • JoKen2144
    JoKen2144 Posts: 6 Member
    Can you share some of your meal plans and excersize routines?
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    since i work a desk job where im constantly sitting down... work is the best for my diet...

    here's my usual daily meals:

    Banana Nut Crunch Cereal
    Skim milk
    Half a banana

    (Note: i measure everything. If i say i had a cup of cereal, i had a cup of cereal. i even have a measuring cup at work. Thats how anal i am with this)

    Breakfasts varies from time to time with egg white omeletes and oatmeal and fiber plus cereal... i try to keep it to the cereal because well... its cheaper than paying for NYC breakfast everyday

    Snack 1:

    Varies between 100 calorie emerald nuts pack
    or yogurt

    Salad with dressing but the dressing has to be a balsamic vinegarette or just balsamic vinegar....

    or Subway sandwiches

    or Anything else that can be input in the database

    Snack 2:

    Same as snack one but if i know im going to eat low at night, i have oatmeal or cereal as a snack... why? because i can keep it under 200 calories if i want to...


    Chicken with salad

    or Chicken Burgers

    Sometimes i have breakfast for dinner

    or sometimes whatever is there but just low portions...

    when home, it varies but i try to keep it the same way.. but the biggest thing i can stress is DRINK WATER. its so important to get your 8 cups in.
  • Silverstar46
    Silverstar46 Posts: 187 Member
    I have lost 33lbs without excercising much. I just don't like doing it and as long as the pounds keep coming off, I'm not too fussed. When it gets warmer I will begin walking and sometimes I will do crunches or walk up and down my stairs. (personal stair climber, haha!)

    But for the most part, it's all about calories in, calories out. It really makes a huge difference and let's me know that before when I said "nothing I do helps me lose weight" well I was lying to the world and myself.

    I'm so glad you're doing this and I'm so glad i am too! hehe
  • Hotrodhoodlum
    Great work on your weight loss but not exercising is a negative result .Exercise is not only for loosing weight as I am sure you know, but it will benefit your heart as well as your general health . You really should add some sort of exercise in your week some where ..

    Raising your heart rate during exercise provides a variety of short- and long-term health and fitness benefits. Physical activities that improve cardiovascular function for achieving such goals as weight loss and lowering cholesterol levels. Exercising at increasingly higher heart rates results in different physiological benefits and improved health.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/100558-advantages-increased-heart-rate-during/#ixzz1k0QmrLLJ
  • raven56706
    raven56706 Posts: 918 Member
    Great work on your weight loss but not exercising is a negative result .Exercise is not only for loosing weight as I am sure you know, but it will benefit your heart as well as your general health . You really should add some sort of exercise in your week some where ..

    Raising your heart rate during exercise provides a variety of short- and long-term health and fitness benefits. Physical activities that improve cardiovascular function for achieving such goals as weight loss and lowering cholesterol levels. Exercising at increasingly higher heart rates results in different physiological benefits and improved health.

    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/100558-advantages-increased-heart-rate-during/#ixzz1k0QmrLLJ

    oh of course... im not telling anyone to do it my way...i wish i could have time to exercise... but sometimes i dont... come march, i will have free time and i will go all out exercising...

    unfortunately right now i dont have the time. plus since im doing all this work for a better me, i want to make sure i do it the right way. Im getting a personal trainer to show me how to get there.

    one thing i do want to show people about my success is there is no excuses. "i dont have time to exercise" ok then just do the diet... "i cant just do the diet because i wont lose weight"... i lost it that way... you can to but you have to try and see if it works..

    you have to have the will and the ,as we say in spanish, "the ganas" to do it...

    people in MFP have all different stories with different successful ways... this is just my way... its working.. and i hope to help anyone else.
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