Embarassing Problem...



  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Why fight it? Embrace your new power. Learn the dutch oven.
  • misslolachobble
    I am not that gassy ,but the noise of my stomach is shocking ,and seems to be worse after a meal ,its so loud you cant hear the tv at times :blushing: and goes on for ages !
  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    Alot of vegis are gassy. Broccoli, cauliflower and onions just to name a few. Excersize is a natural gas expellant LOL Try Beano, or tea for digestion or both that should work at eliminating the problem. This might sound gross, but stretches for you abdomen should help it get workef out faster too so it won't get trapped. Its always better to release the gas in the privacy of your own home than hittin the gym and reaching the sonic boom level LOL

    LMAO!! Luckily I have not hit a sonic boom level with anyone present! Hopefully it won't happen either!
  • wildcard29
    wildcard29 Posts: 322 Member
    I'm a bartender and I just always release near the customer I don't like so everyone blames them:devil:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    It's perfectly normal to pass wind.

    Note for those who are "impressed" by broccoli - it's nothing compared to the results of filling up on nice healthy Brussels sprouts! :bigsmile:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Why fight it? Embrace your new power. Learn the dutch oven.

    And the ancient art of crop dusting.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I'm a bartender and I just always release near the customer I don't like so everyone blames them:devil:

    Haha, I love this one!!

    It'll be the increase in fruit n veg probably, altho my 2yr old doesn't eat much veg n she farts like a professional. She's proud of it too tho. Obviously takes after her daddy, haha!! :laugh:
  • jahnlaw
    jahnlaw Posts: 95 Member
    Problem: Its not abnormal. Happens to all of us.
    Solution A: Wear lots of perfume.
    Solution B: Blame it on the dog, small child's diaper, or if on a group date, on your boyfriend to test if he is the type of guy who will protect or embarrass you (I sometimes suspect this is when my wife fell in love with me). LOL
  • CharityEaton
    this makes me laugh.....I swear my husband was ready to sleep outside there for a few months! He would ask me in the morning if I remembered waking him up or if I just slept right through it....I was doing it in my sleep! I think I would finally relax enough that it all just came right out. I NEVER "pass gas" in front of him...even after 13 years of being married..so imagine my horror when he told me I was doing it in my sleep and it was waking him up! I was so embarrased! It got better though! :blushing:
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Why fight it? Embrace your new power. Learn the dutch oven.

  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    this makes me laugh.....I swear my husband was ready to sleep outside there for a few months! He would ask me in the morning if I remembered waking him up or if I just slept right through it....I was doing it in my sleep! I think I would finally relax enough that it all just came right out. I NEVER "pass gas" in front of him...even after 13 years of being married..so imagine my horror when he told me I was doing it in my sleep and it was waking him up! I was so embarrased! It got better though! :blushing:

    Anything goes in our house, in fact my husbad is proud of the fact I'm not afraid to do it in front of him, although never in public, lol!!
  • golope
    golope Posts: 54
    Problem: Its not abnormal. Happens to all of us.
    Solution A: Wear lots of perfume.
    Solution B: Blame it on the dog, small child's diaper, or if on a group date, on your boyfriend to test if he is the type of guy who will protect or embarrass you (I sometimes suspect this is when my wife fell in love with me). LOL

    LMAO - blaming the dog is always my husbands excuse. One time I actually yelled at the dog for growling- except I found out later the noise I heard wasn't the dog growling...
  • Enchantedpoetess
    I'm a bartender and I just always release near the customer I don't like so everyone blames them:devil:

  • Laceybaby1967
    Laceybaby1967 Posts: 82 Member
    Yup...one apple a day is my limit; any more than that, and I end up having contests with my 7 year old son.....