HELP, do I increase or no

Seems like the last 3 weeks I keep losing and gaining the same 2 lbs. I'm currently on 1200 calories a day and usually dont have a lot of trouble stay at that intake, but since I keep yoyoing around maybe I need to increase my calories by 1 or 2 hundred. Now I know this happens from time to time and I am losing inches but I'd like to SEE the results. Do I ride it out or what? Need some advise.


  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    Maybe increase the exercise or change it up. I should not say anything because I have been at the same weight for 2 months now... But my plan is to step up the cardio! Losing the inches sounds very encouraging, though!
  • Jyster
    Jyster Posts: 74 Member
    I have seen on other posts where they say to increase 300-600 calories for 2-3 weeks.
  • JohnnyResets
    JohnnyResets Posts: 177 Member
    Hi I agree with ChrisStoney. Maybe up your walks a bit. You tear those up so maybe add 10 more minutes at that 4.5 MPH? Also maybe play with your fat/carb/protein mixture too? One thing to be encouraged on is that you aren't gainiing more than that yoyo weight so the calories are probably right or really close. I don't think you can go any lower though right?
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    It takes about 6 weeks for your body to get used to a routine. If every day you lift 5 lb weights and are at first exhausted, you would expect that those muscles would get stronger and eventually 5 lbs is nothing. Similarly, exercises that used to burn the pounds off you overnight are easy-breezy for you now. This (and the fact that you are losing inches) is a GREAT sign that you are building strength. So about every six weeks you need to shake up your routine - increase repititions or weight or difficulty. If you used to do plank push-ups, do them with a fitball for a while to bring in another group of muscles. If you used to do standard sit-ups, add a 3 lb medicine ball. Maybe do some Pilates core moves instead of yoga stretches. And so on. Keep on walking - it is a great low-impact exercise that you can do anywhere. Just add some things to shock your body into building more muscle.