Hello again.....

Hello everyone! This is my second time around starting up with MFP. Sadly I drifted away last year with so much going on, stationed overseas, husband deployed almost the whole year, working crazy hours at night and sleeping all day to get ready for the next evening shifts. When I started out the first time on MFP weighed roughly around 197ish, so I still maganged to lose 27lbs in the past year and 1/2, but still haven't gotten to where I'd like to be. Have another 25lbs to reach my goal, so hopefully I can with the help of MFP and support of you all, I can reach that goal. Here's to new beginings in 2012! :drinker: :flowerforyou:


  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    Hi, my name is Chris. We started at about the same weight - although I didn't get on the scale until I had lost some, so my official start weight was 188. I've lost 29 lbs and want to lose approx. 25 more - give or take - the mirror will be the judge as I approach that number. I am 47 yrs old and 5'5". Feel free to add me and good luck on your renewed journey!
  • imarn1ab
    Thanks for the reply Chris :smile: I'm 35 and 5'7". Mom of 3 (oldest just turned 18 :sad: ) I had lost weight back in 2002, had gotten down to my goal, but then married again in 2004 and the weight just crept back on :grumble: Now that things are changing with my work, it's starting to give me a little more ME time. Husband and I are starting to do some hiking this weekend, we're certified divers so that's in the plan, and hopefully I can hit the Gym at least twice a week! Motivation is the hardest part, but with my husband back home, and the help of MFP, hopefully I can be pushed in the right direction :smile: