Please look at my diary for today



  • mdejoseph
    mdejoseph Posts: 9 Member
    I personally do not recommend any microwave meals. I think you could have had a much more satisfying lunch for less calories. I have a lean cuisine in the freezer for emergencies but I spend my lunch time calories on quick hearty stuff. Those micro meals are SO salty, so flavorless and such a small amount of food. Try making a black bean or pea soup over the weekend. 1 cup which is generally about 150 calories is VERY filling and you can have a whole grain arnold flat bread roll for anothe 100 calories. Look for lean, natural sources in the rawest form you can find and make food out of it when you have more time then fridge or freeze it for storage.

    You can toast an arnold thin and put a little of your own tomato sauce and some low fat mozzerella, have that with a small salad. Very hearty. Egg whites are also filling and low cal. You will find your balance, just have to try :o)
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    The types of carbs you are eating increase your glycemic index creating more hunger because of the insulin production needed to support it. Balance whole grains with fiber and lean protein...they bind together to make you fuller longer. Also more veggies will help too.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    just eat more
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Yep yep, more protein less SIMPLE carbs. If you're going to eat carbs, say pasta for instance, make sure it is the whole wheat kind. This will add a lot more fiber to your diet and help you stay full longer. Oh, and of course, try to eat a good protein with it. I do like the protein shakes. I use them mainly after workouts but occasionally when I didn't get enough protein in for the day, I'll mix one up with milk and whala...good protein, about 23 grams or more (depending on which powder you buy) with one cup of fat free milk...and that totals only about 190 calories for me. But it's 190 cal's that my body can use.
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    One thing to look at is how much of that came out of a package or a box. That will also keep your mind on track. Try to eat as much as possible that is packaged with a peel :)

    Yes, I was going to say that fruits and veg add a LOT of volume (esp. raw veggies) for very few calories and will fill you up like crazy. You could have a HUGE bowl of greens and raw veg (toms, cuke, carrots, broccoli, etc.) with a few nuts/seeds or 1/2 c beans for about 200-250 cals. incl. dressing. And I mean huge! Check out some veg websites for recipe ideas? (My fave -
  • JenTracey
    JenTracey Posts: 15 Member
    I find I can get my protien in if I drink EAS CArb control Protiern Drinks, 110 cal, 17 g of protien. I love the dark chocolate.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    LOL @ the "less carbs, more protein" crowd.

    The less calorie dense your food is the more you'll feel satiated. Pick foods that fill up your stomach more per calorie than the foods you're eating.

    E.g. a large banana would have roughly the same amount of calories as those oreo cookies but that banana will stuff your stomach up. The oreo will be so small compared to that fruit. Yet you've consumed the same number of calories.

    ANd yes, I do eat a lot of protein and I even use protein to make myself feel full. But the volume of food is important too.
  • sizzlinoverthefat
    sizzlinoverthefat Posts: 136 Member
    Wow, I am so overwhelmed by all this help!!!! Thank you all so much!!! I can't say enough how awesome this site is.

    I have noticed that the days that I eat all non-processed food, I'm not as hungry. It's just hard when I'm trying to get 2 kids out the door, and I have limited time to eat at work (I'm a medical assistant, so I don't get a lot of down time). I'm definitely struggling to get good, wholesome food packed and set to go for the day.

    I'm still reading through everything, you all have so many great ideas....but definitely will be trying to get more protein in!!!
    Yes this is a great place for such things. Here's a little more advice: try cooking turkey breast on the weekend and slice it as thin as yu can and pack in snack size baggies (1/2 way filled) you can do the same with chicken breasts, boneless/skinless of course. Now you have snacks on the go. Do the same with whole almonds, even popcorn precooked the night befor and put in snack size baggies. The main thing is to try to eat small through out the day and taking snack size baggies filled with "good food" including carrots, celery, etc. will do the trick. Good luck you'll get it down.:flowerforyou:
  • mariack
    mariack Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I am new to mfp and was just poking around the site and saw your message. I did look at your diary out of curiosity and noticed that you are not eating enough protein. If you eat more protein, even more than mfp recommends, throughout the day and reduce your carbs you will not be as hungry. Also, don't forget to exercise! Even if it's just a 30 minute walk. It will make you feel more energized and allow you to eat about 100 or so more calories each day!

    Definitely try to eat more protein and less carbs. I'm sure you will feel like you have more energy and will definitely not be starving!

    Good luck!

  • RGonVSH
    RGonVSH Posts: 44 Member
    The only thing I noticed that you do differently than I do is that you seem to eat a lot of simple carbs: pasta, crackers (crisps) etc. These simple carbs don't fill me up, at least not for long. Besides, they add a ton of calories to my day. So in my mind, the calories they cost me is not worth the mileage I get from them. I agree that having a bit more protein may work as well, but I think adding complex carbs, like vegetables, would work better.

    Personally, what works best for me is to look at my plate and divide it into thirds: 1/3 for whole grains AND protein and 2/3 for veggies and fruit. I don't eat much processed food. If it comes in a box or has a label, I mostly don't eat it. There are exceptions, but I read labels religiously. If I cannot pronounce the words in the ingredient list, or they don't represent a real food, I don't buy them. Processed foods are very convenient, but they have a ton of hidden calories and salt, among other unpronounceable chemicals.

    I try my best to eat natural foods. It take planning and forces me to take care of myself. The best part about eating 2/3 plate of veggies at each meal is that vegetables have so few calories, and I can eat enough that they really fill me up. when I am eating on my food plan, I am never hungry.

    I don't always accomplish it, but I try to have a huge salad at either lunch or dinner every day. For that salad, I fill my plate up with baby greens or romaine lettuce (about 2 cups) then I add 1 whole chopped tomato, 1/2 c. chopped carrots, 1 stalk of celery chopped, 1/3 c. chopped red bell peppers, and 1 c. purple cabbage. I add other things sometimes as well, but this one is my tried and true. Then I top veggies with 4 oz of chicken breast or tuna or salmon, and add 2 T. of my salad dressing. The whole meal is always less than 400 calories, and most often less than 300, depending on the dressing I use. And it fills me up!

    So if you are still hungry, eating lots of vegetables (especially a huge salad) will definitely give you more bang for your calories.
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    ...It's just hard when I'm trying to get 2 kids out the door, and I have limited time to eat at work (I'm a medical assistant, so I don't get a lot of down time). I'm definitely struggling to get good, wholesome food packed and set to go for the day...

    I hear you. While I can't relate to your specific example I've been there ... to me it's like exercise ... in 20 minutes I can prep my meals (breakfast/lunch) or at least plan ... and it's just a matter of doing it when I really just don't want to. I think the mental benefit the next day eating healthy food will offset your frustration/exhausting during those 20 minutes the night before.

    Also ... (while I didn't read all these responses as this may have already been said) ... refresh your pantry if you haven't already ... even if it's boxed/processed (not good, I know) it can still be better choices than some ... having healthy food on hand is key when you're rushing ... and of course find a day a week and making meals in batches (freezing them) ... heck, even sandwiches freeze well ... you can find healthy bread and healthy stuff to put between the slices and freeze several sandwiches ... just grab one when you leave ... anyway ... it is work ... so don't think there is an easy trick ... but there are ways ... and as usual it just takes effort! :)

  • Allegi32
    Allegi32 Posts: 302 Member
    Well I wasn't able to make it to the store to get some better protein choices, but I tried to get in more protein when I could today and it went MUCH better! I feel much better than I did yesterday. I'm going to the store tomorrow to get some greek yogurt, low-fat cheese, etc.