Paula Deen on the Today Show - what's your opinion?



  • Debbie7746
    wow..14 pages of posts about this subject..When I came to this site it was for help with my weight issues and to try and improve the way I eat.. I am a diabetic Type II on oral meds and insulin and take numerous meds. as I wrote in my earlier post an hope with weight loss I can reduce meds or possibly get off them complently. There has been a lot of bashing of our fellow MFP members and this is so sad. I thought we were here to help one another and encourage each of us . I for one am home and unable to go out to the gym at the present time. I have no one to go with me as a weight lose buddy to possibly go to the YMCA for low impact water aerobics. I am also embarrassed to go for the mere fact that people gawk at fat people at the gym like they do when you go in a sit down restaurant and you know how skinny people look at you and think ,OMG like she needs to come in here at the Olive Garden an eat because she is fat enough as it is. Very discouraging what I read in these posts, that makes me think wow maybe I need to just back off from this site. It was hard enough to come here and post my actual weight along with a picture and not feel condemned from the get go. As I post my food diary and see the caloric amount I am shocked esp. when I search and see what I use to eat for a information only now so I do not go there again..Too many weight problems in my 59 years without permanent success and this I can do online and not have to be ashamed to walk into yet another WW,Jenny Craig,NutraSystem,diet pills,PhenPhen (which messed up my heart before FDA took it off the market)..I see where many had comments about Paula being a spoke person for the company representing diabetic meds. If that be the case, look at Maria Osmond speaking for NutraSystem...Princess Fergie....Jenifer Hudson for WW..Lets slam them for getting a lot of money for their sponsership..Those people are NOT going to make me join the programs they speak for because in the long run it is the average American(insert country you are from here_________) that is going to make the decesion that is right for you..As far as saying I knew when I looked at Paula Dean and knew she did not eat healthy(why because she was overweight) because there is a lot of things going on in people lives such as depression,anxiety,medication you take causing weight gain. I take a lot of insulin because I am insulin resistant and even though the insulin helps to regulate my bs it also puts weight on you(told this by my diabetic dr.).I take steroids for my RA which that was one of the main reasons I became a diabetic but I needed them to survive the struggle of being able to move and walk. We are responsible for our own actions and parents are responsible for their overweight children because you are the one cooking their food and bringing the food in the house.. Like you see these people on these overweight shows that weight like 500 to 1000 pounds and lay in bed unable to get up and fix their own foods(they had to have gotten the food somehow such as by ther family member cooking it for them and bringing it to their beds(being enabelers(sp)..I want to lose this weight and being able to have a healthy normal life and go to the gym and not be self conscious about myself. Lets encourage one another and not slam our fellow members who are here to do the same..thank you for taking the time to read my post..Happy weight loss : )