Daily Motivation Needed :(

Hello Everyone! :) hmmm where do i begin? Basically I am Un motivated and am in desperate need of support from others that are in the same situation as me!
I work behind a desk all day and have all the time in the world to just stuff my face!
I love Food and no matter what mood im in, I EAT!!

I have my sisters wedding on the 10th of March and im her bridesmaid!! I cant believe i have to stand in front of so many people, looking the way i do :( Im so Angry with myself for gaining as much weight as i have!

Iv always had weight issues, when i was 18, i went on the TLC diet and had so much motivation and drive in me to loose the weight! I lost 21kgs in 3months and was 7kgs away from my goal weight of 65kgs! I now weigh 110kgs and am only 22!!!

I Would really like to make some friends that can help support me in my battle to loose weight, and i will by all means motivate you too!

Good Luck everyone! I know its not easy, but nothing in life is! Its just worth the fight :)


  • pompeyqueen
    pompeyqueen Posts: 55 Member
    I am happy to help and give support, I also do a desk job and it can be a killer :flowerforyou: x
  • StJamesPT
    StJamesPT Posts: 22 Member
    In most things in life the harder we have to work for them, the more we enjoy the rewards / benefits.

    You have an excellent motivator; your sister's wedding. Focus on that and how proud you and your sister will be on the day!

    Good luck!

    Add me as a friend if you wish.

    Mark Green
    Personal Trainer, Exercise Referral Instructor and
    Specialist Exercise Instructor (Obesity & Diabetes Management) - REPs Level 4
    Based in Bristol, UK
  • Frenchy86
    Call me Ms Motivator, I'll be here everyday supporting. You have been successful before and you can be successful again!

    Its not easy, I looove my food and sometimes I have to drag myself out of bed to work out, but that great feeling after a workout and that even better feeling after a loss on the scale makes it all worthwhile!

    Dont be angry, just be determined!! Weight has a way of creeping up on you YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

  • gb2nz
    gb2nz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, Me too on the desk job.

    I've been doing Myfitnesspal for just over a year now, already a Gold member of weightwatchers but like every other diet if it says you can't have you want it more. I've always struggled with my weight so this is my lifestyle now.
    Don't think of it as a diet think of it as a lifestyle.

    You can still nibble all day if you want, just have to pick the low calorie foods. I find baby plum tomatoes good as a nibble food.

    So far I've dropped 3 dress sizes and am now at the gym each lunchtime, only 30 mins, but it still gets me out and I feel refreshed,and I get that glass of wine and 2 chocolates later on as a reward!

    Christmas I didn't count for over a month, put on 5kgs but after going back on to counting last Monday it's nearly all gone.
  • andyblue1
    andyblue1 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning,
    is that you in the photo you look fabulous!!!! Firstly I sympathise. I love food and as I am self employed I work alone most of the time. I get lonely and then eat - sound familiar? Last week I thought enough is enough. I have never been skinny so I'm not aiming for that, just healthier and trimmer.
    You can only move forward, forget about the past you can't change that, but as you say you have a wedding to go to, so take action. I have a sweet tooth so I decided that I won't eat any treats between Monday and Friday. It's great because at the weekend if I want something I dont feel guilty and I really enjoy it. I even think about 'do I really want it'? Writing everything on this site and seeing how many calories a particular food has is an eye opener to me. Try and plan what you are going to eat, it does help and exercise even if it is just ten minutes - it's better than nothing. I have only been on it for a week and although I havent lost any weight I feel more energetic and happy.
    Good luck you can do it, be positive and plan. Remember it is only you that can make the changes in your life.
    Have a good day
  • Tiff587
    Tiff587 Posts: 264 Member
    I have a desk job too, it is a killer!
    Dont be angry with yourself, we are all here for the same reason! It so easy to let the weight creep on!
    I have apples on my desk and have told everyone I'm on this diet! It's been 12 days I think and so far so good!

    Add me if you want, we can help keep each other positive! I have at least 46lb to loose! xx