Eat for the weight you want to be



  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    I think that this makes total sense. It isn't about being on a diet. It is about a lifestyle change. If you eat for the weight you would like to be, the theory is you will slowly lose weight until you reach that point. It may take years, but eventually you'll reach your goal weight, and you won't have to change your eating habits to maintain the weight loss.

    Thanks for posting!
  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    I heard somewhere that if you want to weight 120 pounds then you should eat 1200 calories. So if you want to weight 130 pounds you eat 1300 calories. Sounds kind of crazy to me. I am on maintenance and my calories are around 1600.
  • Debadoo2018
    Debadoo2018 Posts: 38 Member
    I found that Debra Moorhead site when I was trying to figure out what calorie count I should use. I think it makes sense, but it is confusing because MFP had me at 1200 (which I thought was too low) and doing "what I want to weigh" had me at 1733 calories, which I thought was too high. I just picked something somewhat in the middle - 1400 - and seeing how this works.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    If you're interested in this kind of concept then I would fully recommend the Fat2Fit Radio website and podcasts.
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    I haven't read the article but I think it may be the same one that I read last year, and that I did do and lost 25 pounds in four months, which was the most weight I had lost in years. I basically did the same thing that I'm doing now, which was keeping a journal, and I wanted to get to 135 pounds. I always thought the concept was a good one and makes perfect sense. I did not feel deprived, and I actually had more calories than I have now on MFP. The concept is really almost the same as MFP when you really think about it. So if you do it, you may as well stick with MFP in my opinion. I do, however, think that if you have to lose, let's say, over 100 pounds you should still start out with at least 1500-1800 calories, no matter where you are trying to be. But if you need to lose around 50, it is definitely doable.

    Ok, just read the article and it is NOT the one I read last The one I read stated that in order to determine the amount of calories for your ideal or goal weight is to multiply the number of pounds that you want to be by 100 and that is the number of calories that you need to eat. For example, a goal of 135 pounds would be 1350 calories a day, and that is what I did. So I stand corrected. Not sure I would want to do what this article is saying after all. Seems like it would be too many calories and that you would plateau very easily, imo.
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    Wow, I'm really surprised to hear people talking as though you would have fewer calories. You get that your goal would be about 2000 cals (for a woman), right? Not the close to 1200 goals that some people on here have.

    Not sure where you're getting 2000 calories for a woman. I'm at maintenance now and my calories are only 1410.
    probably meant for the average women. To have your maintenance calories at 1410 your BMR would need to be under 1000 for small, which is not normal especially if someone actually exercises. there is always the exception of course, but i think 2000 is about right for an active young to middle aged woman.

    my BMR is 1122. I am 48 years old, 5'3" tall and weigh 115. According to mfp my maintenance cals are 1410, I get more if I exercise (which I do 6 days per week) and I do eat them back.
  • cah1255
    cah1255 Posts: 41 Member
    has anyone tried this yet? results??
  • Multiply your calories needed per day (from #2 above) by the following percentages, depending on your activity level:
    Light activity: 50% to 70%
    Moderate: 65% to 80%
    Heavy: 90% to 120%
    If you sit at a desk for your job, and workout 30 minutes per day, this would be light activity. If your job involves more motion and you are active in addition to your workout (you take stairs, walk to work, do alot of housework, etc.), this would be moderate. Heavy activity would be for construction workers, athletes, etc. Most Americans are in the "light activity" level.
    Say you weigh 150 pounds. Divide by 2.2 to get 68 kilograms.
    68 times 24 hours = 1632 calories needed per day for basic function.
    Let's say you're activity is light:
    1632 times 50% = 816
    1632 times 70% = 1142.
  • This is really interesting and makes a lot of sense to me. I think this is probably why plans such as slimming world which give you such a lot of freedom over healthy stuff still works. I can actually have 400 more calories a day to get down to what is a very low goal weight for me. I think I am going to give it a try.
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,364 Member
    Blah there's so much i don't understand yet. What's a (TDEE)? I see people talking nubers and %'s on here....but it's all gibberish. I just go to the gym and do my thing, and try to eat below what MFP says my calorie goals are. Now i'm wondering if I am doing the wrong thing, when I see these percentages and such,
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 274 Member
    i just did my eat for goal weight and it gave me a calorie of less than 1200, am i eating too much?
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    that can't be right!! if I want to be 129lbs (9st 3 to complete wii fit) I have to eat 1759!!! I've been at around 1200 since last June! I'm still losing slowly ... nothing like 25lbs in a month but there's no way that you're gonna keep that from going back on if you lose 25lbs in a single month! .. and I'm trying to tone tummy as I lose so I don't end up with loads of saggy skin

    MFP only has me at 1360 now for half a pound a week at 10st 1!

    Think as I'm only 2lb off reaching my first mini goal of '9st something' for first time in about 16yrs I'm gonna stick with what I'm doing! I can't see how i can get as far down as 9st 3 by increasing my calories to a whopping 1759 and thats at sedentary so not doing any exercise to burn any of them off!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    Bump...might have to try this.......I am hardly losing anything at all right now!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Now, with this method, could I set myself up as sedentary and still eat back the exercise calories? Because it is that which motivates me to get out there and do the exercise in the first place?
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,139 Member
    Wow, I'm really surprised to hear people talking as though you would have fewer calories. You get that your goal would be about 2000 cals (for a woman), right? Not the close to 1200 goals that some people on here have.

    Not sure where you're getting 2000 calories for a woman. I'm at maintenance now and my calories are only 1410.
    probably meant for the average women. To have your maintenance calories at 1410 your BMR would need to be under 1000 for small, which is not normal especially if someone actually exercises. there is always the exception of course, but i think 2000 is about right for an active young to middle aged woman.

    my BMR is 1122. I am 48 years old, 5'3" tall and weigh 115. According to mfp my maintenance cals are 1410, I get more if I exercise (which I do 6 days per week) and I do eat them back.
    Exercise is part of maintenance calories and if you eat them back (which should be done to calculate maintenance calories) then your maintenance is more than 1410. The term BMR should be abolished from the nutritional landscape for dieting purposes.....[scarcasm]
  • gaia3rd
    gaia3rd Posts: 151
    There is a group here on MFP called "Eating for future you method" that discusses this subject in detail and there are many people reporting successes. Here is the link:
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    NO WAY!!!! .. if I want to be 9 stone exactly (126lbs) I have to eat 1,718 cals?, but MFP has me on less that and my current goal is only 9st 7!.. how does that work?

    I'm only 3lb off my goal, I can't see me reaching it next month if I increase my cals to 1718!! :noway:
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I read an article that basically says you should eat for whatever weight you want to be. For example if you want to weigh 130 you should eat the calories that would be needed for a person to maintain 130 calories. I found it to be very interesting and it makes sense. Also, if I go by what that article says I am actually not eating enough calories. Here is a link to that article if you are interested. Let me know what you think. BTW there is nothing to buy or anything...just information.

    I've just read the article and worked out my daily calorie requirements.

    If the diet I'm on doesn't work, I might switch to this - or when I hit maintenance. It looks to make good sense without being too painful.
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Bump for later...
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    Can't you just go to the goals section on MFP and change your current weight TO your goal weight? Then set it to 'sedentary' and 'maintain'? Then eat what MFP sets it at? Then if you workout you would eat back exercise calories? Or will it not work that way because of my current BMR---because it would be different for my 'goal' BMR?

    Just wondering if we have to get maintenance calories from ---or can you do it the way I stated above? I hope this makes sense:huh: .