hi newbe please add me in need of support

started today in need of support please add me msg me :-)


  • Kaholliday84
    Kaholliday84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, although i a have used this tool for a while i am new to having friends and sharing advice....i have been unsucessful in the past at dieting but am more determined than ever to shift my weight. Good luck with your weight loss!!
  • emzy22s
    Hi I started on here yesterday. Good luck with your weight loss! :)
  • queenjme
    queenjme Posts: 26 Member
    hey hun. would love to follow you/be followed in our successes.
    all the best and look foreward to your posts
  • michellejj1980
    me too i have had this app for a while. i used it for a couple of weeks while losing weight then stopped.
    i have lost 56lb doing cambridge diet and kept it off for a year. i have just 8lb i want to lose as put some on over xmas then just want to eat healthy to maintain again but would like support and to support others too.

    hope to keep in touch
  • michellejj1980
    would be good to keep in touch

    if you have a blackberry you can add me to bbm just msg me for my pin x