30 Day Shred and Calorie Burned

I recently bought the 30DS DVD after giving up on it last year because I got too sore. I also use my elliptical regularyly (30 mins daily) but I was wondering how does one track calories burned from such a workout like 30DS or Zumba/dance workouts and is it too much stress to do both 30DS and daily elliptical workouts?

Thanks :happy:


  • bekisimpkins
    bekisimpkins Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I've bought the 30ds and will start on Feb 1st for a month (I'm building up to it).

    After reading the reviews on this site, I treated myself to a Polar f4 heart rate monitor (there are some really fancy ones out there but this one seems fine for what I want). I really recommend you buy one as you may be shocked by how much you actually burn! I use the Wii and an on-screen display tells you what you've burned - according to my HRM, I'm burning around double what it says. I realise this probably means I'm unfit, but it's far better to know than guess!

    As for two lots of exercise, I usually get up in the morning and use the Wii (this will be replaced in Feb with 30ds) and when I finish work I'll get back on the Wii or do a DVD. So far it's not done me any harm (hasn't done me any good either this week as I've not lost a pound :-( !) and if I've had a really bad day and need to miss the evening session, I like knowing I've already done 30mins in the morning - better than nothing!

    Anways, good luck with your workouts! Just listen to your body and rest where needed!
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    I recently bought the 30DS DVD after giving up on it last year because I got too sore. I also use my elliptical regularyly (30 mins daily) but I was wondering how does one track calories burned from such a workout like 30DS or Zumba/dance workouts and is it too much stress to do both 30DS and daily elliptical workouts?

    Thanks :happy:

    i do the 30 day shread and running and elliptical. its doing me the world of good
  • lez2688
    I use my HRM I have the Polar FT60 or 80? I cant rmember what model it is. Its brilliant I wear it to all my classes and also when I use my 30day shred dvd. I like to see how im doing and I thnk it helps me push myself more so I can burn more calories! :)
  • Nalgh94
    Nalgh94 Posts: 181 Member
    Thank you for the replies, I didn't think HRM is something I needed but after reading many reviews here I think it may be worth to start the search for an affordable one.