Turbofire and a plateau :-(

I'm finishing up my 4th week on Turbofire and I've hit a plateau, I've stayed the same weight for 2 weeks now. Here's my diet: for breakfast / lunch one smoothie with spinach, strawberries, 1/2 banana, unsweetened almond milk, dannon light and fit yogurt and one sweet n low. I have two snacks, 90 cal fiber one brownie, and one fiber one oaks and chocolate bar. dinner is pretty good, usually turkey burger with veggies, salmon with veggies and last night i treated myself to a lean cuisine pizza lol. then at night when i put the little one down i have a skinny cow chocolate ice cream cone, usually around 1200 calories per day. What am i doing wrong??? :-(


  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    As intense as TF is, you're eating too few calories (I'm on my second round of TF). Did you use the guide to calculate your calories?
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    no i looked at it but I'm just too paranoid that if i don't push myself during the workouts the extra calories will just sit with me
  • tdrinkard85
    Your net calorie consumption needs to be at least what your BMR is. You can calculate your BMR online. This is how many calories your body needs to function (breath and digest food etc). If you aren't getting this your body is going to hold on to every calorie it takes in instead of burning. Turbofire is no joke so I imagine you are burning lots of calories which is going to bring your net calories super low.
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    I'd try upping your calorie intake to at least 1,400-1,500 to start. If you're burning, say, 400-500 calories during some of the longer workouts, you're only giving your body 700-800 calories minimum to run on with a 1,200-calorie diet.
  • deannarey13
    I agree with the others. I have done Turbo Fire and burned an average of 450-600 calories (depending on workout) at a time. You should be eating much more if you want your body to burn off any fat. Right now, it's holding on to every bit it has because you aren't feeding it enough.
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    i just grabbed the booklet, it says i should eat 1460 calories and I'm around 1200 right now, would that really make a difference?
  • mommypeppy
    mommypeppy Posts: 1 Member
    Those bars have alot of sugars in them. Try more protien, less sugar. I am doing the 17 day diet and it suggests getting your sugars from natural sources, not cane sugar. If you get the sugar from fruit, you will get the fiber too. good luck!!:happy:
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    i just grabbed the booklet, it says i should eat 1460 calories and I'm around 1200 right now, would that really make a difference?

    I'd give it a try. You may even need more than that on the more intense workout days.
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks everyone for your help! I'll finish up the skinny cow ice cream cones i have left (their just too good to toss) then ill start eating better snacks, i'll also stop eating so much fiber one. Ive been adding chia seeds to my smoothies too and i forgot how much fiber is in those so i won't be missing out when i give up those bars.
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    I'd give it a try. You may even need more than that on the more intense workout days.

    Today's one of those intense workout days.... I'm not looking forward to it! lol Thanks again for the help!!
  • xXHeatherRaeXx
    xXHeatherRaeXx Posts: 175 Member
    LOL...I understand completely, especially with Fire 45EZ. Good luck!
  • hermightychelle
    hermightychelle Posts: 25 Member
    Never heard of Turbofire... Just as intense as P90X, but more fun? Or is is more like Insanity? Good results? Thanks for the info!
  • lmkelly679
    lmkelly679 Posts: 102 Member
    Ive never done P90X but its from the same company. Turbofire does a lot of cardio and it really kicks your butt! I have a love / hate relationship with it. It's great!