new here and need support please.....

hi everyone my name is missy. I would like to lose 25 pounds yet to reach my goal. Although I am struggling so hard. My worst thing is I am a stress eater. so that doesn't help. I just know I want to be the size I used to be and the more I allow my self to put on the pounds the worst i feel.

Please anyone feel free to add me if you would like. I love having support and I can also give support. it is kind of funny because the support i give out is great but I never seem to listen to my own words....gggrr it drives me bonkers lol

thanks everyone. take care


  • fabulousby45
    I'm an emotional eater too! I hate that stress or how your feeling affects what you eat. I've been doing MFP since the 1st of January and I have lost 20 pounds of my 100 lb goal. I am aiming towards WLS, but at this rate I'm doing good on my own, but I KNOW things will change and I will probably get stressed, so I need all the support from fellow members too. Please add me if you need support.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lively32
    fabulousby45, Keep up the great work! 20 pound loss is wonderful!
    I had the WLS. I did lose 160 pounds but now I have put on about 30 and want to work hard at getting it back off. It is weird how you mind can play a huge rule in your diet. I am a horrible stress eater and I know I had the WLS but I am 3 years out so I can eat more than alot of people think, all depending on the food I pick. So if I am stressing and I turn to food, of course I pick something that is can binge on that will allow me not to hurt after I am done eating it. It is very frustrating and I would love to have all the support I can get and I am here for anyone that needs me also. Believe me I know the struggles and challenges we all go through to get threw a day being good with eating and exercising. Thank you for your post back...

    take care
  • Prozack1964
    hello and welcome here I hope you havea great day and good luck
  • lively32
    prozack1964, thank you so much!!!
    same to you.......
  • Firestone0904
    Hey! I'd love to be some support for you. I'm (almost) 28 and I've literally struggled with my weight my entire life. By 12 I was labeled "obese" by my doctor. Such a great confidence boost to a kid trying to figure out where she belongs in the world. However, 15 years later, I'm a much smaller version of my former self and it's been a struggle. I love to help where I can. I find motivation in keeping others motivated and seeing them succeed. Add me to your friends and we'll keep each other going :)

  • pbl1966
    pbl1966 Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome Missy, MFP is great. I have lost 25 pounds since September and if I can do it I know you can also. Feel free to add me, I am on here everyday.
  • 1resolute
    I'm new here and I want to say, "Hi to everyone working to lose weight." I would like to make new friends to keep me motivated, and to help them do the same.