I am new to this site. I am a new momma and need to lose at least 50 lbs. It is hard and I hope this site can help me. Anyone out there in the sameboat...Just curious has anyone had sucess on this site...


  • leken04
    leken04 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi and congrats on your bundle! I have a baby who is turning one ( and 2 older) and I have about 45 more lbs to go before I reach my goal. Yes I have found success especially when I started logging my food and really seeing how much I was eating. almost 40lbs gone so far and heading in the right direction! I hope you find success on your journey
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    I am in the exact same boat- except not such a new Momma. My kids are almost 3 and 1 yr and 4 months. But I am on a journey to change my lifestyle and lose 50- 55 lbs. Feel free to add me as a friend, I find it a lot easier when you have friends who motivate and support you.

    Welcome to MFP!
  • jpmill79
    jpmill79 Posts: 74 Member
    i am in the same boat! i have 3 little munchins, 5, 3, and 9 months old! are you nursing? i just joined mfp and have 28 more pounds to go. it drove me nuts all the people who assumed i would lose all the weight just because i was nursing. i found it extremely difficult to lose weight while nursing because i was aLWays hungry! i just stopped nursing in hopes of taking care of myself and hopefully start to lose weight. congratulations on your little one and good luck! it can be done! i gained 50 pounds with all 3 pregnancies, unfortunately is just going to take a bit harder work this time around. we can do it and be hot mommas!
  • AnewNisha
    AnewNisha Posts: 42 Member
    Hello!! congrats on the new baby!!! I also just had a baby about 2 months ago and need to loose 60 lbs... I work fulltime and it would be nice to be able to chat with people who can feel my pain loll ( the good kind of pain) I also have a 9 year old and he helps out alot... my husband is a huge help and we all could use a change in our diets so as long as we are all on the same page it should be a bit easier...Good Luck girly!!

  • mmrkar
    mmrkar Posts: 14 Member
    I'm also here trying to lose the baby weight. My son is 16 months and I'm trying to get some weight off before I start the whole pregnancy process again! :) I've lost about 15-20 pounds so far and am hoping to lose at least another 10-15. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • knclark727
    knclark727 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a 6 month old... and I am also trying to lose around 50 pounds. I just started this yesterday. I havnt had much luck with any other kind of diet. This is site is awesome because it makes you aware of exactly how many calories you are actually eating!
  • dsb76
    dsb76 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi - I have 2 mo twins and a 2.5 year old. Trying to get back in shape. I'm nursing as well and always so hungry - especially for carbs. Feel free to friend me!
  • I'm trying to lose a total of 100 lbs ( That's my ultimate weightloss goal ), but I'm keeping my short-term goal at 50 lbs for now. I'm a first time, new mommy myself, although my child's 17 months ( 1yr +5 mo. ). It's good to have support from friends on mfp, which offers the best motivation. It's a real plus logging in your info and seeing what you're eating and where all those calories are coming from.
    Words of advice:
    Don't get too hung up on all the message boards and people's opinions. The avg person on this website are great and very positive, but there are a few who are very opinionated. Just take it or leave it lol
    Stay positive! I've found that the right mind set is all it takes to get on your way. Feel free to add me as well. I'm starting to get in a better grind and it's good to have people to back you up!
  • Congrats on being a new mommy!! its such an amazing new change of life.. the sad part is.. the lil bundles of joys change our bodies... I had my baby girl 2 years ago and immediately lost 20 lbs! but then.. gained it plus more! soooooooooo.. after that said.. I am trying to lose 60 lbs! but my first goal is 40lbs by june.. and thats why I joined this site too!! I wish you good luck!! I'm sure we can all motivate each other some way .. I see a lot of good results with some people!!
  • lilsassymom
    lilsassymom Posts: 407 Member
    I am a mom of 3 ages 4,3,and 5 months. I started out at 150 and lost 10 lbs on my own. Then I got stuck at 140 and couldn't lose anything. A friend suggested I try this site and so I joined MFP the Monday BEFORE Thanksgiving. I have lost 13 lbs since then---even with all the holidays and holiday parties. I am soo happy I joined this site. I am in the best shape I have been in years. I have a few more pounds I want to lose and I also want to tone up---but I am very happy with my "new body."

    Honestly, I didn't think I would stick with this site because I thought it was too time consuming---logging everything etc. I told myself I would try it for a couple weeks and decide if I still wanted to do it. Well, I saw results almost right away so that has encouraged me to stick around here. Some helpful information for you----I find if I pre-log my meals the night before it is easier for me to stay under my calorie goal. This site also has a lot of useful information in the message boards.
  • ebonyroche
    ebonyroche Posts: 682 Member
    Congrats to you

    My daughter is 4 months and I have quite a ways to go. I am trying for a 100 pound weight loss. I just started MFP on 1/9 and so far so good. I agree with the others, I never realized how many calories I was eating throughout the day when I went back to work. I work full time and I found my self munching all day to try to keep myself awake. I gained the weight I loss after I had the baby and found my back hurting more and more. I started exercising in the am and watching what I eat and it has been great.. Good luck to you all.
  • Hello! I am a momma too, 3 boys who are 9, 6 and 4. So not really a new mommy...but all the stress and momma chub to go with it! Between all of my pregnancies I gained about 100 pounds. I'm looking to lose that and some. This site is awesome. On days that I'm not motivated at all, I just hop on here and read about others successes to motivate me. And it's nice to get the pat on the back when you do an awesome workout or do great at eating that day. When I actually keep under the daily cal goal and get in my 30 minutes of exercise, I always have a loss for the I would say yes the site definitely helps in the weight loss journey! You just have to make the effort and get in the habit of logging :) Feel free to add me!
  • bettermomma28
    bettermomma28 Posts: 8 Member
    I have about 50 pounds to lose too. My youngest is almost 4. I gained tons of weight with each of my pregnancies. When my daughter was almost a year old I was still very heavy and nursing. I never lost weight when I was nursing. I always hungry. When she weaned I got serious about losing weight. It took me about a year but I lost 80lbs. I was only 15-20 pounds way from my goal and was holding steady. I was pretty happy with that actually. Then life around here changed. I had some hormonal/medical problems, then I broke my foot and ankle, and then had to have abdominal surgery. I regained 30 pounds. I have only been on here for about 2 weeks. I like it so far. I need to finish losing this weight for good. I would love to have you as a friend on this journey. I wish you success as you work toward your goals.