Eating out?

Well I have been on my "serious" weight loss journey for 10 days now! =) This isn't my first go-around, but I am pretty excited about this new lifestyle change!

With that said, I have been under my calorie goal every day and have been sneaking in some exercise when I am able. It seems like life creates many obstacles - I went out to lunch with a co-worker yesterday and had some soup and salad (all falling within my calorie goal) Then today I have been asked again! I don't mind going out to eat, but I wonder what effects it is having on my weight loss? (Even when staying within my calories)

For instance - Today I brought a Lean Cuisine Speghetti meal for lunch - Not excited about it, but no real desire to eat out either. So, my co-worker wants to eat out again to. I can go and eat out.... calorie intake will definitely be higher and sodium is off the charts! I will stay within my calorie goal, but I am wondering if choosing to eat out instead of just eating my meal is setting myself up for failure? Tomorrow I have to eat at the Olive Garden for my mom's birthday - I am honestly tired of eating out... it is hard to find things to eat.

Do you think eating out makes it more challenging to eat right? How do you handle people always asking you to eat out? Do you think you lose weight faster/healthier by not eating out?

Oh, and I feel like sometime I cheat myself by eating out - portions are never measured correctly .... you can never be sure. That bothers me as well. Am I over thinking this?


  • JKBarnett88
    I definitely think eating out makes is more challenging to eat right (for me it's because there are so many tempting bad choices) However, as long as you are making the best meal option possible, it's fine in moderation.

    I am always going out to eat, mainly because that's what my friends and I tend to do when we hangout. If I know in advance I try to look on the restaurant's website at nutrition info. There are also so many ways to choose healthier options now at a lot of restaurants...

    I went to Red Robin for dinner the other night and had a burger, but made it a lot healthier by getting a garden burger, lettuce bun, no cheese and opted out of the fries for broccoli.

    Something else I'll do sometimes if I'm eating out and know that I'm eating something not particularly healthy or a large portion is ask for a box right away and automatically put half of the food into it for the next day! That always makes me feel better as far as portions go. Plus, I don't have to worry about my lunch the following day :)
  • deliak2010
    I definitely think eating out makes is more challenging to eat right (for me it's because there are so many tempting bad choices) However, as long as you are making the best meal option possible, it's fine in moderation.

    I am always going out to eat, mainly because that's what my friends and I tend to do when we hangout. If I know in advance I try to look on the restaurant's website at nutrition info. There are also so many ways to choose healthier options now at a lot of restaurants...

    I went to Red Robin for dinner the other night and had a burger, but made it a lot healthier by getting a garden burger, lettuce bun, no cheese and opted out of the fries for broccoli.

    Something else I'll do sometimes if I'm eating out and know that I'm eating something not particularly healthy or a large portion is ask for a box right away and automatically put half of the food into it for the next day! That always makes me feel better as far as portions go. Plus, I don't have to worry about my lunch the following day :)

    ^Couldn't have said it better! I do all the exact same things for eating out and it totally relieves the calorie counting anxiety AND makes you feel so much better and relaxed so you can actually ENJOY the get together rather than obsessing about the food :). Good luck in your weight loss journey and keep up the good work! :)
  • frillypantz
    I have the same problem, you can do things like instead of getting the fries just have boiled potaoes or even salad, and if you're at a restaurant that makes everything themselves you can ask for a half portion for half the price! So you still have the greatness of steak and fries but instead of 1000 calories you can get it for just 500! Also try eating fruit or drink lots of water before you go so you feel fuller and don't eat as much. Try to persuade whoever you're with to have the healthy option too, as it's horrible sitting there denying yourself when everyone is stuffing their face!
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    For me at first eating out was hard but then I found things that would work for me. Looking like a total nerd I would be looking up the nutrition info right there at the table :) I found a bunch of stuff that fits in my diet :) If it is going to be a really bad meal, because some places just don't have healthier options I just eat lighter for the other two meals and snacks so it evens out :)
  • mallory3411
    mallory3411 Posts: 839 Member
    It's easy if you make it easy. Like someone said, one thing is to ask for a take out container right away and put half your food in it before you eat and put it to the side.

    If you know where you're going check the website for the NI first... pick a meal from what you've seen there and you're good.

    Otherwise, order things different. Just because it's made one way for what's on the menu doesn't mean they won't make it another way. Ask for stir fry's, etc to be with olive oil, not butter. Chicken grilled or broiled, not fried. Dressing on the side, hold the mayo, etc etc. So many ways to make things healthier while still eating out.

    If you are tired of eating out why not politely decline?

    Depending on what you choose a lunch out may be a bit better than the lean cuisine... loaded with sodium. Good luck!
  • catmom2cj
    catmom2cj Posts: 47 Member
    I haven't stopped eating out but I try to limit it My co-worker were hard to deal with in the beginning because we used to eat out a lot. Now we go only go Fridays (Friday morning is my weigh-in so I figure I have a whole week to lose it LOL). But I still eat out with my family too but its more sporadic (some weeks 2 times a week then not again for a month). I try research ahead of time if possible what will be within my calorie limit, keep other meals that day small, eat only half and bring the other half as leftovers (if its something really bad that I don't need to eat the other half I give it to my husband for leftovers). Good luck.
  • Brittypop
    I have the same issue. We are a 'eating out' family and I go out a lot with friends. It's fairly easy to stay within your calorie limit (if you watch what you eat for the rest of your daily meals) but inevitably, your sodium intake will be off the charts. It's very difficult to change your lifestyle so my best advice would be to check the restaurant menu (if you can) before you enter the restaurant and choose what you're gonna eat beforehand. Also, drinks tons of water that day and try to get a solid workout in.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    Tomorrow I have to eat at the Olive Garden for my mom's birthday - I am honestly tired of eating out... it is hard to find things to eat.

    Lunch or dinner?

    I'd plan to eat light during the day,
    and plan your meal out ahead of time.

    Good luck!