Is it possible?



  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    1/2 a pound a day is totally possible with appropriate exercise and not eating the exercise calories back. Raspberries, blueberries, no fat cottage cheese, weight control oatmeal, English muffins and no fat cream cheese, no sugar popsicles and snack on black cherries. Eat a little every hour or so and no big meals

    If you want it more than you want to listen to the voices in your head, you can do it

    Are you for serious???
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    29 lbs of what?
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    29 pounds in 41 days?

    i've lost 30lbs in 99 days
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    Well I have 26 pounds and 40 days or I lose my job. So here goes nothing. Eating no more than a 1000 cal a day and exercising. Other wise I will be having to find a new job.

    I am really sorry to hear that. I know my brother was in a similar situation and he started to lose the weight and was able to show he was consistently and consciously taking strides to more healthful living. So although he didn't make weight goal "deadline" he was able to to go to them and say " Hey, this is how how far I have come I am working really hard and I will continue to do so". They let him keep his job on the promise that he would maintain his efforts. And he did. Sometimes it's just need to see that you are willing to make the effort. Just a thought.

    I hope you will continue your track to health whether or not you keep this job. All the best to you!!!
  • Wow!!! That's a bit much...lose it...or looooose it....It's not a healthy weight loss @ all...wish you the best!!!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    29 lbs of what?
    Lead or Feathers?
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    1/2 a pound a day is totally possible with appropriate exercise and not eating the exercise calories back. Raspberries, blueberries, no fat cottage cheese, weight control oatmeal, English muffins and no fat cream cheese, no sugar popsicles and snack on black cherries. Eat a little every hour or so and no big meals

    If you want it more than you want to listen to the voices in your head, you can do it

    Are you for serious???

    God I hope not.
  • particleastro
    particleastro Posts: 68 Member
    You legs only weigh 30lbs? Jezze, beware of strong winds :-)

  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    I just lost 5 in 7 days. Soo... doing the math, I believe it can be done. Depending on the person... If they have alot of weight to lose, 29 pounds can be dropped in no time!

    2 pounds a week is safe... But depending on the starting weight, 2 pounds a week is a Low goal... especially in the beginning for a larger person.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    If losing weight were linear, all you'd have to do is this:

    29 x 3500 = 101,500/41 = 2475.609

    Doable. Yes. Realistic? Probably not. Would you keep the 29 pounds off for good? I'd bet money you wouldn't.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    I am really interested in seeing if you make it. Keep us posted or add me as a friend. I am rooting for you.
  • mwestonp
    mwestonp Posts: 77 Member
    I think it's possible. Aggressive, but possible. I'm 5' 9"...I started at 247 on November 7th and currently at 210 (37 pounds lost so far). Looking back at my records, I shed the first 30 pounds in 54 days. Nothing extreme in my case, just conscious eating (using MFP to hit calorie targets and macro nutrient goals) and cardio. The first two months I was solely doing elliptical at home ranging from 30 minutes to an hour each day, depending on the day. I haven't missed a day of cardio yet. I've since added in weight lifting. The rate at which I'm losing weight has leveled off, but I continue to lose inches.

    Had I been laser beam focused on 29 pounds in 41 days I think it could've been possible with more cardio and even cleaner eating...especially considering the fact that the period of time I shed those first 30 pounds included Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, and a handfull of parties/events, so I definitely had some cheat/spike days.

    Just one guy's recent experience / progress. I hope it helps.
  • Julieothree
    Julieothree Posts: 63 Member
    Yes it is definitely possible. i would think some kind of juice fasting would get you there.
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    Well I have 26 pounds and 40 days or I lose my job. So here goes nothing. Eating no more than a 1000 cal a day and exercising. Other wise I will be having to find a new job.

    What is your starting weight? Drink lots of water. No to low carbs... alot of lean protein. Work out 5 days a week. NO More then that. It is possible... You will not have to cut off a limb like stated in so many entries above.
  • I think it's possible, just not preferable. But sometimes, we gotta do what we gotta do. You can always do some type of juice fasting. However, you won't end up keeping the weight off unless you make healthy lifestyle changes for good. I wish you the best.
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I lost that much when I started. But I started at an absurd 382 pounds. It slows down though!
  • leneveu2
    leneveu2 Posts: 10 Member
    I started 10 months ago at 340. Now I am 279. I have to be under 250. I have till Feb 29th. I was doing weight watchers and was doing steady loss. Now I am crunched and need to lose more at a time than I have been. I am now counting calories and staying under a 1000 and not eating my exercise calories. Weigh in is every quarter. So once i am below, I can go back to slow and steady. My ultimate goal is to be around 180 pounds.
  • leneveu2
    leneveu2 Posts: 10 Member
    Didn't make it. So now I am working to lose it for myself. But thanks for all the replies.
  • jpads1234
    jpads1234 Posts: 95 Member
    sounds like your on the right track hang in there and the pounds will come off the right way