It's really cold out, I wanna walk but..HELP ME



  • libland
    libland Posts: 284 Member
    Get a fleece balaclava. Keep your face warm + you'll look like a ninja.
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    Check out your local community center. Most of
    them have a gym (like mine) and they're usually
    inexpensive. I only pay $10 a month! No contracts,
    just pay as you go! Plus they even have wi-fi so I can
    watch Netflix, listen to Pandora, or what ever. I've been
    pretty good about using the gym, including one of the
    many tread mills! :happy:
  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    Can you go to the mall or any store and walk?? It's warm in there... What I did a few times was just walk or run circles in my house. You can also walk/jog in place in front of the tv while watching.
  • Walk in place... while watching tv! You can even step it up a little and jog. I have a mini trampoline, I got it at Walmart I think, it was pretty cheap. I use it to jog, it's much easier on me to jog on it then on hard concrete. I have a heel issue sometimes. I can really get going on that, work up a good sweat! All in the comfort of my own home, listening to music of watching my favorite tv shows.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Not sure where you are but I just went for a 30 minute walk here in WI at 5 degrees C. Cheeks and nose got a bit cold but the rest of me was alright... just wear lots of layers and a big old hat and gloves.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Sometimes when running or biking in cold weather, a thin coat of Vaseline can protect your face and keep it warm. Or go with the neoprene.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    It all depends - so long as you don't have a condition like asthma and aren't having problems breathing that cold air - if that is what you like to do then bundle up and head outside. (I mention the asthma because I can't breathe in the really cold air - even with a scarf over my face.) Otherwise, if it is too cold and you really don't want to do it - find some new videos online maybe - YouTube. The important thing is you somewhat like what you are doing or else you won't do it. I have heard some people walk in their house and they march instead of walk - they really lift their knees up high to get their heart rate going and mix in jumping jacks, etc. Depending on the length of your hallway you can always run up and down that. Good Luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • you can make a "pretty" one out of any material...its just like a bandana and there are tons of pretty girly fabric to choose from...NO TERRORIST WILL WEAR A PINK FLOWERED OR BUTTERFLIED FACEMASK!:laugh:
  • Pamela259
    Pamela259 Posts: 74 Member
    I had to go out and walk 3 times today to get my kids and it was ffrrrreezing outside we just gotta suck it up get wrapped up warm and go .............. if you really wanna stay inside, dance round do cleaning i do jillian micheals 30 dayshred in the mornings ive just got to try not to talk mmyself out of it lol good luck
  • i recommend one of these:


    (i've been waiting to order a ginger one for months. they're just always sold out ;( )
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    These days I've really been into Bikram (hot) yoga for obvious reasons, and, somewhat couterintuitively, swimming laps.
  • Cberg9
    Cberg9 Posts: 123
    My face starts hurting. -___- I enjoy walking usually, since my neighborhood is beautiful this time of year and I have time to listen to my music. BUT DAMMIT ITS SO COLD. Any ideas what I should be doing? I don't have any exercise equipment, just moved here. And I have a couple of exercise videos but I'm not very fond of them. I try to do yoga every day for twenty minutes as well :)
    What do you do in these harsh winter months?
    go to
    those are all the in home work outs you will ever need!
  • mikey1976
    mikey1976 Posts: 1,005 Member
    you can do a verity of things skipping, jumping jacks, push ups, squates, lunges, crunches just be creative
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    You could try an indoor walking program like Leslie Sansone DVD's she has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 mile walking programs-dont need a lot of space to do it either. You can check Target if you live close to one or there is a website called where you can get them and check out various programs before buying. Good luck-I feel you pain with the cold.:flowerforyou:
  • Im on the same boat - love walking to music. I can still do it - Im in Toronto but its not very cold plus i like walking when its cold... Problem is that walking is a really inefficient way of burning calories. Walking for an hour and a half is probably like 30 mins of an intense workout (making up the numbers but im sure thats not an absurd guess).
    Anyway, Ive just discovered burpees - on the body rock site (by the way thats a really good one and if you dont have the equipment improvising is no issue).
    Burpees are when you jump up high reaching to the sky, then immediately fall down squatting and when youre close to the ground you shoot your legs out behind you in plank or pushup position. then you do one pushup (or not) and pull your legs back in in one swift motion and start over. YOu should do a couple of sessions lasting 30 seconds in which you do as many of these as fast as you can (always swift motions with good posture). Look up a video of someone doing them.

    Anyway, thats def been a great alternative I found. Theyre hard to do but since its simple and repetitive i find it pleasant to not have to think about it or plan a whole routine. Def something you should incorporate to a whole fitness routine, but doing just the burpees should make a dif.

    Hoep this helps
  • Move it Phoenix :) its a nice 65-70 degrees everyday in the winter here!