AM workouts - how early do you get up?

Trying to find motivation to start setting my alarm clock for 4:45am to squeeze in 30 min workout before getting ready for work... For those who do morning workouts, how early are you getting up??


  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I jump on the treadmill the minute my boyfriend leaves for work at 630am. Spend 30 minutes incline of 6/ 15min mile. Then a short weight routine or crunches. Watch the news to pass the time. Thrilled when it is over.
  • spartacus69
    5am in the warmer months, but I find it tough to roll out from under the blanket in the winter ... Currently shooting for 5:30am, give or take a couple minutes.
  • Pascua_j
    Pascua_j Posts: 67 Member
    4:30/4:45. It is not so bad once you get used to it. But at first its a killer,
  • fitnessgal1318
    I wake up at 4:45 to get to the gym in the morning. It definitely is hard at first but once you get in the routine of doing it, it does get easier. It is also great to have your workout done early on and gives me extra energy to deal with all the stressors of the day. Good luck!!
  • kmillers
    kmillers Posts: 144 Member
    I wake up between 4 and 4:15am. This gives me enough time to workout. I try to drink water right before bed and so when my alarm goes off, I have to use the restroom. I put my workout clothes and shoes right in the restroom so "as long as I'm up" and off I go to work out. Then I have so much energy during the day that I NEVER regret working out. Its over and I have no excuse to miss it. Try it and see how you feel. I must admit, I started at 4:45am and worked my way earlier.