Toning myth



  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I think they just dont have the proper training source.
    Women are aftraid of getting beefy and this isnt the case!

    For instance this chick


    She can deadlift 200+LBS x4 and she weighs 114lbs.
    She isnt bulky but she knows that high weight low reps makes you stronger.
  • nurse_chris
    I wouldn't exactly say that women do not produce enough testosterone to "bulk up", they just do not eat enough calories to produce a muscled frame. I tell this to a lot of people in my gym - men and women. Men that they do not eat enough protein and calories to get big and women that they really do not have to fear of getting "bulky" because they are not eating in the 2400 - 3500 calorie range.
  • nataliemae2011
    nataliemae2011 Posts: 37 Member
    most of the posts are inaccurate, Low weights and high reps tone because you are focusing your muscule to work harder using the actual muscule. Most people that do high lb weights are just lifting it for a breif moment. But when it is a lower weight you can focus your muscule group to lift and slowly raise up or down. Your concentrating the muscule(like a pulse) It does alot more work then a quick heavy lifting. Most men and women that lift a high amount are not very stong persay. Again they can do the high amount for a short period of time. Lifting a low amount slower acctually can make stranger muscules.
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    My motto is Chalene's motto... GO HEAVY OR GO HOME! :) Our bodies are much more capable than our minds believe.

    Love it! That motto runs through my head quite often. Drilled into my head back in my ealry 20's from a great guy I use to know at my old job. He was an amature bodybuilder and said that motto ALL THE TIME. like a broken record. lol
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    most of the posts are inaccurate, Low weights and high reps tone because you are focusing your muscule to work harder using the actual muscule. Most people that do high lb weights are just lifting it for a breif moment. But when it is a lower weight you can focus your muscule group to lift and slowly raise up or down. Your concentrating the muscule(like a pulse) It does alot more work then a quick heavy lifting. Most men and women that lift a high amount are not very stong persay. Again they can do the high amount for a short period of time. Lifting a low amount slower acctually can make stranger muscules.

    I think you need to do some research hon. :flowerforyou:
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    most of the posts are inaccurate, Low weights and high reps tone because you are focusing your muscule to work harder using the actual muscule. Most people that do high lb weights are just lifting it for a breif moment. But when it is a lower weight you can focus your muscule group to lift and slowly raise up or down. Your concentrating the muscule(like a pulse) It does alot more work then a quick heavy lifting. Most men and women that lift a high amount are not very stong persay. Again they can do the high amount for a short period of time. Lifting a low amount slower acctually can make stranger muscules.

    Its all about muscle fiber.
    High rep low weight only hits certain fibers.
    For best results it was recommended to me to lift on a 3Day split routine.
    The first 3 days you lift heavy 5-8 reps 3-5 sets.
    After your rest days the next 3Days will be lower weights, appx 20% lower with high reps 8-16 3-5 sets.
    This way you hit all the muscle fibers but you also give ample time for recovery.

    For those doing high reps all the time...yea you get a great pump because that muscle is pumped full of water but for strength you need to lift heavy. Gains follows strength!
  • krypt5
    krypt5 Posts: 243 Member
    most of the posts are inaccurate, Low weights and high reps tone because you are focusing your muscule to work harder using the actual muscule. Most people that do high lb weights are just lifting it for a breif moment. But when it is a lower weight you can focus your muscule group to lift and slowly raise up or down. Your concentrating the muscule(like a pulse) It does alot more work then a quick heavy lifting. Most men and women that lift a high amount are not very stong persay. Again they can do the high amount for a short period of time. Lifting a low amount slower acctually can make stranger muscules.

    Lesson 1: Progressive tension overload builds muscle.
  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Even a man with "low" testosterone levels is still 10 times higher then a women, even one with naturally "high" levels.

    So yeah testosterone makes hugh difference. Calories and protein also figure in - but a women is NOT going to get "bulky" with a high protein diet, or raising her calorie levels. She is also missing the hormonal component.

    An even a women naturally predispositioned to build muscle fast, lifting heavy, low reps, with perfect form, excellent diet, correct routine, high enough protein, and very high calories - if she gains 6 lbs of muscle a year - she is doing amazing.

    You don't wake up one morning and go "wow where did all those muscle come from"

    Its just NOT that easy - even with all the pieces in place. Even men need to work at it very hard.

    Many women do not realize all that is involved, and that even with all that - you still need low body fat levels to look like a body builder - MUCH lower then a women usually carry's, even when dieting - unless she is specifically training AND eating to reach that level. And you can reach that fat level and also build mascle. You do one or the other.

    For those who ask "Why Lift Heavy With Low Reps"

    -Higher calorie burn through 24 hours period
    -Better overall fat lose
    -Better Belly Fat Lose
    -More definition
    -Injury prevention
    -Confidence Boost
    -Oteoperosis Prevention
    -Faster Strength Gains

    Details of each below, its a fast read

    That article is just a recap, but there are some really good studies out, proving the same. As well as the first hand experience of myself and many of the lovely ladies on this board.

    I have noticed lots of strength gains, that I use actively in everyday life.

    (Ask about me pushing a car out of the mud recently, by myself, a 5"2", 47 year old women. Or allo the things I help my husband do while we are remodeling our house, including sheet rocking ceilings, carrying sheet rock and boards up and down stairs, and lifting lots of heavy stuff.)

    Lifting heavy, I lost fat faster, leaned out faster, then doing low weights high reps. Diet is very important of course, as well.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Loving this thread. I can not believe the difference in my body since I started lifting heavy. So cool. I'm 5' 9" and weigh 158 (most days) I can wear size 6 jeans, in the past at 160 I would wear a size 10. When I tried on those 10s they fell off. This was the best thing I have ever done regarding my health. I feel strong, confident, happy, amazing, all good stuff. When I started my journey I was doing Body Pump classes, I learned about form in those classes and that helped me transfer over to NR, so I do think lifting lower weights has its place, just saying more has happened for me when I made the switch as far as body comp. Also like to add I really work on getting protein and I do run 2x's a week for the stress, Not sure the running is doing much but it does allow me my wine and fun nights out:smile:

    Any other heavy lifters want to be friends, please add me. Thanks
  • SGRHO23
    SGRHO23 Posts: 145 Member
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    Not a scholarly source, but some good explanations. I think the problem people get with low weight/high volume is they are very slow to increase the weights over time.....

    Great article!

    When 6 months ago, I began gym, I started with high reps - low weights. Everytime I felt it very light (using the same weight for about a month) I increased the weight.
    Lately (last 30 days), I began increasing weights faster and doing fewer reps and see better results to my body.
    But I feel more sore, but only for one day after the exercise.

    Its a good sore though right? Lets you know youve worked hard! :D I love that feeling. I find using protein shakes really helps

    Yes it is!!! I love that feeling too!!!! I don't use any protein shakes, but the days I work out with weights I try to increase my protein intake through food (tuna, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese etc.)
  • moyyster
    moyyster Posts: 37 Member
    Great thread!
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
  • rovernio
    rovernio Posts: 157
  • bpurc22
    bpurc22 Posts: 180 Member
    You burn about 50% fat when doing 6-8 reps, and if you're using higher weight (which you should), it takes more energy in general to do each rep. There's no evidence to prove that you use a significant amount of fat past the initial 6-8 reps.
  • carolynmittens
    i find it so irritating when people are telling newbies in the gym to train with high reps and low weights to get firmer and more toned muscles. Why do they think training high rep low weight would get you more toned?
    that's exactly what a trainer told me last week, he saw me lifting 25 lb dumbbells and told me i needed to be getting more reps in. i asked him why, these weights are freaking heavy so i can't do a ton of reps. and he told me "well, you need lighter weights then." um, what? i told him but i'm trying to improve, wouldn't that mean gradually lifting heavier and heavier? he said yeah sure, if you want to get bulky. i told him that women bulking up like that is a myth!!!!!! and he said "says who" but i didn't know who, i just know it's a myth :P
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    not that I disagree but, why is it a load of rubbish?
    Because it doesn't firm up the muscle the way it's said to. While you may build some muscle endurance, muscle needs a good amount of resistance to "harden" it up.
    For example, walking puts a load on your legs. Walking longer distances may build up your stamina, but doesn't firm up your legs anymore since the resistance isn't increased.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    I think it's good advice for most people.

    It's not going to get your MORE toned than lifting heavier weights but, if you haven't lifted before then it will start you off on the toning process and keep you motivated. Lifting too heavy to start off with will result in many people feeling very sore, discouraged and giving up. Therefore they won't tone up at all. If they start on low weights they feel confident, start to tone up and then progress to heavier weights.

    I think the advice is probably mopre about psychology than physiology.
    No such thing as a "toning" process. Correct terminology would be "conditioning" process. Not a rip on you, just thought that it's good for people to know that don't that "toning" is incorrect terminology when it comes to fitness.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • xMissy6x
    xMissy6x Posts: 347 Member
    i dont think id wanna meet her down a dark alley..... she would kick my butt lol