ive cut out dairy product ?

edited November 2024 in Food and Nutrition
whats everyone else doing ?


  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    I have also cut out dairy for the most part.

    I still take in cheese and greek yoghurt as they are low in lactose which is what you need to be worrying about.

    Milk is just a waste of calories and has way too much carbohydrate content to fit into my diet.
  • Pamela259
    Pamela259 Posts: 74 Member
    i never have dairy i dont like milk or yoghurt i willeat cheese but thats only if we got any in which isn't very often.
  • i've switched to soya milk, it makes me feel less bloated and has fewer cals.
    Didnt think i'd like the taste but its delicious in porridge.
  • Kaddyshack21
    Kaddyshack21 Posts: 225 Member
    I was going to cut dairy out of my diet b/c I am lactose intolerant. But my dietician strongly urged against it. She said that it is very important for rebuilding your body up after working out.

    I guess there was some study done recently ( isn't there always lol) where women worked out hard then drank soy,almond, or cow's milk. The women who drank the soy or almond lost weight just as the same as the women drinking the cows milk BUT they were not only losing fat they were losing lean muscle. There body was breaking down the good with the bad, whereas the women who only drank cow's milk only lost the fat. ( please don't rant at me if this isn't 100% I am paraphrasing I learned this a week ago and I am sleep deprived single parent):yawn:

    So, my dietician said that although a lot of people eat WAY too much dairy. It is important for our health to get a little in there. So I have started to add lactose free milk to my smoothies in the morning. Well, that is all I know on the subject. Hope it helps.
    ( I also eat a little sheep or goat cheese once in a while which doesn't bother me too much)
  • Oh no, you'll die! It's an essential food! There are so many studies saying you can't live without it!

    But seriously though, good luck. I know some people feel a lot better when they stop eating dairy.
  • rsmithy89
    rsmithy89 Posts: 174 Member
    Substitute the milk for whey protein. Thats what the dietician was probably talking about anyway. The protein content in the milk.

    I have read bad things about soy milk but I am not sure about it. Do a google search and see what you find but I would suggest no milk at all instead of just moving to soy.

    You do need calcium in your diet so get that from yoghurt and cheese.
  • 5Btieden
    5Btieden Posts: 189 Member
    My doctor just yelled at me for cutting dairy. I just don't want the calories that go with it. She said if I cut it out, I need to take a supplement. I am going to try and fit it back in I guess.
  • spyder_rose
    spyder_rose Posts: 193 Member
    I'm allergic to milk proteins (casein) and soy... so that means I can't have milk, cheese, yoghurt, whey protein... you name it, I can't have it ... I also can't have soy.. or tofu ... or soy lecithin...

    That cuts out a LOT...

    I have mainly rice milk ... it's fortified with calcium and I take a practitioner dispensing multi-vitamin daily, along with other supplements to maintain that I still get all the nutrients my body needs. I have regular blood tests (due to thyroid and blood disorders) and I have NEVER been low in iron or calcium...

    With me, it's because I have to cut these out of my diet... But, honestly, if I had the choice, I don't thinK I'd eat them still...
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    I had to cut most dairy because I am lactose intolerant. I have lactose-free milk in my protein shake and my coffee, and I eat small amounts of aged cheese. I take a calcium supplement.
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