Boob jobs...



  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    My wife has expressed interest. She's a double D now and perfect, but she's afraid when she loses weight, they will shrink. I support whatever she decides. Money well spent if she is happy. I love her. She could get a prosthetic penis, for all I care, and I would still love her. Just wouldn't let her "spoon" me.

    Very open minded! What a great husband! :laugh:
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    My wife has expressed interest. She's a double D now and perfect, but she's afraid when she loses weight, they will shrink. I support whatever she decides. Money well spent if she is happy. I love her. She could get a prosthetic penis, for all I care, and I would still love her. Just wouldn't let her "spoon" me.

    lol Your wife is very lucky! I wish ALL men could be that supportive. I hope she thinks of your happiness just as much.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    I have naturally large (34DD now, 34D when I was thinner) breasts, but I honestly would never get a boob job even if I had smaller boobs. I wish mine were smaller actually and have thought about getting a breast reduction because at times they hurt my back. I think small breasts are beautiful and actually look better in some clothes than larger ones do. Also being larger busted I feel I have to pay closer attention to what I wear to avoid looking too slutty.

    My old roommate had fake ones, and I have felt them and they did not feel at all like a normal breast does. They were very firm and just not normal feeling.

    Bottom line though, love what you have!

    ETA: I also believe though that if your breast size truly makes you feel insecure about yourself, then do what will make you feel better.
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    I want booooooobiess!!!
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    For me it's not about the size at all. Honestly I prefer smaller ones anyways (if I had a choice). Just like somebody else said "love what you have...". Your all very beautiful.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    As long as it is for you, I say go for it.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I want one,and will probobly end up getting one at some point
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    Anyone had one and what do you think? I am really worried that when I lose weight I will lose the girls and need a back up plan :-) x

    Nope - haven't had one and never will. My mother had BC twice and her mum died of it. I am now 4 years over the age when my mum first got it so I consider myself LUCKY.
    Why tempt fate of stuff like that for vanity?
    The way I see it, the older I get the more chance I'll have of needing routine or lifesaving surgery without knocking out my chances of just having to deal with those and possibly increasing my risks of it by mucking around with something that shouldn't of been messed with.
    (and my mum has had x2 augmentation over the years - so I am not against the operation - just when it is not needed.
  • grobbygru
    grobbygru Posts: 295 Member
    She could get a prosthetic penis, for all I care, and I would still love her. Just wouldn't let her "spoon" me.

    hhahahahahah - awesome - love it!!!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    My mother had hers done. Honestly, I'm against them. I think you should find pride in whatever you've got.
  • StatutoryGrape
    I'd never have one. I used to wish mine were bigger, but I'm over that now. I went up an entire cup size when I changed to a different birth control pill, and they haven't gone down even though I've lost a bit of weight...I'm not concerned. If they shrink, they shrink. If they stay bigger, that's cool, too. It's just flesh.
  • briannap75
    Honestly if it's what YOU want to do..then who cares what other people's opinions are..I'm getting them done in March and I can't wait! Do I need them? No. But I want them to make me feel better about myself when I look in the mirror. It's a personal decision and I don't believe that by getting them it makes you a fake person or not appreciating how you look. It's enhancing how you look and boosting your self esteem. I say go for it girl!!! :)
  • mrlazy1967
    mrlazy1967 Posts: 285 Member
    Small boobs are nice, big boobs are nice, actually all boobs are nice - except moobs - don't get a boob job.

    Really, you are so cute :)
  • thespence
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    So cup size does go down when you drop below a certain body fat %?? That explains it maybe. BLAH!
  • jenniakers
    I got mine done over 5 years ago & I love them. It was one of the best things I've ever done for myself! That being said, don't let anyone tell you that you should or shouldn't. It's a personal decision that only YOU can make.... Good luck!
  • pinkribbons4hope
    I hope mine shrink as I lose weight :laugh:

    44D/DD sometimes...what a pain in the a**...or should I say chin, when I work out!!!
  • jjteddy1982
    my wife got a boob job after her 1st pregnancy and trust me its a very good investment......... wink wink.
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    Ive always wanted a boob job and thats one of my major changes when I reach my goal weight. I have a small B...always been small even tho everyone else in my family has large C's. I think the look of fake boobs are better than natural lol Can't wait to get mine!!
  • twanthe1
    twanthe1 Posts: 407
    Boobs are like mountains of gold - god bless them!