New to Website


I joined this web site a couple of days ago looking for support and motivation from others. I have a journey ahead of me to become healthy and get in shape and I can see that this place is full of people ready to give support. Just wanted to say Hi and I'm glad to be here :smile:


  • Leeanne1974
    Leeanne1974 Posts: 207 Member
    New here too.
    Good luck on your goals and it seems like such a friendly site, i love it already x
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :smile:
  • Welcome. I am on day 19. I am finding this site very helpful. My friends are absolutely wonderful and a great source of encouagement. Good luck. If I can help you along. I' m here.
  • tyresank
    tyresank Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome and best of luck.

    I am on the last 2 days of my 16th Week of conistant use of the site. I did start in early Sept for two weeks and just logged my food to get in the hang of the process. Then buckeled down and started 16 wks ago. It takes time commitments and the same to taking the time to plan meals and take lunches to work.. but so far it's working and I have almost hit my 1st goal, 1lb to go. My next goal is 40lbs, as I am setting my goals in increments.

    Kudo's for doing this before you hit 50! :flowerforyou:

    Sandra T.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • dravenangel
    dravenangel Posts: 39 Member
    Welcome along! I joined in mid November and it was the best thing I could have done! Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck on your journey :smile:
  • Hello new to website...mostly track calories and exercise on my phone...jumped on line because I'm feeling discouraged :/ was hoping to find some motivation...I've been working out 6 days a week and sticking to my daily calorie allowance,...the first week i lost 3 lbs...barely exercised...then kicked up the workouts and i gained the 3 lbs back and have fluctuated by a lb up a lb down since I'm basically back to where I started even though I'm working my butt off...just not literally...I don't know what I'm doing wrong but I'm hoping this website will help me figure it out...
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you on your journey!
  • Glassgal01
    Glassgal01 Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you Allen309.
  • Glassgal01
    Glassgal01 Posts: 140 Member
    Thank You all for the nice welcome!
  • I just joined having a little technical difficulties uploading a picture, but all is well.
  • Hi Everyone!

    New to this as well, like a lot of people I've found it difficult to eat healthy and exercise on my own ground rules.
    i'm just looking for some guidance and motivation to get back to my previous weight and then maintain it. So any tips, hints or great recipes please share! =)

    Have a great day all!

  • CKWS
    CKWS Posts: 5
    Hi! I am also new to the site, only been on here for a week but I love it so far! Feel free to send me a friend request if you would like! We can all encourage each other on our journey to health and fitness! Finally!
  • CKWS
    CKWS Posts: 5
    Just a thought...but have you increased your water intake? Maybe you need to drink more water. I know in the past it has always helped me when I hit a plateau...stay encouraged, you are already doing great with exercising 6 days a week...if you kick up your exercise routine, keep in mind you are working those muscles hard and they can become swollen and inflamed...maybe you need to take that into consideration and that could be a source of some increased weight...even more reasom to watch sodium and increase water...Good Luck! Hope you can find the answers and encouragement you are looking for!
  • LMH189
    LMH189 Posts: 1
    I am on day 16, I haven't done much with social part to this site yet. I have the app for my phone it makes it so easy to count calories. Crazy thing is I used to eat more than I should for a whole day in 1 meal. I recently quit smoking in July 2011, and this is so much harder.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm new this week also....but I can already tell this is a great place for motivation and support. There's also great focus!!
    Be encouraged:smile:
  • I'm new too! I have tried and tried to get on track with working out and eating right, but always fail. I am hoping support of others on the site will be the key. Feel free to friend me so we can keep each other accountable.
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    Welcome to MFP, may your journey get you to your goals and may you become educated on healthy living along the way to help the next person in need.