Coffee! :(

Good morning everyone! I can fully admit that for the past 3 years I have drank so many unnecessary (and unwanted!) calories in my delicious/terribly fattening coffee. No I can't just do moderation- Drinking at least 6 cups of coffee a day loaded with vanilla creamer and sugar! Now that I am back on the wagon, I'm seriously finding this the hardest to deal with. Any former/current coffee enthusiasts have any advice? Now Ive moved on to cutting alot of the adders and well, its just disgusting. I want to be dramatic and say its ruining my life. :)


  • Airbear3
    Airbear3 Posts: 335 Member
    i too love the coffee..with the coffe- mate vanilla creamer. i used to just dump it in until it turned the color i wanted but now i measure 3 tbsp per my mug! it was only a slight adjustment in taste and like you not willing to give it up! i gave up doritos and icecream...but not the coffee! it has worked for me so far by working in those calories to my 6 meals. so instead of a huge breakfast i'll have my 2 mugs of coffee (6 creamers) and a special k bar. holds me over until i can snack!
  • bigbeardiver
    bigbeardiver Posts: 154 Member
    At one point I was drinking up to 3 Vente Peppermint White Mochas a day with 6 extra shots. At 1,000 calories each, I don't question why I gained weight during that time. Instead of 6 drink 5 for the next 2 weeks, then 4 then 3, etc. Or start limiting the amount of sugar and creamers you put in or find better alternatives to the sugar/creamer you do use. Coffee has good properties but it is also a appetite stimulant, causes dehydration which effects kidney process and metabolism. The hard thing for me was replacing it with an alternative that was pleasing. I hate drinking bland water and don't want to drink pop/soda. I'm still trying to find a good alternative. One is fruits/vegtables as a source of water. If I do drink coffee now it is black no cream no sugar but I eat something healthy and sweet with it. Like a kiwi bitter and tart all at the same time.
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    I have reduced the creamer and use fat free half and half now. I also use liquid stevia with a teeny bit of real sugar. This has helped me reduce the calories in each coffee. I also have not been able to give up coffee, I LOVE IT!!!!

    I also drink my second cup black with 6 drops of liquid stevia...I didn't use to like black coffee, but for some reason the second cup being black doesn't seem to bother me. It's like the coffee taste is already in my mouth, so it's not as strong...

    Hope that helps!!
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I love coffee with flavored creamer, too. I use the fat-free Vanilla............and try to use only one tbsp per cup, which is 35 calories. Sometimes I put a little more, but if I don't have a BIG mug, just one tbsp is enough for me.

    If you're a real sugary coffee drinker, I would just gradually cut it back. I'll never drink my coffee black, so can understand your dilemma............log it, and make it work with your day's goal!

    Good luck!
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Love coffee, drink it every day. I dont load it with crap though
  • KristenStone
    KristenStone Posts: 106 Member
    Awesome! I have cut down alot this past week. heartbreaking.

    I have still 1-2 cups of coffee (with the vanilla creamer!) and i cancelled the boatload of sugar for 1 splenda.
    I still have my daily Sbux, but instead of my oh so delicous Trente (32 ounces!!) that included 8 pumps of vanilla and 1 sugar, I get a grande, with splenda.
  • I also love coffee and haven't cut it out of my diet either... but instead of the full fat options why don't you try coffee that isnt as heavy. What about an americano? or my personal favourite (for a treat) is a skinny latte from starbucks ...91 calories. Also instead of sugar why dont u use sweetner in your coffee? I used to take loads of sugar and cream in mine but once you reduce it or cut it out you get used to the strong taste ....what coffee should taste like with out all the calorific extras!
  • mctiernan
    mctiernan Posts: 51 Member
    I own a coffe house this was one of my biggest issues. You just need to stop cold turkey. Thats the only way I was able to do it. I was miserable for 2 weeks, then i adapted. I have a soy milk latte as a treat everyonce and awhile. no sugar though! Sugar and processed flavoured cream are really unhealthy....silent killers.
  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    I gave up coffee just like that. I ended up getting shakeology ad replacing it for my breakfast. Didn't need coffee at all and didn't have the craving for it or soda, and candy. I had a lot more energy then I ever had from
    Drinking coffee
  • VonRockette
    VonRockette Posts: 159 Member
    Yep. I fought it for a while but finally something had to give. I went from 4 - 6 cups to3 cups to 2 cups and now I am down to one cup and LOTS of tea.

    My one cup of coffee happens when I wake up. I've stopped using the oily, artificial creamers and stuck with 2tbs of my faithful half and half which equals 3 g of fat. I went from super sweet coffee to 2 packets of "In The Raw" pure cane sugar which equals 10 g of sugar. I fit it in my morning and that is that! I haven't had an issue yet as long as I drink tea through out the day, but if I am dying for a cup of coffee I would have one but stick to my portions. I haven't had those cravings yet, though! Best of luck! I know how hard it is!
  • mrsdauer
    mrsdauer Posts: 102
    i stay away from creamer ever since a doctor told me "that's powdered cancer youre adding to your coffee"...this was a physician at the Mayo clinic i worked with....

    try adding skim milk if you need "creamer" and maybe try splenda instead of sugar.
    im trying to cut coffee out of my daily routine, i drink atleast 2+ POTS of coffee daily (no added ingredients) , just flavored coffee....
    It dehydrates you..i was also told for every cup of coffee you should have a glass of water.. Coffee also irritates the bladder..

    im not saying to stay away from it, or never touch it again...its a hard habit to break, no matter if you add the tasty stuff to it or not... but tryin to have 1-2 cups daily is best...for all of us.
    have you tried flavored coffee???
  • meke94
    meke94 Posts: 1
    I use the sugar free powdered coffee mate and splenda... only about 20-30 calories per cup
  • That's exactly what I did today. Great advice!
  • Riley4ever
    Riley4ever Posts: 225 Member
    I am a coffee addict and love creamy coffee. I now have a (starbucks) Grande Coffee Light Frappacino which is 110 calories ( I walk 90-120 mins a day just so I can have this!) and then I drink mainly Tea with Semi Skimmed milk at home. Occasionally I do have a Kenco Cafe Latte Sachet coffee which is quite nice and about 70 cals per sachet.
  • That was a reply to airbear3.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    I was the same way years ago. The key is measuring! I "spend" 118 calories per day on 3 20-oz cups of coffee. I use flavored beans (0 cals) and 1 TBSP Sugar Free flavored creamer (there are several out there) plus 2 TBSP FF half & half as well as some 0 calorie sweetener in each cup. I top it with a little squirt of FF Reddi Whip as well. Best 118 calories of my day and I will probably never change a thing! My coffee drinks are a critical part of my day and they haven't really hurt me so far!
  • GigiBee824
    GigiBee824 Posts: 32 Member
    I used Davinci sugar free syrups (can be found in the coffee aisle) - they taste great. I use to drink very "creamy" coffee, but these helped me transition pretty easily to creamer-free coffee.
  • EloisaW
    EloisaW Posts: 3 Member
    If I get starbux I always get nonfat milk, cuts alot of home 16oz coffee plus 4tsp sugar and one tbs of vanilla creamer only 95 cals and taste great (I cant stand artifical sweeteners!) soI generally have that and some oatmeal etc for breakfast, I just make sure I measure it and log it
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I LOVE flavored creamer in my coffee. I do 1tbsp vanilla flavored natural bliss coffee mate. Its just milk cream vanilla and sugar about 35 cals a tablespoon. Then I do some unsweetened vanilla almond milk ( 45 cals a cup)
  • I can soooo relate. For awhile I didn't drink any coffee at all so that I wouldn't have the cream and sugar. Now I drink a couple cups a day -- black, and I have acquired a taste for it. The other day I had some spare calories to use so I put some French vanilla creamer in my coffee, and I didn't even enjoy it! I also replaced a couple cups of coffee with green tea. Good luck!