In Saudi Arabia - How to Exercise



  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    Before I found work out DVD on netflix I would set a timer and just dance around and move. IMO as long as you are moving and keeping your heart rate up it counts as exercise. I'm not sure what you have for resources, so I can't be that helpful unfortunately.
  • IndigoVA
    IndigoVA Posts: 164 Member
    Can you order exercise DVDs to do at home? I generally work out at home because I have 2 small kids, and it's just too much of a hassle to go out most of the time. I really like the Beachbody DVDs (P90X, Turbo Jam, etc.). I'm not sure if there are any censorship issues with shipping these to Saudi Arabia?
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    If you want it bad enough, you will find a way. Period.

    She's dealing with some unique challenges. She can't just leave the house in her shorts and t-shirt you know.. correct me if I'm wrong OP but I don't think she can even go alone, no matter how she's dressed. So it's a little different than for you and I. That's why she came for suggestions.

    THIS ^

    As to the person who said "If you want it bad enough, you will find a way. Period." You are not being realistic in the slightest.

    Do you have any idea just how difficult it is for the OP in Saudi Arabia? I don't think you do, do you.

    Many countries in the world, we take it for granted to wear and do what we wish, there are some places on this planet that you cannot just do what you want, especially females in some parts of the world.

    To the OP, do you have access to DVD player, TV etc? If so, would you be able to get hold of some Callenetic DVDs or aerobic or Pilates DVDs to do in your own home?
  • Cassi_Eats_Apples
    If you want it bad enough, you will find a way. Period.

    She's dealing with some unique challenges. She can't just leave the house in her shorts and t-shirt you know.. correct me if I'm wrong OP but I don't think she can even go alone, no matter how she's dressed. So it's a little different than for you and I. That's why she came for suggestions.

    I was about to say something harsh to this, thanks for taking care of this in such an eloquent way.

    Some useful websites I have used is bodyrocktv / there are so many good exercises on youtube, just google home exercises and see what you get. Good luck!!

    Yeah, I felt the same way. Some people forget, I hope its forget, that women do not have as many rights and resources in those countries. I feel that is pretty basic knowledge, so I'm hoping that the person who made the comment is aware of the circumstances and not just thinking "Oh look another person making excuses when they have all the resources in the world to work out"
  • bijoux2711
    If you want it bad enough, you will find a way. Period.

  • verdakhan
    verdakhan Posts: 7 Member
    Great suggestion! I'm going to try all of them. I like running though, you know? But I'll do whatever it takes. Thanks for your great advice.
  • verdakhan
    verdakhan Posts: 7 Member
    If you want it bad enough, you will find a way. Period.

    She's dealing with some unique challenges. She can't just leave the house in her shorts and t-shirt you know.. correct me if I'm wrong OP but I don't think she can even go alone, no matter how she's dressed. So it's a little different than for you and I. That's why she came for suggestions.

    I was about to say something harsh to this, thanks for taking care of this in such an eloquent way.

    Some useful websites I have used is bodyrocktv / there are so many good exercises on youtube, just google home exercises and see what you get. Good luck!!

    Yeah, I felt the same way. Some people forget, I hope its forget, that women do not have as many rights and resources in those countries. I feel that is pretty basic knowledge, so I'm hoping that the person who made the comment is aware of the circumstances and not just thinking "Oh look another person making excuses when they have all the resources in the world to work out"

    Thanks to all of your for showing such great support! :D I feel highly motivated and was astonished to read great number of replies. Hoping to make good friends here who share the same interest and (I hope) passion, too.
  • verdakhan
    verdakhan Posts: 7 Member
    In New England, during the winter when it is too cold to even do skiing or outdoor sports, we do things like jump-rope (VERY good exercise - and the rope costs very little) or now the fitness video games like Wii Fit or Kinect (I love the dance games like Dance Central). Even jumping jacks are good exercise.

    Great suggestion! I'm going to try all of them. I like running though, you know? But I'll do whatever it takes. Thanks for your great advice.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    You can add me if you want, I'm always interested in friends from different places :) Good luck!