Anyone find this easier when they're single?



  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    It would be easier if I were single for sure...... I wouldnt be considering anyones wants and needs but my own when shopping. That said, he has been a doll about not having much of the off limits foods with me there. And if he does, and I DO decide I want some, he will fix me a *tiny* little bit, himself a smaller than usual serving, and put the rest away, so that it is just enough to satisfy the taste buds and not make me depressed. He and I both cook well, and have been making far healthier meals.

    So, while it would be *easier*, the trade off wouldnt make it worth it for me at all! I've got a great man and would rather fight like hell to lose a single pound than not have him around all the time.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Decca1
    Decca1 Posts: 7 Member
    Oi, Careful what you say Lawnbfrench!!! lol, but I do agree, we eat healthier and drink less when we are apart. :-))
  • Lawnbfrench
    Decca do I know you?
  • dalejackson
    Curious...seeing all these posts...I specifically said to my fiance. " I need your help and support"
    Now that is love...

    As it should be... my husband and I do this for each other. Sometimes you just have to ask, I guess.
  • MelHoneyRocks
    Curious...seeing all these posts...I specifically said to my fiance. " I need your help and support"
    Now that is love...

    As it should be... my husband and I do this for each other. Sometimes you just have to ask, I guess.

    I think it is hard to ask for help...but it pays off!
  • ExerciseGeek
    ExerciseGeek Posts: 183 Member
    Yes my boyfriend constantly tells me to eat more! It's annoying as I'm eating the right mount of calories just healthier choices! He's healthy too but bigger meals, very carby. He hates that I calorie count too. It's irritating I'm finding I'm doing it in secret now whereas I shouldn't! :-G
  • mnec2010
    mnec2010 Posts: 132 Member
    Nah, my boyfriend is in the same boat as me. Both trying to get healthier and lose some weight. Having said that, we are sometimes a bad influence on each other in terms of what we eat, but we are both in the same place now so its not so bad. Maybe you can ask your boyfriend to start working out with you and join MFP, then perhaps he will start becoming more health conscious. :)
  • jahnlaw
    jahnlaw Posts: 95 Member
    Its much harder if the couple doesnt support each other. With only 18 years of marital bliss so far, were convinced that we each have to allow each other to be a little bit selfish in this area if we want to get fit even if we try to be unselfish in everything else.
  • amandakaye79
    My soon to be ex-husband was definitely bad for me when it came to food. He could eat three times what I ate every meal and still not have to worry about gaining weight. He also was obsessed with food, always wanting me to eat more and making sure I ate every meal. I would tell him that I want to lose weight and he'd use the line "I love you just the way you are".... which is good to know, but was not motivating me to lose weight. He would also tell me that I didn't have to lose weight to make him happy and I would always tell him that it's not about making him happy, it's trying to make myself happy about what I see when I look in the mirror. Plus he never was much of a fruits and veggies guy.
    But now that we're not together and I'm not with anyone else currently - it's easy to focus on me, because I'm the only one that I have to worry about - and this time I'm determined to succeed. I'm almost 2 weeks in - and I am happy about how I feel.
  • Luvlynamazing
    My hubby is six foot two and as thin as a rail... he literally can eat ANYTHING!! It is so unfair... I've gained forty pounds cause of all of the fast food and unhealthy eating we have done together, while he has managed to stay at exactly the same weight. These past two weeks it has been a hard adjustment to having to make two meals, especially since I LOVE to cook, but he won't touch vegetables or healthy foods, so I will have to find some sort of balance eventually...
  • cherigurl
    cherigurl Posts: 184 Member
    Oh god yea, the 3 nights a week my boyfriend goes to school i am sooo good with dinner but the days he if off it is so hard to resist but most of the time i do cuz I am done being FAT, He is skinny so he does not have to worry about the weight and he is a big snacker so when he snacks i go into another room or get one of my "healthy snacks" so it is like we are snacking together.
  • o0sunshine0o
    yea it's really hard for me to lose weight with my hubby. he likes to do bodybuilding and currently he's bulking, so he eats like 4000 cal a day or something. :[ it's really hard to keep up with eating healthy when he's sitting there eating whatever he wants. we also have been going out to eat for ageees as entertainment. it's sort of a hard habit to break!
  • sbrooks0387
    sbrooks0387 Posts: 167 Member
    agree 100%. it was so easy to stay on track when i was single/living by myself. i only kept the healthy foods in the house that i could eat. but my husband is convinced he is allergic to veggies or something. he can eat all the junk he wants and drink all the soda he wants and not gain a oz. (right now he is making fried dough). deff. a lesson in self controll.
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    It's hard to do it when your significant other is on a wildly different diet than you are on! My bf is always trying to lose weight but he'll go all crazy eating nothing but meat and then gets mad at me when I tell him he's doing it wrong. Sometimes you just have to try to be selfish, even if it means making two meals, or forcing him/her to go get their own food!
  • Decca1
    Decca1 Posts: 7 Member
    Cheeky Git Lawn.........can forget u if u like???????????????? haha xxx
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    ABSOLUTELY. I have an awful time losing weight when I am dating someone. This is the main reason why I will be avoiding trying to date until I have my weight nearly under control.
  • LMHinson15
    LMHinson15 Posts: 201 Member
    I have so much respect for people in long-term relationships or with children who are trying to change their lifestyles for the better. There are lots of times when I feel pretty crappy about not having a significant relationship right now, but I'm realizing that I have a LOT of freedom to make these changes in my life and myself before the man/kids happen (if, God willing, they do).

    So for those of you doing this while you're committed to other people (SOs or Kids). Way to go!! You are strong and amazing!!
  • Cosmic_Unicorn
    Cosmic_Unicorn Posts: 150 Member
    A typical day in my ex-bf's lifestyle: Two Spicy Big Crunches and popcorn chicken from KFC, a family-size bag of chips, an entire box of cookies, at least 2 liters of coke, and one or two chocolate bars for dessert. Plus anything I cooked that day. Eaten on the couch, while playing video games.

    I tried really hard to cook healthy for us, but it got to the point where he didn't even want the food I cooked if he could have the junk. He had emotional eating problems for serious. I gained about 30 pounds with him, until I got really sick of it. I started cooking my own meals and not really spending any time with him, because it was just a toxic junk food environment, and I lost the weight and then some. This was a really bad relationship though, and my method is only recommended if you want the relationship to END, lol.

    I'm with a new guy who cooks super healthy vegetarian food fully of veggies and delicious things. He's not trying to lose weight or anything (in fact, he's probably underweight), but he totally supports the healthy lifestyle in general. It's so much easier to keep on track this way.
  • wanttogetskinny
    I think it would be hard, except that we cook separate meals. He has to eat gluten and dairy free.........and I'm not willing to do either, haha. So while he typically eats more than I do, it doesn't bother me so much because we aren't even eating the same thing.