Any women over 45 looking to connect?



  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    47 here! I'm a crazy nut about exercising and eating right! I make it a MUST to exercise every day. Even if it's something as little as an hour walk. I would be glad to give you a shove in to doing it too! Friend me if you want. Lisa Lou
    PS....I agree with you about the man friends......I have a hottie at home that's all the friend I need =)
  • Dootzy1
    Dootzy1 Posts: 2,221 Member
    If you want, add me. I joined MFP last June, and am now in maintenance. In the past, I found maintaining a loss quite the challenge! Hoping that a community like this will keep my head in the right place. All the best to you in your efforts!
  • limhoff4
    51 here, My name is Lisa and I live in Phoenix AZ. I have been a few pounds well a lot of weight to lose 1 pound at a time. I have been using the myfitnesspal on my kindle for the last 3 weeks and have been doing pretty well but I have come to the conclusion that I can't do this alone, I have a really good support system with my family and friends but honestly I don't utilize there help. so here I am. I have a bad right hip and knee which makes it harder for me to exercise but I refuse to let it stop me anymore. This last week I had two huge accomplishments I was able to do 30 minutes on my step doing aerobics and I walked a mile in 25 minutes it felt so incredibly good well after I rested up I felt great!
    I am not perfect in my quest to better my health and I am willing to learn from the mistakes I am going to make along the way but this time I am changed I wish I could explain that comment but I can't I just know in the last couple of years I said I was going to lose weight but never followed through, this time is different I don't want to be a skinny little thing I just want to be a healthy person.
    I am looking forward to meeting new people here.

  • kiawya
    kiawya Posts: 73
    YES! could use some more friends, I'm about to turn 47, lost about 60lbs so far, have about 50 to go.. I plan to be here a while.
    From NJ, I live in Dallas Tx area. Friend me!
  • jmcdermot
    I am 48. I am so frustrated. I have tried so many "diets" and I loose and then gain it all back. Does STRESS make you fat? I am the poster child for YES, IT DOES! I work full time, I care for elderly parents weekly and I feel there is little time for me. I have fibro and RLS. My legs shake all the time. Too much exercise makes my pain level worse. I need to find the balance. I over eat and then under eat. I never know if I should be eating more or less. I Hope this helps. I need to loose about 50 lbs. I need support!
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    Hey There - 48 soon to be 49. Have been active most of my life, but like many previous posts, the same old things aren't maintaining the weight I would like to be. The pounds have crept up on me over the past few years where I am heavier than I would like to be. I have found MFP to be a good tool to track both my food and exercise.

    Please feel free to add me.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi,, feel free to add me. I'm 46 and I've been here almost a year. It certainly is tougher than it was to lose than when I was in my 30's but it's coming off lol. Be glad to be your friend. We all can use all the support we can get!
  • SongbirdTrisha
    SongbirdTrisha Posts: 28 Member
    Please feel free to add me- I am 47 and medical issues have taken their toll on me, so my body is resisting getting healthy... our goals are completely attainable, so let's kick each other in the butt and get this done!:happy:
  • SongbirdTrisha
    SongbirdTrisha Posts: 28 Member
    I am 48. I am so frustrated. I have tried so many "diets" and I loose and then gain it all back. Does STRESS make you fat? I am the poster child for YES, IT DOES! I work full time, I care for elderly parents weekly and I feel there is little time for me. I have fibro and RLS. My legs shake all the time. Too much exercise makes my pain level worse. I need to find the balance. I over eat and then under eat. I never know if I should be eating more or less. I Hope this helps. I need to loose about 50 lbs. I need support!

    From what I've read, the stress hormone cortisol is a huge reason we can get rid of the excess lbs (and gain it, too). I'm a stress monster- I also have fibro and a few more health issues... please, please remember this is a lifestayle change, not a race... this site is AWESOME for tracking what you eat- and everyone on here has been so supportive and full of ideas and great advice. You will have all the support you could ask for!
  • Clarevmb
    Clarevmb Posts: 211 Member
    Hi count me in, I know what you mean. I'm 47 and lost 30-32 lbs between Jan and June last year and hope to do the same this year. Like you I don't have much time for general chit chat but would connect with this group.
  • MeRoBi
    MeRoBi Posts: 127 Member
    Add me! 51, lost the weight a few years ago and managed to gain it all back plus some.
  • vachm
    vachm Posts: 19 Member
    Obsessive is a good term - being 51 and a menopausal maniac everything becomes a bit obsessive. It is sooo hard to take off weight now - mostly because I love a good glass of wine, or two or three and anything carb related. Glad to connect to women my age!
  • sherylk15
    sherylk15 Posts: 4 Member
    I am close to 49 with thyroid problems. I would love to blame it all on my thyroid but I can't. I know menopause is causing havoc and all those hormones don't help an emotional eater. This is a great idea getting a group of women together about the same stage of life to get through this journey together with. Friend me and together we'll win this battle.....
  • sherylk15
    sherylk15 Posts: 4 Member
    I had no idea what menopause could do to a women......
  • busytexasmama
    Hi, I'm new here but in the same boat as a lot of women our age! I'm 45, and in menopause (surgical~since age 38). Age, combined with NO hormones makes it awfully difficult to lose weight....but mighty EASY to gain it! I'm married, have three sons, and I also have a full time job. I've started a "new year, new me" attitude, and would love to have some friends here. I am eating healthy, and have joined a gym with my husband (and I'm going!) Please add me, and anyone else here can too! I just joined this site yesterday, no friends yet but hopefully that will change!

    SW: 174
    CW: 168 (6 pounds...woot!)
    GW: 140 (?)
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Hello there, 52yr old here and peri meno. Not here to diet but to keep making positive changes in my weight and health for the rest of my life. NO YO YO no more! Anyone of a similar mindset is welcome to add me as a friend.
  • ladyshine2011
    Over 45 and fairly new to MFP - would love to have some new friends, so please feel free to add me! I'm originally from Scotland, living in the US now! :)
  • skinnyb450
    Hi there - I am 49 - turning the big "50" in July - Would also like some more female friends my age :):smile:
  • charlenekco
    Hi All,

    I agree with everything all of you have said:) I am 54 from Colorado and would love to connect with other women :)

    I've lost 8 pounds so far...a little frustrated that it's not more. But I need to get more serious.

    All friend requests accepted :)
  • Graciecny
    I'll be 45 this year, and it seems like my metabolism has deserted me! I'd love some support from peeps who understand the changes that come (literally and figuratively) with being this age. And I hear you about friending men - I don't mind it, but it certainly isn't why I am here. DH is just fine, thank you kindly. ;) Please feel free to add me!