Zumba, Biggest loser, and Fit for Wii

Hi Just wonder if anyone does any of the Wii exercise games, if so how do you add to the diary?? Thanks :happy:


  • stopdropandlose
    stopdropandlose Posts: 162 Member
    I used the Wii Fit in the beginning of my weight loss journey.....I lost around 10 lbs. the first month! I loved it :) But then my Wii broke :/
  • swimmchick87
    swimmchick87 Posts: 458 Member
    I have Just Dance and love it! I wish I would have discovered it before I bought a gym membership, because I've been doing that about four days a week and only going to the gym 1 or 2 days a week because I just like the wii games so much better! I think I might invest in a HRM, because MFP says I"m only burn 207 calories on 30 minutes of Just Dance, and everyone with a HRM keeps reporting WAY higher numbers than that. I'm 5'4 and 154 pounds. I also play on the "just sweat" mode, so I'm doing all the ones that get you moving the most which I'm sure makes a difference. Until I get my HRM, I'm going to keep logging what MFP says because I don't want to overestimate what I'm burning!
  • kittenwhiskerz
    I'm sure Wii games are on there. I have a kinect, and keep doing the dancing game for that for 30=45 mins a day but I can't find an option to add that! So I just put dancing (modern/tap/aerobic).
  • courtlyn19
    The Biggest Loser game I have has the calorie count on the bottom of the screen while i work out. So I would log the exercise as aerobics and change the calorie count.
  • ginabgdc
    Thanks everyone!