Looking for lunch ideas with little to no fat...

I'm using the Alli, and you only take it when you eat a meal with fat in it. It blocks some of the fat that you eat. If you eat a meal with very little to no fat in it, there's no point in taking it. In a effort to follow the diet and spread out the pricey medication, I try to eat one meal a day with under 4 grams of fat. This way I only take two a day instead of the maximum of three. I usually eat just friuts and veggies, maybe a salad with salsa, beans, and fat free cheese or light sour cream. I'm getting a bit bored with my usual stuff. Breakfast ideas are welcome, too! I'm always looking for higher protein, lower fat, higher fiber choices.


  • Adarsta
    Adarsta Posts: 11 Member
    Hey I am on Orlistat and have been keeping my fat low by using vegetables, fruit and mullerlight yoghurts. I have been eating weight watcher fajita with BBQ chicken or tuna with a small amount of pasta. If you are in the UK can you not get Orlistat from the doctors.

    May I add you so we can exchange tips.
  • tenoclockbird
    I accepted your request. i'd love to trade tips. We can get Alli (orlistat) over the counter here. It's not cheap, but it's not outrageous. The starter kid (90 pills) was about $50 and the refill is about the same for 120 pills.

    I try to avoid the packaged meals, but I'm not completely opposed. I really ought to buy a few WW or Lean Cuisine meals to keep in the fridge for hurried days.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    try mock meats like Yves veggie salami in a high fiber pita (only 4 grams of fat for 1 pita and 4 slices of meat)

    I know I have lots of low fat meals, but I am drawing a blank right now. I'd have to look through my diary. (I'm vegan so unless I add fat to my diet on purpose I'm usually wayyyyyyyyyy under)