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I'm so hungry

Ok, so I have the goal of 1,600 calories a day, and I know that is much higher than some people are sticking too, but I feel so hungry all day long! I have always been a "grazer" and a bored eater, always snacking throughout the day and taking in WAY more calories than I needed to be (hense why I am trying to lose weight). What can I do to help with this feeling? I've been staring down a box of donuts all afternoon and fighting the urge to just abandon this whole thing!


  • meg0013
    meg0013 Posts: 102
    first off, either hide or get rid of the donuts. out of sight, out of mind. also, it would help to be able to see your food diary. you may not be making the best choices with what you eat. try to aim for high protein and vegetable meals to maximize your calorie allotment while also keeping you full. if you really need to eat more, exercise.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Would you consider making your food diary public? That way we can see what you're eating and how to make suggestions.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    DON'T DO IT!!!!! You need to fill your house will healthy snacks.. skinny cow ice cream and candy bars are amazing.. I'm not going to tell you to eat carrot sticks or celery because nothing beats a donut...lol
  • I eat 6 small meals but with protein at most of them. It helps, I have my diary public if you want to take a look. Also drink lots of water.
  • petreebird
    petreebird Posts: 344 Member
    Would you consider making your food diary public? That way we can see what you're eating and how to make suggestions.

    ^^This...we would be able to give much better suggestions and help you tweek your cal's.
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    I have very similar trouble. For instance, at work on my busy nights, I have absolutely no trouble eating only what I have planned and usually bring something home. On the nights I don't have enough to do, I think about little things I could be snacking on all night. I would prefer to not have temptations in the house, but my wife lives here, too, so I can't outlaw anything. I keep lots of snacks in the house all the time and feel really awesome about myself when I eat my 100 calorie bag of popcorn and then get up to go to something else. Drink lots of water, make sure you're doing your protein and fiber, and find something to do! :wink:
  • Don't stop!!! When I am craving sweets I drink a cup of tea/coffee with stevia or eat a small container of greek yogurt. You can even get some of the biggest loser protein shakes and blend them with ice to make a chocolate ice treat. I have been on a muffin kick of the past two days so I have been eating them and working out harder lol. I know I didn't gain weight over night and I am not going to get skinny over night either, but little changes make a world of difference., Oh another thing I do is keep protein bars in my purse and look up the calories on an item before I eat it.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Ok, so I have the goal of 1,600 calories a day, and I know that is much higher than some people are sticking too, but I feel so hungry all day long! I have always been a "grazer" and a bored eater, always snacking throughout the day and taking in WAY more calories than I needed to be (hense why I am trying to lose weight). What can I do to help with this feeling? I've been staring down a box of donuts all afternoon and fighting the urge to just abandon this whole thing!

    Ok, for starters what other people have as a calorie goal is unimportant. We are all different. Snack on veggies, look for lower calorie snacks, high in fiber. Exercise more and EAT those calories!
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    yeah, toss or hide the donuts! it'd definitely be easier to give advice (if that's what you're looking for) if we could see your diary. I'm at 1490 calories and I graze too - I do three meals, two snacks and a "treat" after dinner. I eat about every two to three hours. 7:30a, 10:00a, 12:30p, 2:30p, 5:30p, 8:30p.

    how are you doing with your water? I find that sometimes when I feel hungry, I'm actually thirsty. I take in anywhere from 9-12 glasses of water a day.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have that issue -if the food is in front of me - I want it - I need it - I consume it.
    My solution is to get rid of anything that isnt healthy - or hide it some where I either have to climb to get it - or get down on my hands and knees and dig/reach into the depths of my cupboards... LOL make it unattainable - replace the donuts with grapes and carrots and such
  • perpetuallyfit
    perpetuallyfit Posts: 153 Member
    Just hang in there girl! I too am allowed only 1600 calories a day. I am big on snacks and am an emotional eater. :sad: Today's been especially bad being a weekend everyone's home and eat whatever they want while I have to stay within my calorie limit. So I took a nap in the afternoon. Sleeping takes your mind off food and helps lose weight. And if you so want to eat a donut eat it. Just burn the extra calories if you can. One way to eat more than what is allowed is to exercise and eat back those exercise calories. I do that!:laugh: Also I found protein shakes very filling. I add a banana so it works as a meal replacement. If I were you, I would eat one donut and then burn off the extra calories to stay under the calorie goal! You CAN do it!!:happy:
  • thekat78
    thekat78 Posts: 70 Member
    Stay busy. That always helps me. AND, try the more protein thing. That helps, also! If you have to eat, eat small meals. Exercise gives you leeway also. The drinking more water thing only helps sometimes (it aids in digestion, and cleans you out) but it usually makes me hungrier faster. Not saying don't drink it, I drink a ton of it. You just have to work things out, and it's ok to go slow. If youjust quit everything cold turkey, you'll never make it! :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It could really help to change your verbage, too. What you describe isn't hunger, it's appetite. You aren't really hungry, you're just in the habit of eating.
    Your subconscious will believe what you tell it. So stop telling yourself you're hungry unless you really are (learning to tell the difference is a task we all face!)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Definitely get rid of the junk foods. You can't be tempted if there's nothing tempting you. That said, 1600 calories a day may not be enough for you. If you're feeling extremely hungry you probably need to eat more.
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    Some of the things I have eaten when I get that Im so hungry feeling, skinny cow candy, a bowl of hot cereal, 100 calorie popcorn, low calorie ice cream, a bowl of spinach, fiber one bars, cottage cheese. Those are the ones that come to mind. I had to get the high calorie snacks out of the house. I dont have much will power....lol
  • mill1295
    mill1295 Posts: 120 Member
    Protein and fiber help keep you full. I eat a lot of veggies to help fill up - 2 cups of spinach is like 14 calories! Too many carbs and sugar in a sitting can spike your blood sugar and make you hungry very soon after.
  • Keep snacks (i.e. not doughnuts) handy. A few good choices: apples (medium: 70-80 calories), oranges, air popped pop corn (Good Health has a 4 oz serving for 120 calories); 1 oz of nuts--I like almonds, so that's roughly about 28 almonds. Greek yogurt is also full of protein, and some of the flavors are actually pretty good. Good luck!
  • Wow! Thank you all for your words of advice. I can say honestly say a few things about my eating habits and none of them are good. For instance, today I had Ramen noodles for lunch :( I tend to eat a lot of pastas and carbs which kill my numbers, they really do. So I know my diary says I'm eating a lot of things that I shouldn't be. I have a hard time eating a lot of the fruits and vegies because I really don't like them. I've been that way my whole life (hence how I ended up not liking how I am). I have increased my water intake. Today that was all that I drank was water. Before I was drinking nothing but soda. Small steps first I think :) Having the myfitnesspal app on my phone is really helping me with not grazing so much (an I DID say NO to the donut!). Having the reminder of what I am eating right in front of me is really helping me.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I was just like you when I started - I felt like I was STARVING by the end of the day. I had to exercise everyday just so I could justify eating my dinner. I had to switch some of my foods over to lower calorie items.

    Make sure to have protein at your 3 main meals - that will have keep you satisfied longer. If you can, the 6 small meals REALLLY do help. Good luck. Be patient.
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    raman and pasta are pretty much empty calories...If I eat them I feel like I'm starving within 30 minutes. Try switching to more whole grain versions of what you eat now...load up on fiber and like what's been said before...protein. I'm on 1200 calories and there are days I find it hard to eat even that. But I'm vegetarian and I eat a LOT of vegetables. I know some people just done like them, but I think they can be an acquired taste...You'll be so much more healthier and happier if you can learn to like veggies...or maybe prepare them in a way that tastes better to you (I love spices like cumin and Rosemary...really just go to town with the spices). Also, work some higher protein foods into it...I can't advise you on meat but snacking on nuts, even peanut butter (i recommend the more all natural versions that don't have hydrogenated oils in them).
    And give up refined sugars...they're not doing you any good (especially high fructose corn syrup...it'll only leave you hungry)
    Good Luck