Coffee! :(



  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    i work at a dunkin donuts, and it's SO HARD for me to stop myself from drinking coffee all day!
    usually i allow myself one cup a day- either hot or iced. i add skim milk and splenda/sweet and low, and it tastes great! i'd love to have caramel in it- but comparing the two, my iced coffee is 40 calories, but caramel makes it nearly 200!
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I am not able to give up my coffee. It is a ritual for me.

    I do not want to use flavored creamers. Seems like processed food. I have never liked sweet coffee, so I am good there.

    My down fall is that I use real heavy cream in my coffee. The darigold kind from Costco. It comes in half gallon size. It is 40% milk fat. I know, I know .....

    My morning coffee is 320 cals. It is my breakfast. Keeps me full until 1pm. I tally the cals in my daily allowance. The fat macro is significant. But a calorie is a calorie. Right?

    So good. I have lost weight in the past 6 weeks. So this coffee regimen of mine is thus far working for me.
  • triciaj66
    triciaj66 Posts: 253 Member
    I love coffe and I have always wanted to drink it without creamer but hated the taste .. About 5 months ago I wanted to save some cals each day so I stopped the creamer .. I drink kona coffee now black.. I love it, it just took some time to get use to it!! Now I can eat the 60-90 cals I was drinking !! :)
  • Don't know if this will help anyone or not, but I came up with a recipe for creamer for my coffee. As a side note, I am watching my carbs, so yes, it created with heavy cream. ;) The calories and such aren't much though, so I thought some of you might find it useful. :)

    1 cup heavy cream
    1 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla (I use homemade, but pure vanilla extract would be fine)
    1/4 cup boiling water
    1/4 cup cold water
    2 TBSP sugar

    Mix cream and vanilla together with fork.
    Melt sugar in boiling water, then set aside to cool to room temperature.
    Add cold water and stir well, then mix into vanilla/cream mixture.

    Makes 24 servings (1 TBSP)

    Per TBSP:

    Calories: 22
    Carbs: 1
    Fat: 2
    Protein: 1
  • Me too, friend! I havent gotten to the "I love it" phase, but I really think that once you eliminate all of the yummy fat from creamer and start substituting it with low fat stuff or skim milk, you might as well just drink it black!
  • spiralated
    spiralated Posts: 150 Member
    I swapped in some flavorful tea (which ofte requires no sweetener) for some of my coffee (and soda) and make sure I get enough water and sleep. This has practically reduced my coffee to none. When I do want some - I have espresso with a touch of creamer. That's it. a good espresso has a lot of flavor in it so I don't find the need for sugar.
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    I like Land O' Lakes SIngle Serve Mini Moo cups - creamer that is only 10 cals and no carbs

    i add a Splenda as well, but I also can take my coffee black. Try the Mini Moos, they are great!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Good morning everyone! I can fully admit that for the past 3 years I have drank so many unnecessary (and unwanted!) calories in my delicious/terribly fattening coffee. No I can't just do moderation- Drinking at least 6 cups of coffee a day loaded with vanilla creamer and sugar! Now that I am back on the wagon, I'm seriously finding this the hardest to deal with. Any former/current coffee enthusiasts have any advice? Now Ive moved on to cutting alot of the adders and well, its just disgusting. I want to be dramatic and say its ruining my life. :)

    I'm a coffee drinker like you - sugar and cream, so I can't taste the coffee, lol.

    But since being on MFP, I've cut down on the cream and started using Splenda - and even cut down on the Splenda already, too.

    Also, trying to fit one bottle of water in the afternoons at work (it's a start.)

    You have to want to change this habit otherwise, you'll drink yourself (coffee) into a tizzy. Good luck!

  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    chocolate milk? the high fructose corn syrup containing chocolate milk with mega fat and calories ? Or something else?

    Ya know, you can buy higher quality chocolate milk that contains only natural ingredients and is made with low fat milk. You should get out more...
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    Yeah, my girlfriend makes my coffee. She was trying to give me a healthy alternative to Starbucks, which this is. The 240 comes from 4 cups of coffee (well two of my mugs which = 4 actual cups). Each with 1 tablespoon of Nestle CoffeeMate Peppermint Mocha Creamer which is 60 calories per tablespoon. Then again, what people think a tablespoon is versus what they are really using varies. This is another great example of , I don't need to log this there can't be much in it. Then you scan the bar code and go OMG! Really!

    She wonders why I stopped drinking coffee.

    Lol...oh, in 4 cups of coffee, I could see that. LOL wow.
  • lthomas42
    lthomas42 Posts: 73 Member
    Coffee is FINE, of course in moderation. It's good you recognise the creamer and sugar is your problem. I use blue diamond unsweetened original almond milk in my coffee. It is a nice, light, natural taste. Also, once you cut the sugar you'll love the bitterness of coffee and HATE sweet coffee.