Tips to Stop binge eating?

I keep on binge eating at work and when I'm tired or bored.
What should I do?


  • Bring healthy snacks with you so and eat it when you're feeling a bit hungry. Gum, water and green tea.
  • Chew gum, drink water, a few raw almonds. I eat air popped popcorn and put a couple of olive oil pam spray then sprinkle with a small amount of garlic salt. Very low calories but satisfying.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Eat healthy snacks.
  • Cal28
    Cal28 Posts: 514 Member
    I wish I knew! I'm such a boredom eater too.
    Take some healthier snacks? If you do want 'junk' I found a mini bag of Cadbury buttons is quite good, 99kcal and can space them over an afternoon.

    Hoping to steal some better suggestions that I'm sure will come. :smile:
  • Nt2Badhuh
    Nt2Badhuh Posts: 107 Member
    I am having issues with this too.

    Something that has been working for me is thinking about the half ton lady I saw on discovery channel. I know that sounds stupid but I think about her and Im like how did that happen then I think about what im doing and how i got to the point im at and that usually scares me back into my calorie goal.

    but I want tips too... Sometimes the half ton lady doesnt do the trick...

    or try to fill my day with more when I feel like eating just to be eating...ill text someone and start a conversation or ask if someone wants to go somewhere
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    Just some of my ideas to get over the binge eating habits: Try doing things with your hands when tired or bored puzzles, word search puzzles , a hobby that involves keeping your hands far as something that helps me is I chew sugarfree gum comes in many different flavors so If you like a minty taste or prefer a more fruity taste really curbs my cravings when I shouldnt be hungry but am thinking about food and as long as you can chew it at work. Also brushing teeth randomly helps too if you cant get your mind off food and if your bored at home go for a workout instead of the kitchen
  • superbeffie
    superbeffie Posts: 93 Member
    A handful of frozen grapes, a sugar free fudgesicle or a homemade smoothie (frozen fruit, ice and a spoonful of yogurt or skim milk) They are all low calorie options that are satisfying and filling.
    If you overeat grapes for instance it's only 120 calories for 2 cups. That's a LOT of grapes. Chug some water and eat these sweet things and it'll make you feel better.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I have found to release the boredom that leads me to binging, there are several things that work

    1. get up and get moving. Sometimes this is hard, especially at work, but if you can get away from your desk for 5 minutes, go to the bathroom, etc. At home, get up and go outside for a few minutes, play with a pet, vacuum the floor...being active will make you forget what you were focusing on (that caused the head hunger to begin with)

    2. Call a friend, make conversation or arrange to get together for a walk or something. The conversation will take your mind off it.

    3. Drink some water and chew some gum. It will help to have something in your mouth

    4. Eat some air-popped popcorn or snack on some healthy alternatives such as veggies.
  • you probably aren't eating enough and not often enough. try eating 200 cal meals every 2 hours.
  • jillica
    jillica Posts: 554 Member
    I've been there and those days suck! Don't beat yourself up too much - you are making great progress.

    Easier said than done - but try NOT to get bored. Make yourself a list of things to do and put it on your fridge or pantry. When you start to go down the binge road, maybe that list will help distract you.

    Also, are you maybe depriving yourself of something? WARNING: This advice may get me in trouble:wink:: Like if you are really craving pototo chips, but you are resisting so you eat everything else to avoid those potato chips. When if you would have given in and allowed yourself to eat just 1/2 a serving, you would have been satisfied and ate alot less calories with that mini-serving of an unhealthy snack than the 6 servings of a healthier snack. That can be a tricky one.

    Good Luck!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Choose snacks with protein. Protein takes longer to digest and burns slowly when it does. It will keep you satisfied for longer. Hard-boiled eggs, beef jerky, cheese sticks, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, grilled chicken strips, things like that.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    I have that habit as well. When I am not at work - what I do is sit ups. I know that sounds strange. For some reason, for ME - they seem to lower my desire to eat. Also, when I am finished, I no longer am hungry.
    Also, going for a walk does it.

    I have tried everything. Water, tea, gum, everything. I still want to eat. But for me....sit-ups and walking works.

  • jmp1031
    jmp1031 Posts: 95 Member
    i agree with all these, especially the gum and brushing your teeth! when i had a desk job i was a snacker too. i liked to use my apple cutter from pampered chef that cuts them into 10 pieces- you feel like you're eating a lot going back for slice after slice throughout the day, but you're only eating one apple! same with bringing a bunch of baby carrots, quantity for little calories. i'd also make up my own trail mix with dried fruits and nuts, measure it out in little baggies and take time eating it one piece at a time instead of throwing back a handful. and lots of water always helps. good luck!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    For me, I have to really limit my carbohydrates - particularly refined (breads, junk food, etc.) Also, make a deal with yourself to commit to going so many days (identify this as 7 days, etc.) of not binge eating. Once you reach that milestone, make a new comittmnt to yourself to go X more number of days. I have found by limiting my carbs, I dont have the cravings. Also, I "treat" myself to something healthy I really love every evening -- almond butter. Recommended by my dr., it tastes like a wonderful peanut butter but is very healthy. My dr. actually recomended I eat it daily for the benefits.

    Good luck - I have fought binging my entire life as far as I remember. It's tough, very tough.
  • ashimon
    ashimon Posts: 23 Member
    Heat up some water, throw in a bullion cube of your choice. High in sodium, but 0 calories and filling.

    Salad is another option 2 cups is 15 calories add in some low calorie dressing for extra flavor.

    Finally if you feel you need something more filling, go buy a bag of apples and eat a few, within 300-400 calories you'll be full.

    You can still binge eat, just eat healthy when you do.

    Good luck.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Water, raw veggies, and gum.
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    I have issues with this too. What seems to help is having a protein and a carb as a snack, like an apple and some cheese or fage greek yogurt with fruit, or some nuts and an orange.
  • I have always had one rule about my dieting... If I crave something.... I EAT IT. of course in small doses! If I crave chocolate, I will eat a piecce of organic dark chocolate thats better for me. Every peace I eat after that, I make myself go up 3 flights of stairs, or do 50 crunches, to make over eating out of boredom NOT worth the extra calories :). I also used to do the frozen grapes as another person recommended, and preportioning my meals rather than bringing the box of crackers/chips into my living room. I portion everything and then exit the kitchen to eat.
  • Take a break and go to maintenance for a week or two. Dieting is sometimes harder for your mind than your body. I have chosen to give up dieting period because I found I could not keep it up longer than three months at a time. I exercise every day and eat whatever I want until I am full. I have found that since I do not restrict myself from any food in particular, I am never tempted to binge. I actually choose to eat healthy for the most part. It has taken some practice to do this but I have managed to continue to still lose weight, albeit slowly. I don't care though. I could not take one more minute on a diet. I'm so close to my goal weight anyway. What is another few months tacked on the end if I'm much more satisfied with myself. Good luck and I hope you find what works for you!
  • I keep on binge eating at work and when I'm tired or bored.
    What should I do?

    What do you binge on?

    For me, I have found that cutting out sugars and starches has helped. I had a rough week, craving every single day, but I fought it, promising myself if I made it the week, I could have one weekend day to go hog wild. Well, when I woke up on Saturday, I didn't feel like going hog wild anymore.

    I eat lots of fruits and veggies, so I'm not eliminating carbs, but I've cut out the bread, rice, potatoes, and other starchy snacks that used to be my staples.

    See if that helps you - whatever it is you use to binge, promise yourself one day per week if you make it six full days without a binge and see if the urge is still there by day 7. If it is, have that day, then make that your schedule - six on, one off. (Which is actually not a bad weight loss technique anyway - keeps the metabolism from getting used to lower cals by shaking up the routine a bit.) But if the urge is gone, great! You've beaten the binge monster for that week. Try it again for the next week.