I'm so hungry



  • If you eat a lot of pasta try the barilla plus pasta if you haven't already. It is better for you because it isn't made with white flour. I don't notice a difference in the flavor of it compared to regular pasta and it is better since it is made with whole grains. I think I actually feel fuller after eating it than I did with the regular pasta. Even my boys and Hubby will eat it and say that they didn't notice any difference. It is more expensive if you pay regular price, however they have sales on it all the time where you can get it for $1.25 a box and they have coupons for it as well.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Cant see the diary but my guess is your protein is about 50-90g? Pump it up to about 30% of your 1600 calories and you wont be hungry anymore.

    Good luck!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I eat 6 small meals but with protein at most of them. It helps, I have my diary public if you want to take a look. Also drink lots of water.

    I eat similar to this and find I'm mostly not hungry. Protein really helps as does staying hydrated. Good luck!
  • DiveBarDanceHall
    DiveBarDanceHall Posts: 12 Member
    Exactly what I was going to say: the Barilla Plus pasta is great. Multigrain, not whole wheat. After my first bite of the wheat pasta my first thought was, "Are they kidding?" So gross to me, especially being a HUGE fan of pasta. Its just so good, I will never give it up. But I will change how I eat it. Go Multigrain. It is very good. And as this was already said (again) drink lots lot and LOTS of water. Really go for those 8 cups a day. When you feel hungry, you might actually just be thirsty. Drink a big glass of water or you can try a cup of herbal tea sweetened with Truvia. (Stray AWAY from artificial sweeteners, so awful for you). When you want to feel satisfied longer, eat food rich in fiber. Or snack on some dry roasted almonds!

    But really, what you shouldn't do is scrap this whole weight-loss thing. You know you'll just piss yourself off once you do, haha.

  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Ok, so I have the goal of 1,600 calories a day, and I know that is much higher than some people are sticking too, but I feel so hungry all day long! I have always been a "grazer" and a bored eater, always snacking throughout the day and taking in WAY more calories than I needed to be (hense why I am trying to lose weight). What can I do to help with this feeling? I've been staring down a box of donuts all afternoon and fighting the urge to just abandon this whole thing!
    It gets easier over time, and I had to gut out that season of hunger cravings.
    I wanted to just quit, but before long, it got better and better.

    You can do this:drinker:
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Peraps you're just not ready to go on this journey? When you are, you'll find that nothing will be a barrier to your success... It comes down to how bad you want it, and how hard your willing to play.

    A moment on the lips versus a lifetime on the hips....
  • cerrajean
    cerrajean Posts: 188 Member
    DON'T DO IT!!!!! You need to fill your house will healthy snacks.. skinny cow ice cream and candy bars are amazing.. I'm not going to tell you to eat carrot sticks or celery because nothing beats a donut...lol

    ^^^THESE, I freaking love skinny cow ice cream sandwiches.
  • cjones0992
    cjones0992 Posts: 55 Member
    After a couple weeks of restricting your calorie intake, your stomach will "shrink" and you will be satisfied with the 1600 calories. Just stay dillegent with this, and soon you won't feel deprived. It's amazing how our bodies can adapt to change. Good luck to you and don't give up!!!
  • I have one tip for you-Sugar free chewing gums! You might not be feeling hunger exactly, it could be the tendency to chew something in your mouth.
  • When you begin calorie diet, you will feel hungry because your stomach is used to being full and even expanded at times! Think about it, you're probably going from a 2000-3000 calorie/day diet from 16000 cal/day diet. Dieting isn't easy and it will take some time, maybe a month or more for your body to get used to eating less. As others suggested though, eating healthy veggies, whole grain foods, and adding fiber to your diet could help you from feeling as hungry. The more bad foods you eat, the less you will be able to consume. The healthier your food is the more you can eat! My advice to you is hang in there! It will get better the longer you stick with it. Before you know it, your stomach will shrink and you will not be able to fit in all that food you once digested! Oh and ps. lose the doughnuts!!!
  • islandjumper
    islandjumper Posts: 369 Member
    Drink a big glass of water or you can try a cup of herbal tea sweetened with Truvia. (Stray AWAY from artificial sweeteners, so awful for you).

    Use Stevia...truvia is a coca cola product that uses stevia cut with aspartame so it's just as bad as the rest of them.
  • WarriorPrincess1
    WarriorPrincess1 Posts: 7 Member
    For me, low calorie goals are just more incentive to exercise- if you burn 200 calories doing exercise, that's 200 more calories you get to/ need to eat! Some people don't eat back their exercise calories, but I always do and it's been a major help in the motivation department and in the kickstarting my metabolism department. Good luck!
  • Crystal_Pistol
    Crystal_Pistol Posts: 750 Member
    I'm less hard core than most. If you are hungry, eat something really filling. High fat and/or high protein. A handful of almonds or swiss cheese are my usuals. Do a full fat or 2% Greek Yogurt. You won't go over by that much and you won't be obsessing about being hungry. The day after, do some jumping jacks or jog in place. BOOM- all is right with the world.
  • betsie_n
    betsie_n Posts: 7 Member
    You mentioned that you love pasta but don't love fruits and veggies. I'm the same person! However, I have learned to really like several fruits and veggies - I even crave them now! WOW! I suggest starting with incorporating one or two that you kinda like and then try small quantities of a new one that you 'might' like - and saute it up with some Barilla pasta to get used to eating it. For instance, I have always like broccoli, so it was easy for me to add that to my pasta. Then, I added some tomatoes (just a few to start) the next few times and I acquired the taste, then I added small pieces of squash, etc.. Now, there's more veggie than pasta on my plate!

    For fruit, I decided I could like blueberries, so I started adding a couple to my morning cereal with my usual banana - and now I LOVE blueberries and find all kinds of things to add them to! I think we have to train our taste buds to like new things. HOWEVER, if something simply grosses you out, I believe it's fine to ignore it - there's enough choices in the world!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    When you begin calorie diet, you will feel hungry because your stomach is used to being full and even expanded at times! Think about it, you're probably going from a 2000-3000 calorie/day diet from 16000 cal/day diet. Dieting isn't easy and it will take some time, maybe a month or more for your body to get used to eating less. As others suggested though, eating healthy veggies, whole grain foods, and adding fiber to your diet could help you from feeling as hungry. The more bad foods you eat, the less you will be able to consume. The healthier your food is the more you can eat! My advice to you is hang in there! It will get better the longer you stick with it. Before you know it, your stomach will shrink and you will not be able to fit in all that food you once digested! Oh and ps. lose the doughnuts!!!

    Bah! If you have proper macro settings and are eating 20% below TDEE you shouldnt feel hungry at all.
    1g protein per lean mass divided into however many meals you have should keep you satiated all day.
    If you are hungry you either have too few calories or your macros arent set right.

    A good starting point would be:
    1) know your Body fat%
    2) know your TDEE
    3) know your BMR

    Never eat below BMR because it kills metabolism and can be harmful of your vital organs.
    Set MFP to 20% below TDEE to lose weight and not be hungry and have a sustainable diet.

    Protein should be .60-1.5g per Lean Body Weight
    Fat should be .45g-.60g per Lean Body Weight
    Carbs brings up the rest.
    Because MFP only seals in 5% incr most diets work well with Protein 25-30% Carbs 40-50% and Fat 30-35%.

    Try it for a month and i guarantee you wont be hungry and you will lose weight.
  • A lot of times when you first start out you will be hungry until you adapt to your new diet. I was hungry for the first 3-4 days, and now I'm having a hard time eating all of my calories.
  • msespresso
    msespresso Posts: 153 Member
    EAT! Make a list of 5 or 6 healthy (high protein & fiber whenever you can) snacks that are around 2-300 calories, and eat one of them every 2-3 hours. Don't give yourself a chance to get hungry. Find a good protein shake and work those in, as they can really help to fill you up- its also a great way to work more fruit into your diet.
  • kayflowers2010
    kayflowers2010 Posts: 3 Member
    There is alot of responses to this post so i'm not sure if I'm just repeating what others have said but, drink lots of water to help fill you up, maybe chew some sugar free gum so you are getting the sensation of eating something, also I'd try some dehydrated fruits or veggies they give you have crunch like a chip! Hope this helps a little
  • EMarvie
    EMarvie Posts: 335 Member
    water water water... it makes a huge difference.

  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    I find green tea, drinking lots of water and having small snacks like fruit and nuts helps a lot. Try cutting raw sugar out from drinks. I went down to just 1 in my coffee and it made a big difference to sugar cravings. Don't have donuts in your house if you can help it. If they are for hubby, make him eat stuff like that when he's out. One big thing that helps me now is knowing I have to log every single item I eat! Sometimes I know I can't be bothered searching for it on MFP. haha You should also eat a 'cheat treat' from time to time. Total change is hard. Gradual change is much easier. Also, try eating half a donut or just 1/4 at a time. Very best of luck to you!