Need moviation and Support

I've been working really hard on my weightloss. I have a few friends on here and some are even people I know. The people I know aren't loosing as fast as I am and are getting discouraged I've helped them and give suggestions. But I'm no longer getting support. My fiance works 2 jobs and is going to school. While he is gone I go to the gym if I"m not working my 7 days a week as well. I've been really pushing myself to workout (4200 ish cal burned last week and about 4100 this week) Just am feeling down even though I should be really happy!

I would like encouraging friends!


  • lis_4582
    lis_4582 Posts: 13 Member
    :happy: YOU CAN DO IT!!! Hang in there girl. I know it can be stressful and even painful at times but it's all worth it in the long run. I am so impressed by the calories you're burning weekly. How awesome is 4100 cals burned? Pretty freaking awesome :drinker:
  • cvanbeek
    cvanbeek Posts: 107
    before these last 2 weeks I wasn't do as much but I've been going more. I would rather go to the gym then be home alone :)