Push ups

I NEED to be able to do a "real" push up for a job. I did 30 days of P90 and now started on ChaLEAN Extreme. I can now do about a half of one on my toes and then have to go to my knees.
I am just wondering if anyone has any advice. I Think the Chalean Extreme program will help me build strength but I could use some tips if anyone has them! I think part of my problem is my ABS aren't very strong. I wi ll keep working on strengthing them as well.


  • flcaoh
    flcaoh Posts: 444
    I was in the Army so I've done more push-ups than one person should ever do in a lifetime (or two lol). The only way to get stronger doing pushups is to do more pushups. Do them everyday. Make yourself do as many knee pushups as you can 3 - 4 times spread out through the day. Then keep testing yourself to try and do some real ones.

    I literally could not do ONE complete pushup the day I got to boot camp. But when I finished boot camp I could do about 50 without stopping... that's 50 'real' on your toes, back 100% straight, genuine Army pushups. Granted I was doing pushups ALL THE TIME. Literally ALL DAY, EVERY DAY. We never had a "rest" day. So, as long as you're not feeling real pain (as opposed to the expected muscle building achy pain) then I say go crazy with the pushups.

    There is also a free online program that helps you increase your pushups... it's called hundredpushups.com and it's a 6 week program... I've heard lots of good things about it. Check it out and good luck!
  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    I would start on my knees and then "sneak " up on my toes in the middle for 1 or 2 then back to my knees. I think it was mainly mental thinking. You know, kinda like the thrill of getting caught or getting away with the last cookie in the jar...pretty soon, before you know it, your MENTAL state is hey, that wasn't so bad. I CAN DO IT! If I want it bad enough, almost anything is possible...baby step time. I have faith in you...... YOU CAN DO IT!! :happy:
  • SarahNicole317
    SarahNicole317 Posts: 302 Member
    Work on doing planks with your arms extended and planks on your elbows as well. I also like to have clients do an incline push-up starting on the wall, then maybe a rail, then a bench. You could perform the planks in this fashion also.

    Make sure you are working on strength (10-12 rep max) with bench press using dumbbells or barbells. You can also incorporate physioball push-ups. The closer the ball is to your feet, the harder the exercise is. Most importantly, make sure you maintain perfect form doing an exercise. Make sure your back doesn't sag when doing planks and push-ups. Pull your abs in as tight as you can. Also, place your hands underneath your shoulders. When you do a push-up come down to a full 90 degree angle no matter what type of push-up you do. If you can't do a full 90 degree angle, do an easier version.

    Progression is key to mastering a perfect push-up!

    1. Incline-wall, rail, bench, floor
    2. Modified on knees
    3. Physioball-ball on hips, thighs, knees, calves, ankles
    4. Full plank push-ups
    5. decline push ups
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I also read to do them on stairs progressively.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    I too was in the Army and when I went into Basic Training I could only do 12 push-ups in 2 minutes. In 16 weeks I was able to do 62 push-ups in 2 minutes...regulation, Army push-ups.

    If anyone knows push-ups the Army does. They will not (at least not back then) allow you to get on your knees! So just get in the front leaning rest (plank position) and hold it for two minutes. If you need to rest just lift your butt in the air for a few seconds and go back to the plank. Do not go to your knees!!! Once you can do that then try doing a push-up. Just alternate between the plank, resting (butt in air) and doing push-ups for two minutes. Eventually you will be able to do more and more push-ups.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I NEED to be able to do a "real" push up for a job. I did 30 days of P90 and now started on ChaLEAN Extreme. I can now do about a half of one on my toes and then have to go to my knees.
    I am just wondering if anyone has any advice. I Think the Chalean Extreme program will help me build strength but I could use some tips if anyone has them! I think part of my problem is my ABS aren't very strong. I wi ll keep working on strengthing them as well.

    First of all, great job w/ the 30 days of P90 and I love ChaLean!!

    P90X is the program that really got me kicking butt with pushups. Although I have to disagree with some of the above posters. I do think you should do them on your toes, but I would do as MANY as you can on your toes, and then drop to your knees and do as many as you can to failure (til you can not push up ONE more time). Do that 2-3 times a day.

    Now I easily do at least 30 pushups every day. That is my minimum. You can also try varying your hand positions- wider, closer, decline (feet on stairs or couch), etc.

    Good luck!! Also, focus on your core!!
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    I agree with Jess on all counts! Start on your toes until failure, and then drop to your knees. Before you know it, you'll be on your toes the whole time!
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
  • stratdl
    stratdl Posts: 303 Member
    Tag! :devil:

  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will take a lot of thie advice and keep trying! I have made some progress but still have a long way to go too!!!

    What does it mean when someone says tag in a post?? I'm new here!