Wanna loss pregnancy weight

Anyway Mums (or moms) out there trying to loss their preg weight?

I had twins 10 months ago and I'm 15 kgs heavier than when I found out I was pregnant. I feel uncomfortable in this body and would love some encourage to help me get back to my pre-preg weigh.


  • aimesuk
    aimesuk Posts: 51 Member
    I have sent you a friend request - I have 3 year old twins and although I was 2 stone lighter after having them (didn't gain a lot of weight due to bad nausea) I gained it ALL back before I had my last baby!
  • monte74
    monte74 Posts: 20 Member
    Wow!! You have twins plus a newborn. You really truly are amazing.

    After the experience of having twins, as much as I love them, I'm not going back for more. It's been such hard work.

    How r u coping? Better?
  • button777
    button777 Posts: 26 Member
    I am looking to lose my baby weight as well.... I had my 4th baby ( 3rd pregnancy) 4 months ago and I know its gonna be a little more difficult this time but I'm determined to do it. If its any help my twins are now 15 and after a little work and patience got my tummy back to pretty much what it looked like before I was ever pregnant at all.... which means I have no excuses this time round...

    feel free to add me... mums of twins are very welcome friends
  • rnktsk1
    Hello ladies... mom here want to lose pregnancy weight as well .Its going to be a long way but i am positive thinking person .. :smile:
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    That's great congratulations, we're having twin boys in a couple of months! :)

    Add me up if you'd like (I'm not a mum though), it would be nice to share experiences.
  • beffy987
    beffy987 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there,

    I have 11 month old b/g twins. They are a handful but are very good babies. We are thinking of waiting a few years before we have any more :) I would like to get down to a good weight before I get pregnant again too. I want to be as fit as possible if I'll be pregnant and running after twins, lol.
  • monte74
    monte74 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks ladies.. I've added you all.

    I'd love the support. W twins you don't have time to do anything.
  • tayla78
    tayla78 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I don't have twins but I am a twin :-)
    I have a 3yr old girl and 18month old boy. I am trying to get back to pre-pregnancy weight and am halfway there now.
    Feel free to add me too :-)
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    Yay, people in the same boat! my 5th baby was born 8weeks ago. I've lost a stone and half in tht time but am wishin to lose another stone and half to get back to post baby weight. Its hard trying to fit in healthy meals and resist the temptation of snacking on the other kids left over dinners ie chips etc! Am determined to be yummy mummy by summer! Come on Ladies, we CAN do this!x
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    Oh oh me me! I wanna lose my pregnancy weight as well. I have a 5 year old daughter (I never bothered to lose my pregnancy weight after her) and then my son turns 1 next month (and I didn't bother to lose the weight after him either). So I just compounded the problem and weigh twice what I should.

    But if I'm being honest, I'm not going to call the 150 pounds I want to lose "pregnancy" weight but instead "husband" weight because I have done nothing but put on weight since the day I moved away from home to be with him. I've put on 120 pounds in the past almost 8 years. That's more than 10 pounds a year! 1 1/4 pounds a month on average to be exact. I'm aiming to weigh even less than I did when I met him and to get back to my high school weight, if not less.

    I'm also hoping to just pick up the good habits of an overall lifestyle change so that way when I do reach my goal weight, I can keep up the healthier lifestyle and never again be twice the me I should be.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • daydream97
    daydream97 Posts: 5 Member
    hi ladies! I have a 30month old daughter and 3month old son and so keen to lose the preg weight and then some. Wasnt overly happy in my weight pre preg so would like to go down a few more kilos. but its all really about losing the baby belly to be honest! i want to have a skinnier tummy again. cant believe in highschool how fat i thought i was i at 57kg - so thats my long term goal weight!

    would love to have friends to go on this journey with. i only just started this week and soo cant believe how many cal are in meat and cheese :( iv started walking around my hilly block each day carrying boy and pushing my daughter. and im looking at starting the 30day shred this week :)
  • queenjme
    queenjme Posts: 26 Member
    hey i had a 10lb 1 oz boy 6 months ago today. although ive lost 16 kgs and am a few kgs under what i was before i had him im still trying to loose a couple more. it wasnt easy geting into it but with being a personal trainer i kicked my own butt and pushed through. would love to have some mums as friends on here. all the best ladies look foreward to your accomplishments and all the best with your twins
  • shadowkitty22
    shadowkitty22 Posts: 495 Member
    hey i had a 10lb 1 oz boy 6 months ago today.

    That is the exact weight that my baby boy was when he was born almost a month ago! And I thought my daughter was big at 9lbs 8.4oz. Haha So I'm looking forward to the day when the scale says I've lost 19.5-20 lbs and I can rejoice that I've lost the combined weight of my kids.