why i cant lose weight with diet and exercise

Can somebody please tell me what in the heck i am dong wrong? I exercise a lot 45-60 minutes 5-6 times a week - i mean like Turbo fire, insanity - hard core workout plans. I am eating very good and documenting everything that i eat. I dont understand how i can weight 145 pounds before christmas with zero exercise (from october to jan 1) and eating all the holiday food in the world. I have weighed 145 consistently through all the bad eating. Okay Jan 3rd comes around. I start heavy duty workout plan (as written above) and watch every little nibble of food that i eat and document it. How is it, day 19 now of my plan, and i have not lost an OUNCE or an INCH!!! In fact, i was up an pound today to 146. go figure. I had all my blood work done in December. My doctor said everything was perfect. She said for me to move to eating 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks (total of 5-6 small meals) and stayng around 1200 calories which is what i am doing - attempting (some days i fall below, some days a little over). I have a low resting heart rate of 50-55. When i work out, my heart rate is 160 consistently or higher throughout the workout. I seriously dont understand. My husband is baffled - watching me work my behind off and getting nowhere. I did this plan last March and went throughout the summer and still weighed 145 (i just felt healthier with all the exercising so kept it up even without any results). I really dont want to do this again with ZERO results. I am getting discouraged. Any help would be beneficial. Oh- and i cannot do thermogenics or metabolism boosting pills or Monster/energy drinks as i have a bad reaction to caffiene - stimulants of just about any kind. so please do not respond if offering that as a suggestion as it cannot be done.



  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    i would say if youre doing exercises like insanity and tubro fire, and only eating 1200 calories, then you arent eating enough.
    do you have your loss-per-week goal set to 2 lbs? that setting is really best for people with 75+ pounds to lose. i would suggest setting it lower (0.5 or maybe 1 lb) and eating those calories + exercise and see how you do.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    (i just felt healthier with all the exercising so kept it up even without any results). I really dont want to do this again with ZERO results.

    One of these things is not like the other. Scale weight and inches lost are not the only way to measure results.

    How tall are you? Are you overweight by your current standards?

    Do you eat back your exercise calories? Because if you don't and you're exercising that much and only eating 1200 calories you're under eating.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Are you eating your exercise calories? Do you mind opening your diary?
  • TanyaDelAngel
    TanyaDelAngel Posts: 50 Member
    That happened to me, the only way to track the real fat loss is with pictures, because you are building more muscle while losing fat, pictures no lie, you see the results, a photo each week and ask friends opinions about results, you will see a difference
  • ThinningDownChick
    ThinningDownChick Posts: 95 Member
    Try bumping up your calories to around 1600 every 4th day. Your body has gotten use to the 1200 calories that you currently consume, so by increasing your caloric intake every few days (make it clean foods) then you'll stand a good chance of bumping up your metabolism and blasting through your plateau! :)
  • _GlaDOS_
    _GlaDOS_ Posts: 1,520 Member
    I'm guessing you aren't eating enough. It doesn't sounds like you are even eating your exercise calories, which you probably should be doing at only 1200 net calories per day. From my experience, Turbo Fire and Insanity burn a ton of calories, and intense cardio programs like those really do require more fuel. I would set your MFP goal to lose no more than 1 lb per week, and eat all of your exercise calories.

    Here are some helpful links:





    And, the most awesome group on MFP: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/17-women-eating-2-000-calories-per-day
  • Erica002
    Erica002 Posts: 293 Member
    If your Dr did a TSH test, and that came back normal, you need to have him/her look deeper into doing more testing. It could very well be your thyroid even though the TSH is norm.
  • cppeace
    cppeace Posts: 764 Member
    as many others have said eat more... Your body is saying conserve conserve and not lose lose... Eat atleast 1400 a day atleast half your exercise calories... No exceptions
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    19 days isn't that long. You may not be seeing weight loss because it is lost in the usual daily fluid shifts.

    Also, if you are exercising like that, you should be building muscle. Muscle weighs more than the fat you are losing, but looks much better. It's all good. Follow your waist circumference.

    Make sure you are using a diet scale to measure portions. Grams don't lie.

    Make sure your 1200 calories includes adequate protein, vitamins, iron, calcium, etc. Otherwise there's nothing your body can use the calories for except fat.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    That happened to me, the only way to track the real fat loss is with pictures, because you are building more muscle while losing fat, pictures no lie, you see the results, a photo each week and ask friends opinions about results, you will see a difference

    It won't be muscle gain. It is practically impossible to build muscle whils on a calorie deficit diet. Any weight gain whilst eating below maintainable level of calories is almost certainly due to fluid retention, due to exercise, temperature, or (for women) TOTM.
  • gemmaldavies
    hi hun
    sorry to hear you are at a loss, but small changes will defo see you results.

    take pictures - easier to se changes in your body than on the scales
    increase your calorie intake
    eat lots of lean ptotein as your body may be breaking dwn ur muscle instead to get the extra energy it needs
    6 small 250-300 meals a day with abit of protein & complex carbs in each one

    good luck n dont get discouraged :wink:
  • CoraGregoryCPA
    CoraGregoryCPA Posts: 1,087 Member
    If you are going to try something,, try it for WEEKSssssssss.

    I'd recommend trying to increase your calories to a daily amount of 1400 for 3 weeks.

    If that doesn't work, I'd recommend not eating your exercise calories for 3 weeks.

    If that doesn't work, try eating your exercise calories?

    Get my point, you have to try different things. You have to try them for you and you have to give them time. Everyone is different. Good Luck.

    Also, if you are going to ask for help, you really should open your diary. Al lot of your weight loss will be determined from what you eat, not necessarily what you do... seriously! Are you drinking at least 8 glasses of water? Are you logging absolutely everything that goes in your mouth? Are you eating quality calories? Are you eating more salt than you should-which may retain water and not let the scale move? Are your measurements incorrect? Do you weight, measure EVERYTHING you eat that isn't prepackaged? Do you use oil that is loaded with calories and forget to log it? 1 tablespoon of oil is aprox 140 -and NO it doesn't matter if it's olive oil. It's still calories! People are being tricked into thinking if it is good for you then it's ok for weightloss.. nope, it isn't. Good Luck :)
  • Monsieurt
    I'm going through a stall in weight loss myself, however the best advice I have read on this thread so far is

    1. Review your diet and replace any bad/poor food choices
    2. Increase your calories slightly to support your exercise schedule
    3. Increase your protein intake to a minimum of 30% of total daily calories.

    Good luck and don't give in! Reflect on the positives - you're not going backwards and by the sounds of it you have an energetic and healthy lifestyle - endorsed by your Doctor! :smile:
  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    I personally have found (with doing the same programs) that I have to eat a MINIMUM of 2000 calories....... I know it sounds like a TON of darn food..... I still have trouble reaching my goals to intake that much food while doing those types of programs. With Insanity i lost 5% body fat..... my weight didnt really fluctuate much because i lost fat and gained the same weight in muscle! I suggest you up your calories because most likely, with the intense workouts, your body is thinking its starving (even if it isnt).
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    Many times people underestimate their eating calories and overestimate their calories burned.

    How are you measuring your calories burned? Also, can't see your food diary to comment :flowerforyou:
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    I don't have any new advice to add - but I would like to say well done for keeping going with what sounds like a tough plan! Hopefully some of the advice here will help you get the results you're looking for. :smile:
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    No new advice here but an observation:

    I think you look GREAT just the way you are! I think your body is happy where it is right now and is holding on for dear life to every ounce it can get.

    STAY OFF THAT FREAKIN' SCALE! It is NOT giving you an accurate and overall picture of how you are REALLY doing in your effort and it seems to be only getting you down.

    Go by how you FEEL, how you LOOK in your clothes and how you are able to DO your workouts!!

    Just something to think about that may make you feel positive instead of negative!!!
  • eviledna
    eviledna Posts: 38 Member
    I can sympathise a little with you, I am working out 5-6 days per week and also getting nowhere :>(
    Think the idea of taking regular photos is really good, think I'll start doing that myself. I actually take my measurements every week as that will show progress even in the scales don't.
    When I was losing weight I was eating more protein too so I think I'll have to go back to that.
    Good luck and I hope things start to shift for you soon
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    i also understand also how you feel and how frustrating it is!! i think your not giving it enough time. I started out working Oct 22 and after a month not a inch or ounce either... i was doing 5 days a 45 min each day of cardio. So month 2 i incorporated 30ds, lost 2 lbs and 1 inch off my waist, hips and tummy, that was it. so 2 months only 2 lbs! then christmas and a 10 day trip happened, no gain but no loss and i was working out 7 days a week for 47 min a day... Since Jan i haven't done any exercises as i was sick, etc and i have stuck to my 1200-1300 calories a day and NOW i have lost 4 lbs in a 2 week span! not sure what was the secret to start seeing it come off, maybe just focusing on the calories and not exercising? maybe i was working out too much for a beginner? too much stress trying so hard to achieve results fast? not sure but i went from 140 to 133 as of this am.... so i hope it keeps falling off and i am keeping what i am doing right now since it seems t be working, no exercising for now just working on my calories and making right / better choices in food...
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    More foooooood! I eat 1800-2000 @ 5'2 to lose.