Whats your go to snack food that makes you feel the least guilty? :) mine is pickles! lol calorie free... just full of sodium.. so i try to go light... or ill eat banana peppers straight out the jar lol


  • adri3n3
    air popped pop corn, carrots, almonds, yams, celery with natural peanut butter
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
  • Twinsmama75
    Twinsmama75 Posts: 76 Member
    almonds & apples!
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    Whats your go to snack food that makes you feel the least guilty? :) mine is pickles! lol calorie free... just full of sodium.. so i try to go light... or ill eat banana peppers straight out the jar lol

    Yuuuummmmm love banana peppers :)
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Posted earlier by another MFPer... I cant stop eating these! Great in salads too.

    Chili-Lime Roasted Chickpeas

  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    I Love Almonds! But arent they a lot of calories guys? id eat them all day if I could, but from what ive looked up, you cant have that much ... am i right or not?
  • KamiDeni
    KamiDeni Posts: 3 Member
    Yogurt with almonds or goldfish crackers (51 crackers is only 140 calories and I usu. eat less)
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    Cottage cheese or light tuna salad on ak-mak crackers, veggies dipped in tomato basil hummus from TJ's
  • Victoriav99
    Victoriav99 Posts: 260 Member
    Fruits such as grapes, oranges, and apples. I also like popcorn and pickles. :)
  • gatecityradio
    I Love Almonds! But arent they a lot of calories guys? id eat them all day if I could, but from what ive looked up, you cant have that much ... am i right or not?

    A good rule for almonds is to eat no more than can fit in the palm of your hand. Off the top of my head (so don't hold me to this) 1/4 cup is a serving and that is 120 cal.
  • liroez29
    liroez29 Posts: 221
    I love snacking on almonds, but they are kind of high cal, but they are good for you! They are heart healthy, never heard anyone say they got fat from eating almonds! lol. Light popcorn is a good choice, tuna and a few crackers. I also do protein shakes as a snack, helps curb late night hunger, and full of good stuff!
  • feduh86
    feduh86 Posts: 790 Member
    I Love Almonds! But arent they a lot of calories guys? id eat them all day if I could, but from what ive looked up, you cant have that much ... am i right or not?

    A good rule for almonds is to eat no more than can fit in the palm of your hand. Off the top of my head (so don't hold me to this) 1/4 cup is a serving and that is 120 cal.

    Thank you n dont worry i wont hold you to it! hahah
  • jrrflr
    jrrflr Posts: 109
    I usually snack with an apple cinnamon multigrain bar (140 cal), a box of raisins (140 cal), or a clementine (35 cal).
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Pistachios (49 are 160 calories) and any fresh fruits or vegetables. I like hard boiled eggs and string cheese too but even though I eat those all the time I feel a teeny tiny bit guilty that I eat them so often--not to mention string cheese seems like a crime against nature no matter how "real" and healthy the packaging claims it is. :p
  • Woodenater
    Woodenater Posts: 1 Member
    Ha, me too, both of those!
  • jammie300
    I like to snack on fruit, like kiwis, grapes and clementines. I also like those go ahead bars, those apple and raisin ones. I tend to shy away from nuts, because of the high calorie content. I also sometimes still like to eat packets of crisps like Walkers Sun Bites on occasion.

  • channy04
    Almonds, and apples with low fat peanut butter on them.

    Sometimes rice cakes, but I know the carbs are evil. But I could be eating chips, so I consider it a healthy compromise.
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    Easy to grab snacks for me are nuts, string cheese, and cut up veggies.