Soda. To drink or not to drink, that is the question



  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    was addicted to pepsi for years 2 liters a day..gave it all up along with chocolate and junk food and I feel much better and don't miss it at all
  • wdruker
    wdruker Posts: 77 Member
    Yes, I gave up soda in order to help drop the pounds. I used to drink Coke all the time, before I had weight issues. Then I switched to Diet Coke. A friend said that would slow me down because I didn't like the taste. However, I got used to it and would drink that all the time too. Certain foods would require a soda.... pizza, chips, peanut butter and jelly, pretzels, etc. So I was always drinking soda. So now I grave it. When I hear a soda can being opened and the fizz that follows, I'm dying for that sip of soda. So far though I've managed to stop drinking soda for all of January. That's huge for me.
  • noogie98
    noogie98 Posts: 445 Member
    I gave up all soda for Lent back in 2009. Haven't had it since (except for a few accidental sips). I used to drink a lot of it. I switched to diet soda about 9-10 years ago, but I drank loads of Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi.

    I gave it up almost 3 years ago and now I have no desire for it. The thought of it does not entice like it once did.

    Has anyone else given up soda entirely?

    You and I gave up soda at the same time ~ My drink of choice was diet Dr Pepper. Drank about a liter and a six pack a day.

    Don't even miss it in the least! I now drink a large glass of unsweetened iced tea in the morning & lots of water throughout the day.

  • Since I have started my weight loss on July 1st 2011, I have stopped drinking soda and packaged juices.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    ME!! ME!!! ME!!! I have not had a single taste of it since I started on June 2, 2011. I missed it a lot at first...wanted something "good" to drink...but don't miss it much at all now, rarely even think about it.
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Not to drink. A big step for starting my weight loss was to stop drinking soda. I occasionally grab a coke, but end up regretting it because it tastes sickly sweet and syrupy and I realize I don't like it any more. I have heard that the carbonated water in soda can cause other health problems as well, so I don't like diet sodas either.

    The exception (there always seems to be one, doesn't there) is when I have a mixed drink like Jack and Coke.

  • ElementalEscapee
    ElementalEscapee Posts: 552 Member
    Occasionally energy drinks when I have all-nighters, but aside from that I never have soda just for the sake of having soda; I'm always with a friend when I do drink a Monster, or visiting my best friend across the state...we enjoy Mountain Dew with our video games haha.
  • When I was little I was extremely over weight. My mom had the great idea of letting go of 1 thing at a time (mayo, ketchup, soda, etc) ever since I've stopped those things (like back in 1998) I haven't gone back. Every now and than I'll have a Cherry Coke Zero but its so rare. I think the case in our pantry has been there for a year now >.<

    I don't miss soda at all though. I have my 0 calories SoBe water as a treat when I need something sweet but I really do enjoy drinking plain water. I'm nicked named 'fish' so maybe that's why I love my water ^.^
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I quit it cold turkey when I was trying to lose weight when I was 13. Dropped about 20lbs doing little else, and most of it was diet as well. I don't drink soda anymore either. Mot of the time I get through half a can and feel sick. I may have a swig of my boyfriend's if I'm craving it, and I do use it in mixed drinks sometimes, but that's pretty much it.
  • NewVonnie
    NewVonnie Posts: 683 Member
    Diet Pepsi is SOOO bad for you...but Diet Coke is fine. Drink that. :wink:
  • I only really ever drank caffeine free soda like Sprite. Sometimes Coke when mixed with alcohol. I gave it up as a New Year's res. back in 2007( I think...been so long I can't remember for sure) and haven't missed it since. My skin and hair looked so much better and I lost a little bit of weight. Every once in awhile I'll take a sip from my bf's soda and it burns so bad and tastes nasty. Reminds me why I gave it up and that I'm not missing anything! People still act like I'm some sort of alien or something when I say I don't drink soda but whatever.
  • :happy: i have , i used to drink a lot of soda everyday , i gave up soda all together since 2000 and have no desire for it at all. in fact i did try it once and i didnt like it the taste and feeling of bubbles in my mouth it was funny to me
  • I hardly ever drink soda UNLESS I am mixing it with Captain Morgan. Capt. & Diet is pretty much my favorite drink. But without that, I don't really like soda that much.
  • Kamalka
    Kamalka Posts: 164 Member
    Was not a fan...and many people think about food when we talk diet, but drinks are included. Have 5 beers on Friday night, 1 coke on saturday and juices on just gained 1 lb of pure fat.

    I keep 1 coffee in the morning (coffee deshydrates so I avoid during the day) with homemade fresh orange juice, then it is green tea and 2-4 liters of water the rest of the day...I really do not miss sodas, maybe more alcohol (I keep a beer/week) :drinker:
  • I drink mostly water, green tea and just one coffee when I wake up.
    Before I had kids I was cabin crew and instead of eating I would drink diet coke .
    I had really bad eating habits, living on cucumber sticks, rivita and low fat soft cheese and diet coke and I weighed around 100 lbs, it was really terrible.
    Now I wont touch it .
  • I have dranked diet coke and diet dp for years and I drink 16oz a day but starting today I am going to try and give them up. I am going to trade my cokes for lemon water because I read on the net today where lemon water helps with water retention. So I am giving it a whril to see how it goes
  • I started the same routine gave up soda this year and don't crave it, my mind doesn't even care and if I aim to sip a few, it almost seems gross. I also drink, coffee, tea, water and milk. I need more motivation to keep saying no to those artificial sweeteners. I am sure to see a big change in a few months. Good job!
  • SongbirdTrisha
    SongbirdTrisha Posts: 28 Member
    Oh hell no! I would NEVER give up my soda! I haven't had a regular soda in a looong time, I've switched to diet... since then I've been drinking maybe 1 regular size can per day. Some days I might have 2, but I try to drink mostly water.

    I LOVE SODA!!!!

    I have two in the morning- its my coffee- and drink water the rest of the day (and a hit of almond or soy milk). Sometimes I go on "binges" where I drink up to 4 cans of Diet Pepsi! It is SOOO hard for me to quit!
  • sms1986
    sms1986 Posts: 113 Member
    I used to drink way too much Diet Coke (in fact, sometimes I would buy a fifteen pack of Diet Coke cans on a Saturday evening, stay up all night Saturday drinking it whilst on my computer and all fifteen cans would be drunk by Monday morning). I haven't drunk it for about a year or so now, and don't intend to ever drink it again. I sometimes drink normal Coke, but I've not really done so for a few months.
  • RogerF765
    RogerF765 Posts: 113
    I used to drink it daily then switched to diet because I was feeling like crap on the regular. After a while a while the diet started giving me headaches so I went back to regular but in moderation. Now to me the taste of diet is absolutely revolting and I have weaned myself down to the point I'll maybe have one every couple of months if that often. Now I mostly drink water and unsweetened tea (both green and regular). I feel about 1000% better without it in my diet.