


  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    My husband eats what I put on the table...if he wants something different, he knows where the kitchen is.

    LOL Totally agree! :)
  • cherriewilliams
    cherriewilliams Posts: 107 Member
    The past year I have had problems because I have had to move back in with my mother who is 5'4" and 360 lbs. Then I moved in with my ex inlaws all because I have had to have surgery and can't work and have kids. last year I was very active and lost 20 lbs but since living with these people and having knee surgery I gained it all back. I am starting over now because after having surgery on my knee I had to wear sweat pants and PJs for two months and when I healed up and tried to put on my jeans they didn't fit.
  • brandyosu
    brandyosu Posts: 257 Member
    I make the meals, so my husband and kids eat what I do. I can understand your pain, though. It would be really, really hard sitting and watching them eat something completely different that i wanted, too.
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    Sounds like my house!
  • nahralynn
    nahralynn Posts: 125 Member
    Ah .. i'm struggling with this too as well! My boyfriend is thin and can eat pretty much anything .. and he does. He will eat what I make of course, but there are times when he wants to go get jack in the box, or in-n-out (my 2 fave fast food) and it's so hard to say no to what used to be my favorite burgers! I've been able to say no to when he makes boxed mac & cheese and asks if I want some or 'want a taste' .. its hard but doable because it's not like he's holding me down and forcing me to eat it. It's my choice and I choose to eat better things now!

    I'm also struggling with being active with him. We are obviously at different activity levels. So when we go for walks or bike rides i'm sure he's bored having to go slower because of me. However I don't like to exercise by myself (I don't have any friends around this area yet, and no money for a gym) so he's my partner in this. Or suppose to be my partner. We've spent the last 4 hours 'thinking' about what kind of activity we want to do today and he's still sitting on his butt watching tv. Now he's going to go watch football with some friends. I feel a little dropped and pushed aside (even though I was invited, but i'm not a football fan, and I eat when i'm bored).
  • azlady7
    azlady7 Posts: 471 Member
    it sometimes has been difficult for me, but over the last two years i have learned how crappy i feel if i eat that kind of stuff. its equivalant to purposefully getting sick. i dont. but there are some temptations, i have 3 teens in my home sooooo yeah. i shop for all the foods in my home, and i do buy few and limited junk. For example, i only buy 2 boxes of mac and cheese for the month. make it last. so its better than it was. and it helps that my husband has been put under orders by the dr. to eat better. (he is skinny fat and its taken its toll) so now he is driving me nuts pointing out how much sodium or what not is in something I am eating. le sigh.
  • deepset
    deepset Posts: 5 Member
    You're so not alone! I've been dealing with it for years. i do my best to eat as healthy as possible and living with my boyfriend who's basically the complete opposite it doesn't help. I've learned over years that I get sucked in usually late evenings, but lately I've been pretty strong.

    Honestly its about just not giving in. He knows I'm always eating as best as I can so he's been doing the same, BUT he still eats whatever he wants. Which is fine. I do my best to keep fresh fruit, or portioned out fruits and veggies on hand so if I feel weak, I don't turn to what he's having instead get off my *kitten* and get the snacks that are better for you.

    Just stay strong! It's ok to indulge, just keep your portions in check. Having a couple of chips or a piece of chocolate won't hurt. It will satisfy, just in reasonable portions.
  • Soozie1978
    Soozie1978 Posts: 138 Member
    We all seem to have that problem. The one I feel sorry for is my 16 year old son. He eats healthy most of the time, but does love his burgers! He works out in sports 2-3 hours a day, sometimes staying to work on weights extra. He rarely drinks soda, and he is still somewhat overweight. The boy next door has never eaten fruit - refuses to try - eats red meat, chocolate milk, donuts, and cookies all day long. If he eats chicken, its fried. This boy is so thin his bones stick out. Just seems like life's not fair sometimes.
  • lamilli09
    lamilli09 Posts: 354 Member
    I understand! My roommates eat junk food like it's their job - take out, fried food, frozen food, lots of soda. It's hard to sit down to a plate of vegetables when they sit down to pizza and burgers. It's really hard. And sometimes I cave. But for me, I think about how much better my body will look after 6 months of vegetables compared to how it would look after 6 months of fried food.
    It's not easy. Most of the time it's really hard. But the best of luck to you! I'm sure there are boatloads of people on MFP who understand! Just stay strong! You can do it!
  • 2hungariangirls
    My husband eats what I put on the table...if he wants something different, he knows where the kitchen is.

    Absolutely! :) This is my house.
  • J3n1f3r
    J3n1f3r Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, that is how my husband is! Eats whatever he wants and it gets very tempting.... I just started loggin back into MFP and hope to be able to stay on board this time! Keep up the good work!
  • abbygdill
    Yes, my husband and 7 yr. old son had hot dogs and mac & cheese for lunch. I had a 1/2 a tuna sandwhich with avocado and a small salad with carrot juice. But hang in there. I'm cooking healthier and my family joins me during the week, but on the week end they are on their own. I keep on eating healthier because I know it is good for my body.