new to the site and looking for friends

Hi all im new to this and im looking for friends on here to help keep me motivated and swap tips!! Im age 28, 5ft 3" and weigh 16 stone 10 pounds and have a long road to my ideal weight !

looking for this to be a change in life style not just a diet.

I started to pile on my weight when i was 16 after i lost my dad to cancer i just got bigger and bigger!!
I hide behind my happy go lucky personality but inside im very unhappy with how ive let my self get this big!

Im also looking to start a family but with weight its not an option at presant.

anyone wanting a buddy please add me !!

lets start living not existing!!


  • KatMoore1
    Welcome and good luck! I'm just starting out but feel free to add me for some motivation and support :)
  • forty4dwarf
    Good afternoon. Just getting started. 62 yr old Grandma that still has a lot of life left in me. Going to visit my Grandkids in Germany this june and I want to be able to go sightseeing with them without my body hurting at the end of the day. I'll take all the tips i can get. Just need help to keep motivated.
  • tessacraig
    tessacraig Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Jade
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal. :smile:
  • 1984jade
    Hi hope your well!
  • 170to117
    I had a different account, but I wanted to change it, do this is my new one...ten pounds lost so far, add me :)