In need of reassurance and a little help.

Im a 27 year old female, I have a daughter who just turned 3. I am working at losing that extra baby weight I have left from my pregnancy. Im going on vacation to North Carolina (the beach) in July and would like to wear a cute bathing suit and be comfortable. I am 5'2" and 159.9lbs. 3 weeks ago I stopped eating fast food, stopped drinking pop, and cut out 95% of the sweets I was eating. I weighed 163lbs 3 weeks ago and lost 4lbs just by cutting that junk out of my diet. A friend referred me to MFP and I have been addicted ever since. I have been keeping strict and as accurate as possible of a food log and started exercising. I have been eating around 1200 calories a day, some days I dont make it that much but I have never went over that. The foods that I eat are "healthy" foods. But I havent seen any change at all and its discouraging. I know it takes time and hard work. But my husband isnt very supportive. Hes on board with me doing this, but if I ask him if he thinks i can do this all he says is "yea". I need to hear from people who are going through or have gone through the same feelings of doubt and disgust as I am. I want to lose the weight really bad and I feel I can do it but I dont believe it will actually happen. Help!!! :-(


  • your ROCK and your GOING to do this!!! I'm gonna help you!! We are gonna look skinny and HOTTT on that beach!! Well you will I hope to be prego hahahha
  • I have similar doubts. I have two kiddos (2 and 5 yrs old) and I feel they forever changed my body. For some reason every time I try to lose weight/stick to my diet I feel like nothing changes. I can go for 2 weeks straight and if I don't see any changes in that time I get incredibly frustrated and binge. I somehow get to thinking that I'm different and what works for everyone else won't work for me, but that's so silly! Let's do this together!!
  • mllowe2
    mllowe2 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm pretty much in the same boat! I started p90x with my husband 2 weeks ago and am on a 1200 calorie diet, high in protein. I've been eating lots of salad and greek yogurt! I've lost 1 pound and am really frustrated and all my husband says is "you'll get there." I'm not giving up though and neither should you. My goal is also to get into a cute bathing suit by the time we go to Florida at the end of July. I have 45 pounds (at least) to lose! I'm determined to do this and will gladly lend some support when needed! Good luck!! :happy:
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,493 Member
    You can certainly do it! I started this time last year with the same goal in mind. Our trip to NC beaches (Kitty Hawk). Give yourself time and remember weight did not come on over night and will not leave that way. Good luck! And feel free to add me as a friend if you would like.
  • MalibuBeth
    MalibuBeth Posts: 87 Member
    I know how you feel hunnie! but from everything I have read on this site, you need to have patience, and stick to the plan. work the system. it's not going to be easy, but then again nothing we ever REALLY want is, so got to put in the work.

    we're here for you! let's do it together!
  • :flowerforyou: You can do it! You already have a goal. Keep praying and don't lose focus. As far as your spouse, pray for him too so that his heart will be changed to share your desire. If he cannot get on board with you, you still keep on going to do what is best for you and your family. God bless and MFB is wonderful.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I have been keeping strict and as accurate as possible of a food log and started exercising. I have been eating around 1200 calories a day, some days I dont make it that much but I have never went over that. The foods that I eat are "healthy" foods. But I havent seen any change at all and its discouraging.

    Are you eating back your exercise calories? 1200 calories is pretty low, and when you add working out on top of that, you're probably not eating enough to support your body. You don't have "that" much to lose, and a lot of time to lose it in. Don't rush it, don't make it such a drastic change - make it something you can stick with. You'll start to feel tired chasing around your 3 year old if you aren't eating enough. Also, make sure you're getting enough rest. Your body needs a chance to repair itself from the exercise stress. It will happen - dont force it :)
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Patience, there is not hard and fast answer. If you are very active you may not be getting enough calories. I know, weird, but it does work that way. Maybe drop your goal back to 0.5 lbs a week and eat to that. I had mine on 1 lb per week, lost zip, upped my calories and my body said, "hmm, we have some extra to get rid of this old fat" and off I went. I'll take a 1/2 pound a week, lol, it's better than being plateau'd. If you don't have a lot to lose it's also a lot tougher than for those of us who started out much heavier. So be patient, maybe figure out how to move a bit more (dance with your daughter, get into a rousing game of tag, or something like that, its good for them and you. Even at 3 my kids loved to be chased by mom.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Here is what I have to say "If I can do it, YOU can do it!" :laugh:

    Most of us here think it cannot be done. We are so used to instantaneous responses (take a Tylenol, headache gone) that we don't have the patience to wait this out.

    I was 48 when I started this, 8 yrs post menopause, neck injury , 50 lbs overweight..........but worse I was had no confidence or stamina. I worked my way up to losing 36 pounds. I felt younger than I did at 30 and I have to admit it must have been the exercise, because after the past year of not exercising I am feeling old again.

    Only gained back 10 or 15 pounds because I am HERE!!

    What was awesome for me was to measure my body. THIS showed results before the scale. I won't get into it because I really don't understand the science behind it, but same weight-smaller size is all I had to see!! :wink:


    (the ad for toenail fungus has helped me save 300 calories this morning alone:sick:) :laugh:
  • JoanneLynn
    JoanneLynn Posts: 156 Member
    I'm 5.2 and eat between 1200 and 1400 calories. I try not to eat back my exercise calories. I had only lost 0.5 pounds for November and December. I reviewed what I had eaten for those months. I realized that I was eating an average at my high end or slightly over. I reduced my calorie intake to be at my lower end and reduced my sodium level from 2900 mg to 1900 mg. This made a big differences in my weight loss. Since the first of January I have been losing an average on one pound per week. I have my target weight loss set to 0.5 per week. I am happy with losing 3 pounds a month. Goal target for the year 26 pounds. This is a lifestyle change for me. Healthy eat. Good Luck!
  • derhea
    derhea Posts: 5
    Thank you everyone for the advice and support!

    I do not eat back my calories from working out. I'm also thinking I am probably hitting 1200 cals or a little more everyday, just because some of the recipes I make I have to enter my own recipes on here and I dont always have the same ingredients on here that I have in the recipe. So the calories are a little off, but nothing big.

    Another problem Im having is finding different cardio to do. I cant go to a gym due to my husbands and mines schedules and having my daughter with me. So I have to work out at home. I dont have any exercise equipment. All I have are videos and the internet. Since I have never worked out before I dont know what will help me the best as far as cardio exercise and losing weight. I have worked up to using 3lb weights with an aerobic video I have.

    This is all so new and scarey, and frustrating at times because I am really motivated to do this but I feel stuck!
  • I know what you mean. I joined in December and kept up for a bit. I added a friend. Then, I dropped off. My reports keep telling me that I need to eat more, but I have gastro-issues and I cannot take in any more food than what I record on my intake. I still haven't stopped drinking soda which just hurts my feelings. I am addicted to it. I do believe that is why I have so many internal issues because I've been addicted to soda since I was a teen. I mean, I can drink a case in 2 days! There are days when I need help but am too proud? to ask for help. I post blogs but no one really reads them. That saddens me but I keep the faith, read my scriptures, and I picked my exercise regime back up. Good luck. I don't think you are alone.
  • Try going from soda to seltzer water. My daughter has done great with that! I am just starting this and am determined to lose 25 pounds!