I'm so hungry



  • I find a snack between each of the three main meals and a hot drink helps keep the hunger pangs at bay. So I have breakfast around 7.30am, then morning tea (usually four prunes plus hot drink) at 10am, then lunch around 12.30, a snack mid afternoon (usually fruit and hot drink), then dinner. Because we eat dinner early then I have another snack around 8pm, again with a hot drink. I do get a bit hungry (but I figure you should get to each meal hungry, but not ravenous IYKWIM), but its manageable and never very long between meals.
  • kalexander2005
    kalexander2005 Posts: 223 Member
    Ok, so I have the goal of 1,600 calories a day, and I know that is much higher than some people are sticking too, but I feel so hungry all day long! I have always been a "grazer" and a bored eater, always snacking throughout the day and taking in WAY more calories than I needed to be (hense why I am trying to lose weight). What can I do to help with this feeling? I've been staring down a box of donuts all afternoon and fighting the urge to just abandon this whole thing!

    I started exactly what you are doing per doctor's instructions, and for one month I ate 1600 calories per day. That was fine. I lost 9 pounds then froze there for a week and I was starving! I changed to low carb and it's made all the difference in the world. So far, down a total of 32 pounds and it just slips off week after week without the hunger. Check out Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure. One cool site meandjorge.com

    Good luck!
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Peraps you're just not ready to go on this journey? When you are, you'll find that nothing will be a barrier to your success... It comes down to how bad you want it, and how hard your willing to play.

    How is this good advice? Of course she is ready or she wouldn't be here. Nothing in life worth earning has an easy path, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't want it bad enough. Sometimes it is about finding the right balance, which is why people reach out for help.

    As to the question - I agree with the other posters...balance lean protein with whole wheat and fiber as well as a good mix of veggies and fruits. I know it is hard when you aren't a veggie fan...just try to squeeze them in. My daughter hates veggies, but is okay with them when I add veggies to soups, pastas, etc. When I make spagetti with whole wheat pasta, I add steamed veggies such as zuchinni and winter or summer squash and sweet peppers to the pasta sauce. She loves it that way. If you don't like looking at them...puree the veggies into the sauce. Super yummy
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I have protein with EVERY meal - I'm certain that's what makes the difference as to whether you can make it through the day without starving.
    I'm also a calorie conservationist - I never let myself run out for fear that I *might* be hungry later and not able to have anything!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Peraps you're just not ready to go on this journey? When you are, you'll find that nothing will be a barrier to your success... It comes down to how bad you want it, and how hard your willing to play

    I actually agree with this - once your mind is really made up less will-power is required.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    Peraps you're just not ready to go on this journey? When you are, you'll find that nothing will be a barrier to your success... It comes down to how bad you want it, and how hard your willing to play.

    How is this good advice? Of course she is ready or she wouldn't be here. Nothing in life worth earning has an easy path, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't want it bad enough. Sometimes it is about finding the right balance, which is why people reach out for help.
    Because it doesnt matter how much water you drink, protein you are eating, whether your diary is open for public or any other tips (most of which are great by the way!) if you find you want to give in over a box of donuts - you will only beat yourself up, quit and never come back. You have to have your head ready - or you will yo-yo, and gain and lose the same few pounds over and over again until you do. Its tough, and just having your head right doesnt make it easy - but you need will power and a desire to finish what you start. Today its donuts, tomorrow will be something else. There will always be barriers/hurdles/temptations and you need to know you can (and really really want to) overcome them. It takes more than registering on a free website to be ready.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Ok, so I have the goal of 1,600 calories a day, and I know that is much higher than some people are sticking too, but I feel so hungry all day long! I have always been a "grazer" and a bored eater, always snacking throughout the day and taking in WAY more calories than I needed to be (hense why I am trying to lose weight). What can I do to help with this feeling? I've been staring down a box of donuts all afternoon and fighting the urge to just abandon this whole thing!

    Well first thing you need to do is abandon the so-called "Motivation" section. 90% of the people here are like any other forum, full of opinions that THEY think are the best no matter how you think or feel. They'll tell you everything they can to prove they are right and you are wrong. Get a network of friends that will at least try to work with your needs instead of calling you a food and diet sinner.

    You need to be sure that you're actually hungry and not just craving donuts (like I am right now after reading this lol). If you need to, get rid of the donuts, like someone else said "out of sight out of mind". Tea helps me feel less full. I don't drink much water because 1. i hate the taste and 2. it makes me sick to my stomach.

    If you are actually hungry, then eat. It doesn't have to be a huge calorie snack either.
  • kiwianjel
    kiwianjel Posts: 80 Member
    I was a bit like you now when I feel the urge to snack I drink Green tea... fills you up and has no calories :) Just a thought ..
  • Ok, so I have the goal of 1,600 calories a day, and I know that is much higher than some people are sticking too, but I feel so hungry all day long! I have always been a "grazer" and a bored eater, always snacking throughout the day and taking in WAY more calories than I needed to be (hense why I am trying to lose weight). What can I do to help with this feeling? I've been staring down a box of donuts all afternoon and fighting the urge to just abandon this whole thing!

    Well first thing you need to do is abandon the so-called "Motivation" section. 90% of the people here are like any other forum, full of opinions that THEY think are the best no matter how you think or feel. They'll tell you everything they can to prove they are right and you are wrong. Get a network of friends that will at least try to work with your needs instead of calling you a food and diet sinner.

    You need to be sure that you're actually hungry and not just craving donuts (like I am right now after reading this lol). If you need to, get rid of the donuts, like someone else said "out of sight out of mind". Tea helps me feel less full. I don't drink much water because 1. i hate the taste and 2. it makes me sick to my stomach.

    If you are actually hungry, then eat. It doesn't have to be a huge calorie snack either.

    amen, if I have learned anything, this place is full of know it alls and people who think it's cool to fight over the internet. Find a few reasonable cool headed people and friend them and use your profile wall to communicate.
  • Munchi8175
    Munchi8175 Posts: 73 Member
    1) Make sure that the calories you use up until you meet your limit are good filling foods. ie: I could eat ice cream and candy bars and stay under my allowance but I would still be hungry because those are hollow calories.

    2) Log the snack you are eating BEFORE you consume it so that you can see how the snacks that you are grazing on will affect your day before they are in your body.

    3) If you decide to have the snack anyway and go over, make yourself exercise to earn extra calories to offset the extra eating.

    4) Have low calorie foods like dill pickles, radishes, and celery available. The act of chewing them will make your body feel full without hitting your calories hard.

    5) Put a picture of something that will motivate you to be thin (an old picture of you when you were skinny, a wedding dress if you're trying to lose for a wedding, etc) on the door of the cupboard where snacks are kept or fridge door so that on your way to get the snack, you are reminded of why you are trying to have a healthier way of life.

    6) Have other low-calorie snack alternatives. http://www.greatist.com/health/88-unexpected-snacks-under-100-calories/
  • Well, I weighed myself this morning and found that I have lost 1/2 a pound. Not a whole lot, but it's a start and it has definitely given me an extra boost towards sticking with this! I have tried so many diets and exercise plans over the years, but now that I have a daughter I really want to be healthy for her. She is my major motivation. I know this is going to be hard, but I am ready to stick with it. Of course, I started this out by trying to simply have only my allotted calories eating all of the foods I normally would and just pay attention to the portions. While this (kinda) worked, I do realize I need to make a bigger change by substituting things like whole grain pasta for regular pasta and kicking the soda out of my life in exchange for water.

    Thank you all for the advise! It really is helpful!
  • jenmovies
    jenmovies Posts: 346 Member
    For iddreams: What the what! Did you really lose nearly 200 lbs? That is AWESOME! Congrats! :happy:

    I see things like this and I totally lose all hunger. haha So impressed.
  • The Donuts will make you happy for like a few seconds!!! Remember a moment on the lips a lifetime on the hips!!! Give the donuts AWAY!!!
  • brighteyesxluv
    brighteyesxluv Posts: 334 Member
    i eat 1200 a day. i know this may not be of any help, but i really love breakfast(yes im going somewhere with this). I make breakfast my biggest meal. all healthy foods but a lot of them to fill me up and then i have a light lunch and "medium" or light dinner. it works for me. i somehow managed to drop 5lb last week!...whenever your hungriest throughout the day..eat your meal then...but preplan it. and leave stuff in bags. like a small bag of nuts. or a premade sandwich from the night before. and leave it in a little pile on the counter. so you know when your hungry it's already there and that's what your allowed. I organize my moms meals for her and also leave her snacks or lunch on the counter so she can eat what parts of it whenever she wants. sometimes your not hungry at all and then an hour later you could chew your own food of. it's hard fighting yourself. but it's worth it. i exercise 5 days a week, and that also helps. i do tae bo and elliptical machine. some days when im hungry ill eat some of my exercise calories. only by about 100-200.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I eat all day with MFP. I am also on the same intake as you and I get embarrassed at work because I am literally eating all day. Granted I never get to eat the big huge meals that got me to where I am today. However, I literally have 6 meals a day. Just divide your cals up evenly through six meals (which will have you eating every few hours) I very rarely get hungry (and portions has always been my issue)...and I agree drink loads of water. I drink so much water my pee comes out the same color it went in...lol (sorry for the TMI) :laugh:
  • In my opinion, it's all about WHAT you eat. Try to decrease your carbs (rice, pasta, etc... keep the fruit and veggies though!) and increase your protein (eggs, tuna, chicken, fish, turkey, powder, etc...)

    Also, try eating a smaller meal every 3 hours, rather than 3 main meals per day. You will never feel bloated this way, but you will always have something to look forward to!

    Breakfast = 300 calories
    Snack = 250 calories
    Lunch = 300 calories
    Snack = 250 calories
    Dinner = 500 calories

    Tea, Costco Shake, Medium Banana
    Tea, 2 Small Turkey Sausages, Cranberry Oatmeal Package
    Tea, Egg White Omelet, 1 Ryvita Cracker, 2 Small Turkey Sausages
    Tea, Weight Watchers Bagel, 2 Cheese Triangles

    2 Boiled Eggs, 82g Cucumber, 82g Baby Carrots, 5 Canapes Rounds
    Orange, 18g Raw Almonds & 30g Dried Apricots
    Individual Applesauce Cup, 140 calorie Almond Package, Fruit of Choise
    Large Apple & 1 Tablespoon Peanut Butter (only like 175 calories)
    Medium Apple & 2 Individual Greek Yogurt
    Planter's Trailmix (160 cals) and Fruit
    Vita Top Muffin, Fruit & Individual Vanilla Greek Yogurt
    1 Boiled Egg Egg, 1 Cheese Round, 7 Canapes Rounds, 82g Cucumber, 82g Baby Carrots

    Costco Shake & Medium Banana
    Apple Salad & 3 Ryvita Crackers
    Chicken Rice Soup & Fruit Cup
    1/2 Can Chicken Flakes, 1 tbsp. Mayo & 6 Melba Toasts, Veggie Sticks, and Fruit
    Any Protein & Cooked Vegetables
    Chicken Brocolli with SMALL amount of wheat rice
    2 Devilled Eggs, 5 Canapes Rounds, 1 Cheese Round, 82g Cucumber, 82g Baby Carrots
    1 Egg, Cheese Round, 5 Canapes, 82g Cucumber, 82g Baby Carrots 223

    If you are snacky in the evening, then reduce your dinner calories and add a snack.

  • after a few days you body gets use too less calories but dont consume dame every days has you body needs too be confused too lose weight feel free too add me any lets reach our goals together
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    Aim for more filling foods, I have porridge for breakfast made with slimline milk and with a teaspoon of low cal blackcurrant jam, it really really fills me up! Then for lunch have a bagel with loads of salad, or a thick soup, both filling also. You can have spag bol etc for dinner. For snacking, got for yoghurts such as muller rice, which would be filling! Open your diary to public so we can see what you're having and suggest things more filling but similar xx