Jillian Michael 30 day shred?

I have got it and i want to know if any one else is doing it and had success?

or have had success with it?


  • ktina08
    ktina08 Posts: 10 Member
    I finished day 10 today. You can really feel it working. Hang in there after the first couple of days. It does get better
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    august last year i got to level 2 of the 30 day shred, and i saw some good results!

    i really wished i had kept to it, but i found it really hard :(
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    There are a few people who have had amazing success with this, check out the success stories section. I have it and its a great work out.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I just did day 1 yesterday (will do day 2 tomorrow). I've seen a lot of people on these boards have success with the program! Amazing changes in the way their bodies look and their endurance!
  • laura328
    laura328 Posts: 136 Member
    i'm starting level 2 tomorrow but am not on it 7 days a week so it will take me longer than 30 days. i'm doing other cardio stuff too and her nmtz on the weekends because i find that one to be much more challenging and i have more time for nmtz on the weekends. i'm seeing results in inches lost. i have not weighed since i started because i've heard almost universally that you gain doing jillian's dvds and even though i know im losing inches, it will crush my motivation if i see that number on the scale go up!
  • nickipivtoran
    I plan on buying it, heard it was good!:happy:
  • georgia98_98
    georgia98_98 Posts: 123 Member
    I have not, but do have Bob's boot camp... I will start level 2 tomorrow... Loving it.. The first 3 days was tough.. I am sure it will be the same on level 2... :ohwell:
  • agentkate
    It is super tough (even Level One) but is really very efficient. One of my favorite workout videos. Jillian is totally inspiring-- the things she says stay with me throughout the day.
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    I have the DVD waiting for me to work up the courage to start it! I'm not sure if I'm fit enough yet and don't want to do myself an injury :)
  • m_nicole29
    Hi there I'm halfway through the program right now. Finished day 15 tonight. I switched it up just a little bit rather than 10 days each. I've done 8 days of level 1 then moved onto level 2 because I felt I was ready to progress. I've done 7 days of level 2 so far. I'm going to do one more day of level 2 (tomorrow) then do 8 days of level 3. That will take me to 24 days and for my last 6 days I'm going to do level 1, level 2, level 3, then repeat one more time and i'll be finished the program lol I know it may sound confusing but it's what worked for me and it kind of helped me from becoming bored doing 10 consecutive days of each.

    So far with only being halfway through I've lost 7 lbs, so thankfully it's working :)
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I have the DVD waiting for me to work up the courage to start it! I'm not sure if I'm fit enough yet and don't want to do myself an injury :)

    Luckily, she has one of the girls doing modified versions of the moves so it's not as strenuous. Perhaps try that?
  • suzzann666
    suzzann666 Posts: 334 Member
    finished day 4 today, and i'm doing it in conjunction with her 6 week 6 pack (or part of it at least!)
    i can definitely feel it
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I started Level 2 tonight. I love this DVD. I only did Level 1 for 6 days (spread over 2 weeks) for various reasons, but felt I was strong enough to move on and was getting a little bored as well. Level 2 definately pushed me, but I didn't find it terribly difficult. I enjoy the exercises of Level 2 much more than Level 1 though! I already see a noticeable difference in my muscle tone and endurance level.
  • northwjj
    northwjj Posts: 43 Member
    I just did level 2 day 1 and it kicked my butt. I found it hard and I hope I can stick with it. I felt like I had to stop and catch my breath a few times. I usually did the modified version of the exercises in level one but today I tried to do the full version and when I got tired I switched to the modified. I also am not coordinated and it took me a few trys to get the hang of some of the exercises. I haven't remeasured since starting but I "feel" great and "feel" like I'm losing inches. I have seen so many great results on this site that I hope it will keep me motivated. But to be honest, today I was a bit frustrated. Back at it tommorrow though. Not to mention I was very sweaty but only burned 150 calories....wth?!?!
  • Kittie_Kat
    I just got done with day 3 (Ive tried it in the past and got to day 8, but had no motivation) Now I do and I'm doing great, Im only on day 3 but I can already tell It's getting so much better...stick to it and you should see some results
  • drea73
    drea73 Posts: 20
    I have done it and liked it, I did not bored after a while with the same workout. Now I do it occasionally when I am short on time and need a quick workout and don't want to do nothing at all.

    It will make you sweat in 20 min for sure
  • Lyndzer
    Lyndzer Posts: 41
    If you check the success stories board, there are many people who have done/are in the middle of doing this and have posted pics of some fantastic results!

    I am starting 30 DS tomorrow, after that I intend to do her ripped in 30 work out!

    people tend to see results all over , but most people show results in the back first with this work out. if you are going to do before/after pics ( as you should so you can see your progress) make sure you do a back shot too.

    remember your scale might not read you are losing weight because you are going to be building muscle with this. :o) good luck! and good luck to me toooo! lets stick with it!
  • xHanniee
    I've started the 30 day shred this week, its pretty good so far, try it for yourself though :)